To give you some background info and some possible thing:

Winnie is covering for Ziva and Kate, Kate's non excistant, Ziva's out because I can't stand her. And I know myself better (yes, Winnie's me) This is thoroughly AU since McGee's been on the team longer than Tony but Tony is still Gibbs's senior field agent. Let's just say he's had more experience than McGee and Winnie. Now, on with the story.


Different times in Gibbs's life he had worked special ops. He had also worked them together with a man called Shadow. Shadow was a tall dark man with emerald green eyes. And for the first time, Gibbs was staring right into them and knew exactly who he was. His new Senior Field Agent, Anthony Michael DiNozzo.

"Conferance room" Gibbs said firmly.

"Alrighty" Tony replied. He followed Gibbs into the elevator.

"What was that?" Winnie asked.

"I don't know" McGee replied.

Gibbs waited for the elevator doors to close before he pulled the emergency stop and turned to face Tony.

"Shadow" Gibbs said.

"Ice" Tony replied. Tony had always known Gibbs by his cover name, Ice. As Gibbs had known Tony as Shadow.

"What the hell is going on?" Gibbs asked, "they told me I'd get a trained investigator, not a killingmachine!" Gibbs growled, "they told me I'd get someone..human!" he added. For the briefest moment a flash of hurt crossed the other's face, but it was gone as soon as Gibbs blinked, and he drew in a deep breath and let it out before he spoke again, "I'm sorry Tony, but I don't know where you've been, you were my superior on missions and I've never seen your entire face before now" Gibbs said, "Where've you been the last years?"

"A facility off the map.. it wasn't..pleasant" Tony said and a grimace crossed his face. Gibbs rubbed his forehead with his right hand while his left hand rested on his hip.

"So they want me to teach YOU social skills.. ME..they said you don't even sleep in a bed" Gibbs said. Tony didn't even flinch, so Gibbs continued, "Right, you can follow me, but don't speak unless spoken to, okay?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes sir"

"And say boss, not sir, I hate sir" Gibbs growled.

"Yes boss" Tony said and straightened up. Gibbs eyes him. The kid was scarred through and through. He had a long scar running from his ear and down, disappearing down the shirt's collar, he had small sars on his face, and a fice o clock shdow that made him look more haggard. But his face was still warm and inviting. Gibbs shuddered involuntarily as he thought of Tony's words. A facility off the map. Gibbs had found him there, one to work with on special ops. The kids there had all been excited, except for the one they called Shadow. Gibbs had never seen the entire face behind that name before now. It scared him to be frank. It scared him that the handsome face of a young man hid behind that name. That feared name. He had seen the things Shadow could do. What if Tony liked those things? Gibbs hit the switch again and the doors pinged open in the bullpen. Winnie and McGee sat behind their desks and watched Gibbs.

"McGee, talk to Duck, let's see what he's got, Tony, stay put, Winnie, show him what we're working on" Gibbs growled as he sat down. Winnie got up as McGee walked to the elevator. "And tell Abs we got a new guy" Gibbs said as he put on his glasses and pushed his chair just that much closer to his desk. Winnie walked over to Tony.

"You know how to use a computer?" Winnie asked. Gibbs smirked. Boy did Tony know how to use a computer.

"Yes" Tony said.

"I'm Winnie by the way" Winnie said and extended a hand. Tony took it and shook it.

"Tony" Tony replied.

"Okay then, we've been working this case about Seaman Johnson, who was killed last night by someone" Winnie said.

"Great deduction Winnie" Gibbs said from his hunched over position at his desk.

"Well excuse me boss" Winnie sighed, "anything you need, ask" Winnie said, "oh, I'll go get you a username and passwird, scuuuuuze me" Winnie said and disappeared around the corner.

"You okay?" Gibbs asked. Tony nodded. "Good, we're going to wrap this up and then we're going to check out your appartement" Gibbs said.

"Okay .. boss" Tony said and made a quick smile before he looked up as the elevator doors dinged open. Abby, dressed in a short PVC skirt, a top with heaps of pirate sculls and bones on it, pigtails, black lipstick, and platformshoes with flames on them came running at Tony. She flung herself around his neck and squeezed him. Gibbs saw Tony go completely tense, and for a moment actually lowered his hand towards the gun, there was no telling how Tony would react to something like this. But instead, Tony sat stoicly still while Abby placed her hands on his back. When she pulled back, her pigtails jumped and she put her hands to her side.

"You're a good man!" she noted and stuck out a hand, "I'm Abby, you can call me Abs" she grinned. Tony took her hand.

"I'm Tony, like your clothes" he said. She giggled and then hugged him again.

"You ARE a good man, thank you" she said, got up and skipped down to the elevator. "Hi McGee" she said as she got on and McGee came out. McGee was walking backwards, probably staring at the labtech, but there was no telling since he was currently at the elevator. Then he turned towards Gibbs and steered himself to him.

"Boss, Ducky says he was left handed, but he's not sure what the murderweapon was" McGee said.

"Boss?" Tony piped up from behind McGee.

"Yes?" Gibbs asked, his glasses making him look older than he was.

"Can I take a look at it?" Tony asked, "I mean, if it's okay with you?" he asked as Gibbs glared at him. Then Gibbs nodded. What could be the harm in that? Quick trip down to Ducky, then up again?

"Sure, follow me" Gibbs growled and got up. Tony jumped up and followed Gibbs.

"I got your pa... did he just walk out on me?" Winnie asked McGee.

"I..don't know.. did he?" McGee asked as he blinked in confusion.

"He did.. bastard" Winnie growled as she slapped down the paper with Tony's name on it, "So.. do you uthink anything hinky's going on?" Winnie asked as she sat down by her desk.

"Hinky?" McGee asked innocently.

"Oh come on" Winnie said and put her feet on the desk, "Hinky, as in Boss goes into the elevator with new guy Tony, and by the way, where's his last name?" Winnie asked as she started chewing on a pencil. McGee turned on his computer and looked at her.

"I don't know Winnie, you should ask Tony" McGee said.

"Oh but come on Tim! Don't you find it just a LITTLE strange?" Winnie asked as she walked over to his desk and sat down on it, "Tony shows up, all jittery, and Morrow tells us he'll be the new senior field agent, WHERE did he get the experience? WHY is he HERE, and what's the connection between Gibbs and him? Gibbs is showing him around.. I had to show you around, sorry McGee, but something hinky is definetly going on here" Winnie said.

"Right.. then get your hinky buisiness off my desk, I'm going to work on the case, and you should too" McGee said and looked up at Winnie. Winnie sighed.

"You're just no fun, you know that, right McGee?" WInnie asked. McGee didn't budge and Winnie put her hands up in mock defeat. "Alriiiight, alriiiight, going back to work mr whiny pants" Winnie said and walked over to her desk, "I betcha ten bucks something hinky is going on" Winnie whispered.

"Deal" McGee said.

Winnie smirked.

AN: So.. you like it? Come on.. you like it!!! Leave a review!!!

Disclaimer: All hail DPB