Winter has come, and the herd must head south. When that happens, Ellie has a feeling that there is suppose to be something special about the winter, and the characters experience part of it on their journey. So read this story! Ice Age: An Icy Winter!

Chapter 1: Winter is coming

Scrat found his acorn, but it was now time to store it for the winter, because he knew it was coming. He could sense it; all animals could sense it. The squirrel hopped around, trying to find the perfect place for his acorn. It took him a while, when a big dash of wind just blew through him. It made his cheeks pull, and he fell to the ground, when he suddenly dropped it. He dropped his acorn off the cliff that he was on.

All the animals were getting up early; to migrate. Mothers called for their children to wake up, and families started moving. They knew it was time- time for winter.

Manny the mammoth watched the animals move from outside his cave, and knew he had to wake up the others. "Alright, get up everybody!" he called, as he turned to his herd.

Crash and Eddie yawned, while Diego struggled to get up, and Ellie and Sid still lay there.

"Come on, it's time to head south. Winter is coming. Come on, we're gonna be late if we don't move now."

"Hey, what about food?" Eddie asked.

"He's right, Manny," Ellie finally said. "We gotta pack some food if we're going to be walking for miles and miles."

"She's right buddy," Diego replied, as he finally got up and walked toward the male mammoth.

Manny sighed. "Alright, but we have to hurry. Sid, get up!"

Sid struggled, but turned over on his belly with his head up. "Now? But it's too early."

"What are you talking about? We're late. And we're going to be even later, 'cause we're waiting for you to get up, and we still have to pack some food. Now let's go."

Sid sighed, but easily got up with the others.

"Don't you guys feel something weird?" Ellie asked.

"What do you mean, Ellie?" Eddie asked.

"I mean about the winter. Don't you think something's weird about it?"

The others left the cave with Ellie and her confused possums, who tried to ignore the comment. "Well let's go, Ellie," said Eddie, who started out with Crash.

The female mammoth sighed, and walked out with the others. She felt something about the winter, but she didn't know what it was. And she really wanted to tell the herd, only she didn't know how. "I just think there's something special about it, that's all."

Crash and Eddie laughed as they gathered fruit out of the trees. They would grab some, and throw it so Ellie could catch it. "Here it comes, Ellie!" Crash exclaimed, as he dropped the fruit.

Ellie caught it as she smiled at her two brothers.

Sid also climbed some trees to get some leaves and fruit, and Manny helped. As Sid held on to the branch upside-down, he saw that Manny was watching Ellie, who was laughing with her brothers. "You really love her, don't you Manny," Sid said.

"Huh?" Manny tried to act confused.

"Ellie. You love her, and that's a good thing. Just like I love you."

"I don't think his love is the same as your love," Diego said to the sloth.

"Of course not. Mine is brotherly love, and Manny's is mate love. But it's still all the same. Love is love." The sloth dropped, and faced the tiger. "Now give me a hug!"

"No way, sloth."

Sid put his arms down, forgetting about hugging his friend. He then looked at Ellie and the possums, who had lots of fruit and leaves. "Woe, now that's a lot of food!"