Summary: She was the new, shy and insecure girl. He was the hot, emotionless and reserved guy. He found out her hidden strength, she found out his hidden secret. Only he could break her barrier, only she could touch his heart. What happens next? SasuSaku

A/N: Hey well this is a story I'm writing for a competition, though there is slight changes in this one compared to the entry one such as names. So please enjoy and review. It will get better trust me. Oh and Hinata isn't shy in this cause I need Sakura to be obviously so she will be a lot braver.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto



Hidden Strengths

Chapter one

Sakura was woken once more by the dreaded sound of her alarm clock which usually signaled the time where she had to get out of her dream like state and once again face reality.

"I really despise whoever invented those things" Sakura grumbled as she attempted to sit up and rub the sleep out of her eyes. Then with very little effort she made her way to the bathroom and started her usual morning schedule.

"Same life, same routine just a different day" She said to herself, sighing as she looked at her appearance in the mirror. Staring back at her was a small skinny girl with medium length unusual pink hair and very bright piercing green eyes. The girl in the mirror was wearing the normal uniform for her school, which was a blue and white pleated skirt, a white shirt, navy stockings and a navy jumper with the school's name and logo stitched on the front. Giving her hair a quick brush, Sakura smiled weakly at herself before gathering her things and heading downstairs.

"Once again no morning greeting at all" She sighed as she grabbed and apple off the counter and bit into it.

Ever since the death of her brother Sakura had practically grew up alone. Her parents always fought and were barely home, both always away on so called business trips. She had two other older siblings they her parents left her with but they didn't really know what her siblings were like.

Her older brother was an alcoholic, and also a druggie. She hated the way he poisoned his body and would say something but he was extremely abusive. Lucky for her he, though their parents didn't know, lived on the other side of town with his friends and all his money he made for selling drugs.

Her sister was the same, except she wasn't into drugs. Instead she lived with a bunch of girls and made her money by practically selling her body. Sakura didn't know much about her except that if Sakura ever told her parents her sister would make her life more miserable than it already was. This was enough of a reason to stay out of their lives, for her own safety.

So here she was in a new town and once again all alone to fend for herself. Out of the money left by her parents she got none of it, having to instead live of her pocket money. Luckily she got quite a lot of pocket money; this was only so her parents didn't have to put up with her. They had sent her and her two siblings to live here while they went on business trips. Her siblings had already taken off back to their old town but this didn't bother Sakura. She was use to being alone and it was all she had known.

She opened the front door only to be greeted by the suns ray as she headed out for the bus stop. Sakura was actually looking forward to today. It was her first day at her new school and apart of her couldn't wait for it to start. Though another part was a little nervous and scared at the prospect of it.

At the age of sixteen Sakura was a rather insecure teenager and quiet achiever so to speak. She had never been one to talk out loud or speak up for herself. This was probably due to her threatening and hard childhood. In fact ever since the death of her brother she had become very isolated and excluded from society. She made sure to do all she could not to stand out, not that it was difficult. She wasn't an exceptional student or anything, actually she was rather average and didn't have any real talents. Except that of signing which she preferred not to do.

All her life it was always her and her brother. They had stuck by each other when everybody left. Then he was taken from her three years ago leaving her alone. Sakura didn't know how to make friends or open up to people so instead she closed herself off, feeling that it was easier and safer. The bottom line was everyone Sakura got close to always left. All her friends, her family and her brother. So it was easier just not to let people in anymore, it was the only way she could make sure that she wouldn't get hurt again. She was too scared to she knew.

Her moment of thought was broken as she arrived at the bus stop and her eyes fell upon that of a male. Saying he was cute would have been an understatement. He had shaggy raven colored hair that stuck up a bit yet fell nicely around his face and a body of a god. He was wearing the school uniform that looked baggy on him, with his hands in his pockets and a stoic facial expression. Then he turned around and met her eye, his dark onyx ones clashing with her emerald ones.

Sakura quickly turned away to hide the blush that was forming, it wasn't a good idea to be caught staring as he with looks like that would probably never be interested in her. But that was the way life worked.

