Laura silently watched as Bill removed four books from the bookshelf behind his desk. He did this because after their long talk about the incoming future and Starlight, Laura had wanted to know how the young woman had been created.
"It was during Adar's first term as president," Bill has said as he handed her a glass of water. "He feared the Cylons would return and wanted to protect his ass in case they did." He sat down and did not look at her; instead he fixed his gaze on the bookshelf. "The scientists in charge of the project called it D.N.Angel."
"D.N.Angel?" Laura asked.
"A human hybrid created with the mixture of three different D.N.A's to fashion powerful guardians. Two human one sample of the last known Reyogin to have been buried in Caprica. Combing the D.N.A. At least twelve children where created."
So now here they were, Laura watching as a long thought forgotten file was pulled from the back of the shelf and handed to her trembling hands. "This—"
"This is what Star gave me the first time we met when she was assigned to me. She did not know what it was because once she had tried to escape and was recaptured her memory was erased."
Laura stared at the brown file in her hands, "Do you know how it happened?"
Caprica City
Nineteen years ago
Military base near the Olympian Mountains
"You said all of them would survive the transition!" a very pissed President Adar shouted at the four scientists across form him.
"Sir, please, we need more time-" the first scientists with blue eyes tried top explain. "The D.N.A. from some of the Moon Rabbits is still not at its fullest…"
"Does it look like I care!?...How many of them are left?"
The second scientists to the left answered, "Sella, Rukawa, Hakkai, Sanzo, Goyjo, Nana, Amy, Lita, and the youngest-"
"Starlight," Adar finished the sentence sitting on his chair; a big grin on his face.
"Yes, Sir."
"Call her in."
"The youngest, Starlight!"
"Ah, yes, Sir!!" all four shouted.
"Who do you think is in that room, Nana" the pretty blonde asked.
"Don't know and don't care, Lita!"
"I bet is that jackass of Adar," the raven haired teen sitting on the tree spoke.
"You really think so, Sella?"
"Frak yeah!"
"I agree with him," the red head said as he pulled a small girl into his lap, "There now, Star all better?"
"Yes," the brown haired girl whispered.
"How's your leg, Star?" Lita asked.
"Fraking assholes didn't have to push her so hard she's just a kid," Sella shouted.
"I'm okay brother," again Star whispered.
"No, you're not okay! Those idiots think were are their pets and can do with us as they please. We've already lost ten of our brothers and sister how many are we to lose, before there is none of us left?"
"I just want to find my mommy and daddy," Star whispered looking up at all of them. "I just want to find them and be with them."
"Fool! Even if you did find them they would reject you like a piece of rotten meat!" Sanzo shouted. "We are nothing to any normal human we don't even exist in the outside world."
"I've thought the same, perhaps we should all just run away," Sella said.
"But –"
"Starlight!!!" a dark haired woman shouted.
"Ohh Ohhh."
"Here comes, The Miss!" Seiya exclaimed.