The Nines Tails of a Demon Hunter

I've found that all of the stories that have been naruto/DMC Xovers have been idiotic. Naruto is running for his life. he gets saved by Dante. Get's taken by him. TImeskip and he comes back years later, damn near invincible. Well, I thought, I can't critisize unless I have a story of my own, so here it is. I hope it's better than all that other garbage out there. By the way. This happens a few weeks after DMC 3, but before the first one. I'm gonna try to keep everyone in character as mush as possible, but let me know of where I need to change things to make them better and in character. Well, that's about it. Now, let me know how you like it, and enjoy.




"Demons speaking"

'Demons thinking'

"Flashback speech"

'Flachback thoughts'

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto, nor do I own Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, or Devil may Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. If I did, this wouldn't be a Fan Fiction, because I wouldn't be fan, although it would still be fiction.

As Team 7 was packing up their equipment from their site, Naruto started thinking about the events that occurred the prior day. For some odd reason he had this feeling in the pit of his stomach that just had him worried. He couldn't seem to shake iot and thought that maybe it had to do something with what had happened in the past few weeks.


"Thanks to you, we finished the bridge, but…" stated Tazuna, "This is super sad."

"Thanks for everything." Was all the silver haired Jounin said.

The blond followed with, "Don't worry! We'll come visit!"

A small boy started tearing up while his grandfather started to pat his head. "You…" was all he managed to get out.

"Ergh…" was the blond's response to seeing the boy tear up in front of him. "It's alright to cry! Inari… You're sad, right?"

"I'm not going to cry!! But Naruto, you can cry too!!" The boy replied with tears in his eyes.

"Fine… Later…" Naruto said while turning around. Tears covered his face and snot was running down his chin.

"Geez. They're like twins!" The pink haired kunoichi thought as she saw that both Naruto and Inari had the same expressions on their faces.

End Flashback

Naruto started wondering how the young boy was doing. It had only been a day, but the ninja had covered significant ground and only had, at most, two days travel until they would reach Konoha. The Hidden Leaf Village of the Fire Country.

"Hey, tobe." The dark haired Genin said, "Hurry up or we're leaving without you."

"Gomen. I got caught up in the moment."

"What moment? It's not like there's anything going on…"

"I meant about yesterday. I was just wondering how Inari was doing."

"Well," interrupted Sakura, "Seeing as how you two act so alike, I think it's safe to say he's doing fine right now."

"Yeah. I guess so. I still can't shake this feeling that something bad's gonna happen. Something that just doesn't feel right." By this time Team 7 was back on the road to Konoha. Kakashi had seemed unusually quiet through the entire conversation. "Oi, Kakashi-sensei, is something the matter?" Naruto said before sweat-dropping when he saw that a certain silver-haired Jounin had his attention fixed onto a certain orange colored book.

"Sorry Naruto. Did you say something?" Replyed Kakashi, just barely taking his attention off of his book long enough to look at Naruto.

"Never mind." Naruto, brooding over his bad feeling. As the day went on though, he began to slowly forget it, however, a few hours after noon had past, Naruto felt the feeling come back, with a vengeance. A second later, it was gone, but not without leaving Naruto feeling a little shaken. Other than that the four man cell of ninja had another uneventful day as they continued to their home village, eventually stopping in an area that was fairly nondescript. The usual trees and bushes surrounded the area, and the group started a fire before eating dinner and going to bed, with one person taking guard duty over the night, before waking one member another of the team to take over. Overall, just another day in the life of a ninja. And probably the last one that this team will be having.


A white-haired young man sat at his desk, with his feet propped up and leaning back. He had a tight black undershirt on, and dark red pants that were tucked into black combat boots. He hands had fingerless gloves on and his eyes were an unnatural shade of Green. They seemed, almost demonic, in a rebellious sort of way. Sine he had stopped his twin Brother Virgil from acquiring their father's power through the use of the demonic tower Temi-Ni-Gru, his business had started to decline. There were fewer and fewer portals that appeared from the Demonic Realm, or Hell as it is also known, to allow any real amount of Demons to cross into the Human Realm. Although, the number of missing people sky rocketed. Dante blamed it on the fact that opening the gate to Hell from Temi-Ni-Gru might have disrupted the space around it, and portals to other realms were popping up all over, taking people who just happened to be to close to them into where ever they went. So people started moving and Dante was left with a business that had few costumers, for there was little need for his profession. And just what is his business, you might ask? Well, he's a professional Demon Hunter. Somewhat of an irony, really, seeing as how he himself is the son of the most powerful Demon to ever walk the land, Hell or otherwise. So he sat. And wait. And wait. And guess what? Waited some more. Finally his impatience got the better of him.

"Dammit!" Slamming his fist into the desk, leaving good sized dent in it. "There's nothing to do! Lady's gone. Demons hardly show up, and the damn swords are sleeping! I can't believe I would actually rather talk to those damned swords than sit here!"

At this, two voices appreared behind him. "Yes master?" said the Red sword.

