Full Moon At Midnight

To Kiba, the night was like any other. Fresh, cool, full of scent not noticed during the busy bustle of the day.

He and Akamaru were taking a late night run, working off the tension of the mission they had just returned from. As always, it had been a bad one.

The sky was clear, stars bright, the moon heavy and low. Looking up at the glowing orb, he had the strange urge to howl at it - in greeting, or just for the hell of it. He shook his head, to remove the silly thought, and continued.

He whooped and hollered as his body pounded forward, leaping from branch to branch, in almost silent motion, unconsciously taking him closer to the Aburame Compound. Akamaru raced along the packed earth below him, adding his own barks and yips to the cacophony.

Birds flew in every direction, woken by the noise and the sense of predator. Mammals of all types burrowed deeper, clung to one another in hollow trees, or simply moved out of range of the rambunctious duo.

And then he heard it. The unmistakable thrumming of Kikaichi.

Kiba stopped short, suddenly realizing precisely where he was. Sensing his masters confusion, Akamaru padded back sitting directly below him, head cocked to one side questioningly, tongue lolling.

Curious - having never been this close to the Aburame home after dark - Kiba lifted his nose and scented the air. Surprisingly, he caught a lung full of Shino.

He snorted, shaking his head - much like Akamaru after smelling something unexpected - he cocked an eyebrow and with a hint of mischief glowing in his eyes, set off in the direction of his team mate. Wuffing quietly to himself, Akamaru followed.

The humming of the Kikaichi grew stronger, the closer he to Shino he got. After only a few leaps through the trees, he could feel the sound in his very bones. It set his teeth on edge. Akamaru voiced his own displeasure in a low, rumbling growl, that only an Inuzuka could hear.

A few leaps farther, and Kiba was hit by the scent of blood - human as well as animal. Taking a deep breath as he leapt, he recognized the scent - Shino! It was so rare that he ever caught that particular scent - Shino was a long distance fighter, rarely getting into a battle that needed his physical presence in the thick of things - that the very idea of Shino having shed blood, spurred him on faster.

When he broke through foliage at the very edge of a clearing, he skidded to a halt, hooking his claws into thick bark and yanking great clumps of moss into his clenched fists.

Through a heaving mass of Kikaichi - so many of the tiny bodies that he almost couldn't see Shino at all - he could just make out his team mate standing naked on the body of a giant serpent.

He sniffed. No. Not body - the serpent was still alive, but just barely.

He looked down at Akamaru and motioned him back. The great dog gave him a hurt look, but acquiesced and dropped back, hiding in the deeper foliage.

Satisfied, and intrigued despite his better judgement, Kiba crept forward on the branch, moving further into the clearing, closer to the swarm. From this new vantage point, he watched Shino silently.

As he watched, the humming of the Kikaichi crested a new wave, so deep and heavy that he felt his body vibrate with the sound. He clenched his teeth and covered his ears. How the hell could Shino live with this noise?

Slowly, the skittering mass thinned and he had his first clear view of the Aburame.

Not only was Shino naked - standing on the head of the serpent, his back to Kiba, arms spread wide, face turned upwards to the moon - but he was glowing!

Every one of Shino's chakra lines glowed with the light of the moon.

Looking closely, Kiba could see it wasn't just the chakra lines - there were traces of some pattern within the glow, swirls and runes, symbols and characters, all scrawled over Shino's skin - each of them glowing as much as his chakra lines.

Kiba blinked. The humming had suddenly ceased. As he watched, the cloud of Kikaichi decended upon the great serpent. For a moment there was nothing. Then the serpent jerked, Shino clinging to it's head, forcing it to still.

As he watched, the serpents death throes became weaker and weaker, until, finally, it lay still and Shino regained his feet, standing once again with his arms raised and face to the moon. A moment later, the humming returned.

The swarm rose from the body and once again circled the young man in their midst. In horrified facination, Kiba couldn't turn away when they closed in on his team mate a moment later. He was witnessing their return to the nest inside Shino. It looked painful.

Shino only grunted and twitched as the thousands of tiny bodies burrowed into him - but Kiba had known him long enough to read the signs of extreme discomfort and even pain. He certainly wasn't surprised. He winced in sympathy.

When it was over, Shino slumped to his knees and looked ready to pass out, the glow emanating from his body fading to nothing. Knowing he was trespassing enough already, Kiba stayed put.

After a few minutes, Shino climbed to his feet and turned.

And there's what Kiba was waiting for - full frontal, naked Shino. He would've whistled if he hadn't known Shino would hear. As it was, he knew he should leave, and very soon. He had seen enough now that he could keep himself busy for the next week!