The bus arrived shortly and she stepped on hesitantly and tried to spot an empty seat. Unfortunately all were taken up and reluctant to ask anyone, which was of course traced to her rather shy nature, she decided to stand instead. This wasn't one of her best ideas for the moment the bust started she was thrown forward and had to grab a nearby pole to steady herself.

"Shit" she mumbled as an impatient sound met her ears.

"Your welcome to sit you know" a male said as she turned and met the male from earlier.

"Um I um" was her reply as the male raised an eyebrow. He could tell she was nervous and found it a little amusing.

"That's if you don't prefer standing" he exclaimed as she smiled shyly and sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry it's just that…" she trailed off trying to find an excuse as he smirked.

"You're shy" he finished for her as she nodded. The guy made the same impatient sound then turned to stare out the window. She rubbed her hands together and sat back. She was a little nervous sitting next to him. His face was so emotionless and his eyes were so cold. It frightened her little. She could tell he was very reserved and sitting next to him was making her uncomfortable.

"You're new" he said startling her. It wasn't a question but rather a statement. Still Sakura nodded in reply as he made that sound again.

"How old" he asked after while.

"I'm sixteen" she told him, then added "Nearly seventeen."

"Ah" was his reply then seeing her looking curiously at him he sighed. "I'm seventeen"

Sakura nodded her understanding as he turned away once more. She knew she was young for her age and wasn't surprised by his answer. It only meant that he was in the same year level as her.

She wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. He seemed nice enough true and at least she would know someone. But he was a little scary. Yet at the same time he had a very mysterious aura around him that Sakura felt drawn to. As if she wanted to know him.

"What's your name" He asked, his tone was as emotionless as his face.

"Um Sakura" she replied, not quite sure why she was revealing information she usually didn't give this freely. In fact usually she tried to avoid any conversation with strangers. Yet as she had said before he was different. There was something about him that she liked, that she felt connected to.

"Yours" she enquired, surprising herself a little. She never asked questions to stranger's either. The male eyed her for awhile and his gaze met her eyes. It was as if he could see inside of her, past her wall she always put up. It was as if he was tearing down a little of her barrier by just looking at her. This defiantly was enough to scare her as she turned away.

"Sasuke" he said simply as Sakura nodded, refusing to make eye contact again.

'Why the hell am I so scared how cold he make me feel this nervous and insecure yet at the same time all light. Why was it that the moment our eyes met the rest of the world seemed to stop and why is my heart beating so fast and my face feeling all hot' she asked herself as Sasuke continued to stare at her.

He made that little noise of his again and turned away once more as the bus continued its journey. The rest of the way the two were silent and upon arriving at the school and departing from the bus Sasuke walked past her without even a goodbye. Taking a deep breath Sakura walked through the gates of her new school and looked around.

"Wow its huge" Sakura exclaimed and she wasn't wrong. The buildings where huge and all a marble white. It looked so fancy and proper. Sakura sighed and started waking up the path trying to find the office.

"Great I'm already lost" she mumbled. A loud ringing sound appeared behind her and she jumped out of the way as two guys riding bikes went by. She glared at their retreating figure and saw as one startled a nearby girl making her drop her books everywhere. Running over to her Sakura grabbed one of the books and handed it to her.

"Thanks that guy is so going to pay" she said looking at Sakura with a smile. She was a little taller than herself with long brown hair tied up into two buns. She had hazel eyes and a bright smile.

"Are you ok" Sakura asked as the girl grinned.

"Course, though thanks for your help. Not many people do that around here, though most girls are well I'm trying to watch the use of my bad language so I will just say annoying."

"Oh" Sakura replied as the girl looked her up and down.

"Hey you're new aren't you' she said as Sakura nodded shyly.

"Well I guess I owe you one so I will help you find your way around, I think you're in my year level"

"Oh no that's ok, I didn't do anything really" Sakura said, she didn't want this girl taking pity on her.

"Hey don't worry, you look like you need help and you seem pretty cool. I mean nice" the girl added with a smile. "So I'm happy to help, oh my names Tenten by the way" She held put her hand as Sakura hesitantly took it.


"Well Sakura I assume you need to get to the office" Tenten guessed as Sakura nodded.

