Author's Note: This is the last chapter, hope you enjoy it.

"Are you sure Pinhead will like this?" Angela asked.

"He will love it." Kelly exclaimed.

"It'll make you look hot." Lilly giggled.

"If I get any hotter than I'll be sizzling." Angela laughed.

Angela was sitting between the two girls, both of which were braiding her hair in long red and white strands, she was wearing a black gown with a white belt and white shoes. The gown, she had discovered it hanging in the closet when she had woken up earlier that morning. Chatterer Beast was sitting between her feet, his constantly clacking teeth were chewing at his back. Angela moved one of her feet and scratched the spot hard. The animal moaned then slumped forward, his heavy snoring filled the room and made everyone laugh. Rebecca was sitting far away from everyone else, she was reading a novel and eating an apple.

"Now, we need some make-up." Kelly said. "That would make you really pretty."

"Don't you think you are taking this a bit far?" Rebecca called.

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, I mean Pinhead will love her to death." Lilly exclaimed.

"I rest my case." Rebecca sighed.

"I think Rebecca is getting jealous." Lilly whispered.

"That's bad, Pinhead specified that we are not to ever get jealous over loving him." Kelly replied.

Paula walked over and sat herself in front of Angela, she brought out her basket of make-up. When she finished Angela's cheeks were bright red, her lips were dark red and glossy and she had black eye eyeliner. Paula even painted Angela's nails, they were red with black stars in the center. She was finished just in time, Pinhead started walking down the stairs, Chatterer Beast perked up and sat himself up on his hind legs. His taloned claws clicked on the stone floor and his short stub of a tail quit wagging.

"What are my lovely ladies up to now?" Pinhead asked.

"Making her look more uglier than usual." Rebecca hissed.

Pinhead turned sharply towards Rebecca, squinting his eyes he walked towards her. When he and she were eye to eye he raised his hand and quickly slapped her in the face. Rebecca fell to the floor in tears, her cheek was now rose red and bruising. Angela stood up, fear clouded her eyes, Pinhead turned around and walked towards the four girls that were hugging each other in fear. Pinhead's eyes were wide, fearfully wide and dangerous. It was like they were their own pools of black water, small pin points of light flashed out. Pinhead's mouth moved, slightly, and he pressed his hands against his stomach.

For the first time, Angela saw weapons. Several knives, hooks and chains were tied onto a piece of wire that was going through his naval. Each of the weapons were neatly clean, they clacked against each other when he took a step. His shoulders, big and buff, were hidden underneath leather pads and he was wearing light gray leather sleeves. He stood in front of Angela, and brought his hand up to her face. His eyes cleared and gentled, his touch was gentle.

"Make-up practice?" Pinhead asked.

"We thought she could use a few touch ups." Kelly sputtered.

Pinhead picked Angela up and carried her up the stairs, Kelly and Lilly started to follow but Paula stopped them. Grabbing their shoulders, she tugged them back to the footstools. Chatterer Beast was following Pinhead and Angela out, his taloned claws scraping the stairs with each step. When the door closed, Paula walked over to Rebecca who was trying to stand up. Rachael, who had been woken up by the sound of Pinhead's open palm hitting Rebecca's cheek, was standing at the wall with her hands to her cheeks.

"I don't believe it," Paula exclaimed. "Pinhead has never hit one of us before."

"He warned us," Kelly cried. "he warned us."

Female and Terri held Angela's hands this time, Chatterer and Butterball were away on business so CD DJ and Angelique were taking over their duties of cleaning Angela. Angela gently suckled him when he removed himself from her and he did the same to her, he even suckled her breasts when she sat up on him. Angelique was ready to start cleaning them, but she had to wait an extra five minutes.

"Clean her extra well." Pinhead said.

A month later, Angela started going downhill. She was taking fifteen minute breaks in the bathroom and most of those trips were to puke. She was also noticing the signs, she was eating more than what she usually ate. Kelly and Rachael were also having the same problem, but they weren't spending half of their day in the bathroom. Female was noticing the signs, and she was helping all three of them the best she could.

"We have four pregnancies." Female said.

"Which girl and how many months?" Pinhead asked.

"Rachael is a month and a week along." Terri said.

"Kelly is just a week shy of a month." Angelique said.

"Paula is twelve weeks along now." Female said.

"Angela is a month along." Terri sighed.

"Make the accommodations for each of them." Pinhead said. "I want everything to go according to plan."