Yes, it was suppose to be a oneshot, but now it's a twoshot! And did you guys notice Ratchet and Jazz weren't in that last one?
Ratchet: Geez, I take one day off, and look what happens!
Jazz: Tell me about it.
"Uh, Jack? Jaaaack…Get up, damitall!"
Ratchet promptly kicked the recharging Inventor in the side. A groan, and Wheeljack sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "That was a good nap…" he murmured, wiping the mud off his face. "I guess I shouldn't try pulling any all nighters again, eh Ratch?"
"Obviously not. I request one day off, and this place goes to pieces!" Grumbled Ratchet. "I have to fix everything around here, don't I?" He stalked off.
"Have fun, Ratch. I'm just gonna…" The inventor didn't even finish his sentence. He had fallen into recharge, head down on his desk.
"Bee! What are you doing with those papers?"
The yellow spy jumped, then said, "Nooooothing." He promptly ran off, papers flying everywhere. Ratchet picked one up and laughed slightly.
"Ah, so he finally decided to play with my photo copier. I'll turn him into a blender." He said in a good natured voice.
As Ratchet stomped down the main hall, he noticed something that was never there before. A sign that read, "DANGER. ROBOT MOLE CROSSING."
" 'Robot mole crossing'? What on Cybertron-?" But just then, a rumbling came from and his question was answered.
Several robotic moles, all the size of dairy cows, came thundering by, yipping in an odd language, that Ratchet barely recognized as Cybertronian. He could understand a little of it. The one at the front was yelling, "Flee, my brothers! The Yellow Crusher is coming!" Ratchet was wondering what the hell they were talking about, when the answer came yet again…in the form of Sunny.
"You cannot escape me and my GIANT HAMMER O' DOOM, SILLY MOLES! Come meet your destruction, foolish metal mammals!" Sunny was bellowing this and more as he ran after them. He stopped in front of Ratchet, carrying a giant mallet type weapon. "Hey Ratch. Wanna play 'Whack a Mole'? It can be up to four players!"
"Erm, no thanks." The Medic said, sweatdropping. "Ok. Your loss. Now where was I? Oh, yes. My evil laugh." He laughed evilly and charged after the unfortunate moles.
Ratchet didn't even want to know.
There seemed to be a massive amount of crashing and loud music coming from Arcee's room.
When Ratchet poked his head in, he spotted Jazz…teaching Arcee how to do a strange dance.
"And that's how you do the Electric Slide, my protégé." He said contently. "Now remember: DDR in 5 minutes, 2 rounds on expert, then we'll call it a day until tomorrow."
"Gotcha. Oh, hey, Ratchet." The femme waved at the bemused Medic in the doorway. "I was wondering where you were yesterday."
"Just taking a vacation. Jazz was on vacation as well. I'll see you around, you two."
"Chromia? What's Ironhide doing?"
"Getting over what the humans call a 'Mid life crisis'." She shrugged as the mech went about the Shooting range, blasting through targets faster then usual. "Poor bugger. He was so down yesterday."
"Ok, what are you guys doing in my Med bay?!"
Shift looked up. "Barricade's internals were busted up yesterday, and since you never lock your door, I decided to take care of him here." A groaning Barricade lay on the metal slab. Shift cuffed hin slightly. "Shut up, the worst is over, you sissy!" she hissed. "Anyway, Megatron left already, with Starscream's head on a stick, but I'm sure he'll be fine. As for Frenzy, well…" she nodded at a small pile of twitching parts on the table. "We managed to scrape most of his internals of the jagged rocks below your base, but I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something."
"Hey, wait a sec. I ALWAYS LOCK MY DOOR!" shouted Ratchet. "The red twin gave me a key card. He hasn't come out of his room since yesterday, you know." Shift replied smoothly.
"Sideswipe, get out of there."
"No." was the defiant reply.
"I can blast the door down, right now, if you want."
"Try it, Hatchet!"
The door hadn't budged.
He'd need Optimus, Sunny and Hide for this one.
Speaking of Optimus…where was he?
"YEEEK!" A loud femmelike scream came from down the hall. Ratchet ran over to see Optimus dive behind the Medic. "RATCHET!" he said, voice in hysterical pitch. "THERE YOU ARE! YOU HAVE TO STOP HER SOMEHOW! SHE'S CRAZY!" He was about to ask who was after him, but, like the rest of his questions he asked today, it was quickly answered.
Elita was advancing on the pair, snarling, "YOU AFT! GET BACK HERE!" Taking the matter of trajectory and the rate that the enraged femme was advancing upon them, he tapped her lightly on her head. She seemed to twitch and shook her head. "Oh, hey, Ratch. When did you get here?" she asked, sounding politely confused. "Why am I holding a spear? And why is Op hiding behind you?"
Optimus could only stare at the Medic. "HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!"
"Training, experience, and a whole lot of luck, Optimus." Replied the Medic, smiling.
So that's it, mates. Hope you liked it, and with a whole lot of luck, I'll keep writing crackfics like this one. So long as I have support from reviewers, I don't think that'll be a problem.XD