"Good. Then let's go"

They talked the whole way. Or more like Tenten told her about herself and the school as Sakura listened and nodded. Tenten had guessed that Sakura was shy and having a friend who use to be so she was more than happy to help out. She knew that it would take awhile to gain her trust but she didn't mind.

Sakura was starting to like this Tenten girl. She was so upfront and honest. Sakura could tell she was a bit of a tomboy judging by the way she looked, as in she was wearing the navy pants instead of skirt, and talked but that didn't bother her. Sakura liked how she was being friendly but not to friendly. Like she respected her personal space.

The only distraction was a bunch of girls running past them giggling and screaming.

"Fan girls" Tenten muttered as Sakura looked at her.

"There are four guys in this school who the girls treat as gods. Though there is one in particular that is more so than the rest. They are a group of obsessing fan girls and have yet to realize that the four boys in question don't like them at all and in fact despise fan girls" Tenten explained with a sigh as Sakura nodded and they continued on their way.

They walked into a small room and Sakura stopped to look around. The wall was decorated with pictures of past student representatives and principles as well as awards. While she was eying the office Tenten approached the lady at the desk to ask for her schedule and locker number.

"Hey Sakura, your locker like right next to me and my friends and your in the same home group as well" Tenten told her as she smiled.

"That means I can introduce you to my friends and we can help you out. I mean that's if that's ok"

"Yeah that would be great, thank you so much" Sakura said as Tenten laughed.

'Then hurry up, class is abut to start"



After putting away her things, Tenten lead her to a classroom close by. Sakura was glad that she had met Tenten or else she was sure she would have gotten lost by now.

"Here we are" Tenten announced as she opened the door to the classroom.

"Don't worry our teacher is always late, I had him last year as well" Tenten explained as she lead her to a table where to other girls were sitting. Sakura quickly looked at them as she nervously followed Tenten.

One of them was sitting on the desk talking loudly to the other. She had long blonde hair which was flowing down her back and was wearing the uniform with long socks instead of tights. Sakura also noticed that she was wearing her skirt shorter than allowed and was wearing a bit too much make up for Sakura's taste.

"That's Ino" Tenten said. "She may look like a pampered little princess and act like a major flirt but she is pretty cool. Well some of the time anyway."

Sakura nodded and turned to the other girl. She looked a lot quieter than her other friends and had short navy hair and very pale eyes. She was also wearing the uniform the same as Sakura herself.

"Hey guys like you to meet the new girl" Tenten called as her two friends looked up.

"Cool I love making new friends" Ino squealed happily as she ran to embrace her. Tenten however put up her hand to stop her.

"Calm down Ino, she's a little shy so don't scare her away already."

"But she's so small and cute" Ino whined as Tenten sighed and shook her head.

"God don't frighten the thing"

"I'm not I was just saying hello" Ino said firmly as Tenten rolled her eyes.

"Yeah and if I let you go any further you probably would have suffocated her"

"Like your one to talk" Ino pointed out.

"Blondes" Tenten muttered as Ino frowned and the other girl just laughed at her friend's behavior.

"What did you say Tenten"

"You heard me Ino" Tenten teased.

"You two cut it out" the other girl said as the two turned to her.

"Anyway Sakura this is Ino or blonde" Tenten introduced as Ino glared at her. "And this is Hinata. Guys this is Sakura"

"Hey nice to meet you" Hinata greeted as Sakura nodded and managed a weak smile.

"Yeah what she said" Ino laughed, sitting next to Hinata who was rolling her eyes.

Sakura sat down next to Tenten on the desk in front of her friends and started listening to their conversation. She still felt a little awkward and pressured around them. Part of her wanted to join in but the other part wanted to shrink away and become invisible.

Just then she was interrupted by a screaming of girls as four boys walked in the class room. The first one was jumping up and down and had spiky blonde hair with bright blue eyes. The next was mumbling something and had dark brown hair shaped like a pineapple. The third was glaring at the girls and had short navy hair and similar eyes to Hinata. She gasped as she saw the last one. It was none other than the boy she had met on the bus, Sasuke.



A/N: Hope you liked it and please review, next chapter should be longer.