He began to back up along the branch.


He stopped, wincing, one hand still in the air, about to grasp the branch.

"Come here, Kiba..."

Oh, man. He turned back and gave Shino a weak smile, "Who, me?"

Shino simply looked at him - and that was when Kiba noticed his eyes were pure white. Whether they were always like that, or whether it was because of the ritual he had just witnessed, he didn't know. Whatever it was, those eyes were scary.

He leapt down, landing on all fours barely six feet from his team mate. He stood and grinned sheepishly. This close, he could see the thousands of tiny scars covering Shino's body. That and he could also see the way the moonlight shone on his nicely defined muscles.

He tried not to look. Shino wasn't his to look at, would never be his to look at, despite how much he wanted him.

"How much did you see?" Shino's voice was low, quiet - but intent.

Kiba shifted his gaze to the serpent, "...I came in just before the Kikaichi..." He nodded at the massive corpse, lying barely fifteen feet away.

Shino stepped forward and reached out, taking Kiba by surprise as smooth finger tips pressed against his cheek. No callouses or scars for a long ranger.

Kiba's eyes closed involuntarily. Was Shino...?

Before he knew what was happening, Shino had crushed their lips together and was kissing him forcefully. Kiba's eyes flew open, meeting white orbs filled with intense heat and more than a hint of lust. He didn't care if Shino was in his right mind or not, this was what he wanted - had wanted for bloody ages - so he gave in and kissed back, passionately.

They broke for air, and Kiba found himself forced to the ground, Shino's wieght holding him against the packed earth. Their lips met again and Kiba moaned. After amoment, hands tugged at his jacket, pulling at the zipper, finally undoing it and roughly tearing it off. Shino went for his trousers next and he had to lift his hips to allow them to be pulled down and off, sandals and boxors following mere moments later.

It seemed Shino didn't care about the mesh shirt, his hands roamed everywhere despite it. Kiba made a noise of protest when the kiss ended, but grunted in pleasure/pain a moment later when teeth nipped at his throat, collar bone and then found a nipple poking through the mesh. He wound his fingers through Shino's surprisingly soft mop of hair as his nipple was branded.

It took a moment for his brain to work, but he realised he could feel Shino's straining erection against his thigh. Groaning at the continued attack on his chest, he reached down and brushed the hardenned flesh. Shino growled and grabbed both his wrists, holding them crosswise above his head with one hand.

Kiba blinked. Oh-kay - a growling Shino was hotter than any fantasy he'd ever entertained - but it looked like his team mate didn't want stimulating. His thought processes stalled when Shino's lips returned to his and his free hand grabbed his cock. His hips jerked in response, causing another growl. Shino - still holding his wrists - moved away again, leaving Kiba panting as his member was furiously pumped, soft lips lapping at his neck and shoulders.

He moaned, feeling the beginnings of orgasm stirring in his abdomen. "Shino...I'm-!"

Shino's hand stopped moving and simply gripped at the base. Kiba shuddered, looking up at the pale youth. Shino blinked down at him, his eyes still white, then removed his hand and sucked two fingers into his mouth, giving them a lavish coating of saliva.

"This may hurt." A statement, in very quiet but forceful tones.

Stunned, Kiba nodded, still panting, his whole body aching for release. Shino shifted, kneeling between Kiba's legs, using his own knees to further spread his thighs. Eyes still on his, Kiba daren't blink as Shino touched coated finger tips to his entrance.

He squirmed and moaned, panting deeper, squeezing his eyes closed as Shino forced the fingers in, deeper and deeper, until he hit knuckle and stopped. For a moment everything was still. Kiba could feel his pulse beating against the fingers inside him. When the strange sensation of intrusion faded, he reopened his eyes and found Shino watching him intently.

Apparently, that was what the Aburame had been waiting for, for he instantly moved his fingers, flexing them sideways and thrusting at the same time. Kiba cried out in shock, but was quieted by the lips crushing against his own again.

That gave him something else to think about as Shino stretched him, adding another finger as he did.

It felt like an age passed, but he wan't sure, his entire focus was on soft lips, hot tongue warring for control with his own and the weeping erection he could feel pressed against his flushed skin. That was until Shino hit a rather interestin spot inside him. He jerked, eyes rolling back in pleasure.

Shino pulled back slightly and pressed against the spot again. This time Kiba nearly yelled, but his mouth was caught again just in time. Pulling away again, Shino removed his fingers.

