A/N: Thanks loads to all the lovies that reviewed, and of course to the lovely Aliza my beta :D.

Chapter 5: A freak, a flying boy, and Industructo girl.


Claire led Zach and West around the town, not really paying much attention to the latter. Nor was she realizing that he wasn't too happy about the whole thing. Then again, who could blame him? His girlfriend was basically blowing off the plans that he'd made for the two of them, to show her best friend around the town. It might not have been that bad if her best friend was a girl and not Zach, and true she had included him in this little shindig of theirs. However, right about now he was wishing that she hadn't, he'd rather that she'd just not have let him come. For he was simply standing there while the two of them did all the speaking. He didn't think that Zach had actually even been paying attention to the town that he was suppose to have been shown around. Nor was Claire actually showing him anything. It was just talk, everything was just about the two of them.

At first he'd been interested to hear about the life that Claire had led back in Odessa. He'd wanted to learn new things about her, however that excitement soon waned as he realized the full nature of it. What this meant was that he'd have to be bored and wait for two whole hours and Claire and Zach talked and questioned each other for what seemed like hours. They'd been walking around Costa Verde for a couple of hours at least. And not once had he really had a chance to be involved in the conversation. It was enough to drive him insane.

"So have you heard from your mother since last time?" Zach asked Claire, it was a different tone then he'd been using. As if he were approaching the subject with caution. He didn't really think that she had, he just had to ask her.

Claire shook her head and gave him a small smile. "No, I haven't. I guess she's still off wherever it was that she went."

He left it at that. "So joined any cheerleading squads out here?" he asked, his tone now changing completely so that it was light and teasing.

"Yes, actually I have," she answered, this time giving him an actual smile.

West seized the opportunity to finally be a part of the conversation. Now they were talking about something that he could contribute to. He'd been waiting hours for this. He looked over at Claire and smiled. "Even though you had to break your father's rule to do so."

Claire turned her attention to West and smiled at him. "You're right, I did. I also had to break the rules to go out with you."

"A very smart move," West said with a smile.

Zach stayed silent. He wasn't really willing to voice his opinion at the moment. It would have made things more then just a little bit awkward. After all Claire was suppose to be his best friend and he couldn't have feel- no wait. He didn't have feelings for her. It was just… he didn't like West. It was as simple as that West was just… not the right guy for Claire. He was too… something. He wasn't sure what he just didn't like West and he was looking out for Claire. That was it, that was simply it. Concern for his friend drove his feelings, nothing more. And there was a legitimate reason why he didn't like West too. It wasn't jealousy.. no way. It was the fact that there was really something just wrong with that kid, yup that was it.

"I've known to be smart at times," she replied jokingly. Though, for a reason she couldn't quite place her finger on, she felt a bit odd saying these types of things to West in front of Zach. And it didn't make any sense to her. Either way she decided that it would be a good thing to change the subject. She looked around and noticed that the beach wasn't too far away, directly a head actually. "Hey guys how about we go walk on the beach? It's a hot day out."

Both guys looked a head and were a bit surprised at her random switch in topics. However each of them stayed silent. Not really wanting to say anything to that.

"Well are we going to go or not?" she asked. She really wished that each of them would talk a bit more. After all West was her boyfriend and Zach was her best friend. They should get along, right? Right. It would make her feel better if they did get a long at least.

"Sure," Zach said with a shrug. The beach looked like it was nice, besides he'd take all the time he could get with Claire… not because he like her or anything. Simply because he wanted to spend time with his best friend, even if it was accompanied with West.

"Yeah sure," West repeated. He didn't know what else to say. What he wanted to say was no, and suggest that they all head back. However he had a feeling that wasn't what she wanted to do and might get upset with him for suggesting it. Which was something he definitely didn't want.

"Alright good," she said with a smile at each of them. She was happy to see that they were both finally getting along, or rather agreeing. Which was close enough to make her happy at that moment. They all walked unto the beach and she smiled and slid off her flip flops, walking through the warm sand.

She made small talk with each of them for a bit, trying to pick topics that they all could be involved in. So it wouldn't appear that she was picking favorites or anything. It was harder not to talk just with Zach though, as so much had happened with her in the months that had passed. She somehow managed to do what she'd hoped she'd be able to. Keep each of them talking with her, sometimes with each other.

As she kept walking though, she felt a bit of pain. She looked down and raised her foot to look at the bottom of it. She was surprised to see a small shard of glass sticking out of it. She pulled it out and immediately the pain faded as it started to heal, the two guys had stopped to watch her and each one immediately became worried about Claire being exposed to the other.

"Hey West look over there it's a bird!" Zach said pointing him in a random way.

"There's a bird this way too," West said point the opposite direction.

Claire couldn't help but laugh at their pathetic attempts to distract one another from her rapid healing, which was already complete. "Guy chill out, both of you know what I can do. There's no reason to freak out."

"What?!" they exclaimed in unison, each of them shocked that the other knew about it.

"Yes Zach was the first person I ever told, and West kinda found out," she said with a shrug.

West looked over at Zach with discontent. He thought that he'd finally found out something that Zach hadn't known. Or rather he'd known something that Zach hadn't. Well there went his happy bubble. "Well I assume you can do something then?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He wondered if his power was better then Zach's.

"Nope," Zach said shaking his head. "I'm just an average guy."

"Really?" West was pleased to hear this. Somehow it made him feel as if he'd be able to better connect with Claire because of it. Each of them were special in that way, something that Zach wasn't.

Zach was about to reply but was cut off by Claire's cell phone ringing. They both watched her as she picked it up and talked for a few minutes. She looked at them each apologetically. "Seems like we're going to have to head home. Apparently it's time for dinner already."

Each nodded at her and they began to head home. Claire couldn't help but smile slightly as she thought about the three of them walking together. They made an odd just somehow normal set.


A/N: Alright there it is, sorry it took me so long to get it up :D. Hope it was worth the wait. Be sure to drop me a line.