Disclaimer: I don't own Teen titans OR 2 minute noodles. I wish I did but.

I, CLUELESS DUMMII, DEDICATE THIS STORY TO ASH PASH SINCE IT IS HER 14 TH BDAII. Happy bdaii ash pash. Every1, wish her happy birthday!!

Starfire giggled as she shook the beef flavored sachet on top of her noodles. "How amusing. The wonderful taste of beef is contained in these tiny grains. Wondrous" She picked up her bowl and flew over to the table. She sat down and picked up her fork.

She stared at her noodles. "Now, I will consume you to the contents of my heart" "I think you mean hearts content" Said Robin. Starfire turned around in her seat. "Friend. Have you ever tasted the wonderful delights of the noodles in 2 minutes?" She asked innocently.

Robin sweat dropped. "Uhh Starfire, I think everyone has. And yes they are…wonderful delights" he strode over to Starfire and grabbed another fork. "May I help you eat?" He joked. Starfire beamed at him. "Of course Friend!!" She giggled. She scooped up a forkful of noodles and stuffed them in her mouth.

She gasped. "Mmmmm" She slid the bowl over to Robin who also ate some. "Oh god I love noodles. I haven't had them since I was a little kid" He said. Starfire stared at him. "Robin. I believe that, as your earthly ways say, this is a crime" She gasped in a joking matter.

Robin shrugged and ate some more. "Hey. Give me some" Starfire cried. She grabbed the bowl and pulled it towards her. Robin kept a firm hold on it. "No. they're…MINE!" He growled.

Starfire's eyes blazed. "I believe you are mistaken" She hissed. She quickly plunged her fork into the bowl and quickly ate some noodles. "HA" She cried, her voice garbled by the food. Robin hissed. He ate some noodles too.

Starfire stared at him furiously. "You ate them all" She cried out furiously. Robin put up his hand, his palm in Starfire's face. "No. there's one more left!" He murmured. Starfire gasped and wrestled for it. She picked up one end and Robin picked up the other.

They both put each side in their mouth and sucked up the noodle, their faces drawing closer. Closer. Robin stared into Starfire's eyes. Its mine, her eyes seemed to be saying. No. its…MINE. NEVER!

They both battled over the last bit of noodle that was left. Robin grinned and sucked it up. His face lurched forward. His eyes widened. So did Starfire's. They both looked down at their lips. They were touching.

They both looked into each others eyes. They pulled away, slurping up the rest of their noodle. They continued to stare. "Starfire" Robin murmured, his eyes widened in shock. "Yes" Starfire said faintly, her eyes also widened in shock.

"I-I feel like more noodles" He said in a daze. Starfire grinned evilly. "As do I" They both ran over to the cupboard and looked around. Starfire gasped. "Robin, there is only one packet left." Robin grinned. "Oh no" He said mockingly. "I guess, we have to share again" Starfire grinned.

A/N: Well, I hope you guys liked this story. This story came to me today, while I was eating noodles. Lol. I like noodles. I eat so many, my dad says im a noodle. Heheheeeee. IM A NOODLE!! Well, HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERY1!! HAPPY BDAII ASH PASH!!! CYA AT SKOOL 2MOZ!!

BYE GUYS. Btw REVIEW n tell me if I shuld add more chaps!!

Clueless Dummii