"Fuh-fuck, Shino," he nearly sighed.

Shino nodded and brought his now dry hand to his mouth, spitting into his palm, "Thiswill hurt, Kiba." But Kiba didn't care, his attention had focussed on Shino's hand, liberally coating his own erection in spit.

He did care, however, when Shino positioned himself and he felt the blunt, velvety stiff member press against his entrance.

"Guh!" Shino looked up at him, but didn't stop. Two fingers pressed his glutes apart for better access, the other three guided him in.

And it did hurt. Kiba bit his lip to keep from crying out as the other youth pushed in, his muscles stretching, protestingly, around the head. He thumped the back of his head on the ground, almost knocking himself out as he flung his head back in a wordless cry of pain.

Still, Shino didn't stop. He pushed deeper and Kiba's toes curled, the stinging ache in his butt doing nothing for him. He felt uncomfortably full and he couldn't get his breathing to calm - or his inner muscles to stop throbbing. He panted for air and realised Shino had stopped, hips flush against his ass. After a moment he opened his eyes and looked at his team mate.

Shino's head was down, hair hiding his face, his chest was heaving and his free hand was now gripping the earth so tightly he'd dug a shallow groove.

They stayed like that for a few moments, until Shino regained his breath and Kiba's insides stopped feeling like they were being scoured by fire. White eyes met black and Shino noticed Kiba had gone limp. Panting a litte, he wiped his lightly dirt covered hand on his own thigh and gripped Kiba's limp cock. As he did, he moved his hips, pulling out gently.

That felt a little better than he thought it would.

"That's...that's good..." He whispered.

Shino groaned and nodded, tugging at the slowly hardenning member in his hand. When Kiba felt he simply couldn't take any more, Shino thrust back into him. Before he could yell out in surprised pleasure/pain Shino was kissing him.

And then it didn't stop. Shino began to pull and thrust in a mixed rhythm, punctuated only with their gasps as they occaisionally came up for air. Kiba had never felt anything like it, the push-pull of his inner muscles as Shino thrust. He was sure he could feel the roughness of Shino's foreskin, being tugged inside him.

After a few minutes, he began to push back, and that was when Shino seemed to just let go. The hand holding his wrists disappeared, along with the one on his erection, and he found his hips gripped bruisingly tightly as Shino reared back with a grunt. Kiba was lifted slightly as Shino began to thrust harder, deeper, grunting with each inward thrust.

Kiba bit into his own wrist - this new position meant that intersting spot inside him was being irregularly thrust against. He gripped Shino's knee as he was unceremoniously thrust into and he closed his eyes, arching his back, feeling the little bumps against his stomach as his erection bounced with each thrust.

It felt far too good, the pleasure/pain mixing deep inside him. Shino's rock hard cock pounding him, literally, into the ground. Tight hands gripping his hips, hard enough to leave bruises and nail marks. Firm thigh muscles bunched beneath his own, flexing with each push-pull.

It was sensory overload, when his nose registered the musky smell of sweat and sex. He couldn't handle it much longer.

The thrusts became more eratic, longer, deeper. Kiba reached down and gripped his own erection. There was a growl and his hand was pulled back, replaced with one of Shino's. He hadn't realised Shino was watching him. He openned his eyes and met white. Shino tugged at him in time with the erratic thrusts and not knowing what else to do with his hands, he gripped Shino's thighs, throwing his head back, feeling the muscles flex under his palms.

It didn't take much longer. Shino's thrusting became more and more erratic, still hitting the spot inside him more often than not. Kiba came first, screaming into his wrist as Shino continued the strokes, the tight, smooth hand adding to the orgasm. As he came, Kiba felt his inner muscles spasm around the cock buried inside him.

Shino growled again, his laboured breathing adding to the sound and thrust again, again, and again, until Kiba felt the youth tighten and release. As he came, shino continued to thrust shallowly into him, until he was spent.

When it was over, Shino simply lookedd down at him, his limp member still buried in Kiba's ass. They panted in unison, for what felt like forever, then shino shifted, grunted and removed himself. Kiba winced, but stayed silent.

For a moment, nobody moved or spoke. Then Shino blinked and grabbed Kiba's jacket. He dropped it over Kiba's chest and then settled down on the ground next to him. The silence stretched on, until Akamaru whined from the nearby tree-roots. Kiba glanced at Shino. He nodded and Kiba motioned Akamaru over.

The great dog settled down near them, allowing the two youths to use him as a pillow.

About an hour later, Shino whispered, "I have some explaining to do."

Kiba grunted, "In the moring."