"You called for us?" Followed the Blue.

"Hell no!" He shouted, getting up. He walked over to his drum set while yelling at the swords. "I'm just bored outta my fucking mind! I've wiped out the demons. My brother's in Hell, portals keep popping out of nowhere, driving away my costumers, I'm poor, and my pizza is ten minutes late!"

"I recommend that you calm down, pup." Dante learned a few days after the destruction of the giant tower, that his Devil Arms, being the spirits of the most powerful demons he had defeated, could still communicate with him. Though he was the only one able to hear them, it wasn't telepathic. More like a pitch that only he as a half-demon could pick up. And he also didn't like the fact that a giant three headed dog of ice that was in the shape of a triple nunchaku was telling him to calm down.

"Calm down?! I'm pissed! And I'm hungry! Dammit! I swear, if someone doesn't call with a job in the next ten minutes, I'm gonna go ballistic. And all of you are gonna be feeling it in the morning."

"As much as we would love joining you, we simply do not share your view on this." Cerberus, the Ice Demon stated.

"Yes. The cold one is correct. We have sat for many eons. We know the importance of patience." Stated Agni, the red sword.

"Correct brother. We had sat for a long time, searching for the one that could control us." Replied Rudra, the blue sword from earlier.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember. Sitting in that chamber, refusing to let me pass. And still as annoying as hell as from back then." He said, while picking up the twin swords and slamming their heads together.

"Hmmm. Well honey. I feel something coming around that just might brighten up your day." The demon of Seduction said. Dante walked over and picked up the guitar before saying to it, "God, I hope so, or I'll have to treat you nicely." He had an evil grin on his face while saying this. Mere moments after saying this, the building began to shake.

"Oh, not again. Wait. If it's a party, well then, I've been waiting for something like this to happen." Checking out the windows he saw that the world was in a water like state. Like a very powerful mirage that was surrounding the building. "What the hells going on?"

"Well, honey. It looks like there's a portal opening up around the building,"

"Oh shit…" Was all Dante got out before the rumbling stopped. "Well ain't that anticlimactic." Walking to the doors, he pulled them open and gazed outside. Into a forest of trees. "Damn. That's a shitload of trees. Haven't seen that many trees in a long time." Looking around he noticed that all there was just trees. And more trees. And more fucking trees. "Well ain't that a bitch. Nothing around here. And no demons. Well, that was a load of shit…"

"Brother. I sense a disturbance in. The Force."

"Brother. What is The Force?"

"I believe it is something from a movie that master Dante saw not too long ago. It was humorous."

"Shut up. I need to find a way outta here." Dante yelled to the two bickering swords while walking over and collecting his various weapons. He strapped his trademark sword, The Rebellion, onto his back, which was over his Blood Red trenchcoat. He picked up his father's sword, Force Edge, and put it into a large rucksack. He then walked over to his desk and picked up his two custom made pistols, Ebony and Ivory and put them into their holsters on his lower back. He still wore his gauntlets and leg guards, the weapon form of Beowulf, though they were in their dormant state, meaning that they were there, yet not there. Artemis, his demonic arm-mounted gun, was also in a similar state of dormancy. Agni and Rudra were next into the bag, with Nevan being strapped to his back, like the giant guitar that she is. Cerberus went into the rucksack with the other Devil Arms. He next put his shotgun and sniper rifle, named Spiral, into the sack.

"Well. That's all of them. Did I forget anyone?"

"No, master."

"Correct brother. There is no one left behind."

"You know, you two should still be quiet. Just cuz we're outta the tower, that doesn't mean that you can go back to talking."

"Sorry master,"

"Yes. We apologize."

"Geez, you guys never shut up." Dante started to haul the rucksack up to his shoulder before remembering something. Walking over to the counted, he picked up the photo of his mother that had fallen over in the time that the building was moving. He carefully packed the photo in one of the side pockets before reaching into one of the drawers and pulling out his pendant. Placing the pendant around his neck he started to walk outside. At the doors he turned around and pulled them shut before putting a fairly large lock on them. "There. Now no one but me will get in here."

"Not that anyone would want to go in there. The only thing in there is pizza boxes, an old jukebox, and a drum set." The three-headed dog stated, slightly muffled by the rucksack.

"Never know. People are weird." Dante started to walk in the opposite direction of his store.

A couple hours of walking later, he walked into a road. It was a gravel path, and seemed to only be used for traveling on foot. Quickly deciding, he started to walk to the right. A few minutes later, he could make out what seemed to be a few people. 'Finally. I thought I had got taken to some deserted forest out in the middle of nowhere.' A short while later he starts to see details about the people. 'Three kids and one adult. Hmmm.' He turns his attention to the one smiling like he had just heard the best joke in the world. He had a shock of blond hair, the color of the sun. His eyes were a shade of deep yet happy light blue. They seemed to be holding pain unlike anyone has suffered, yet his face said otherwise. His grin was somewhat fox-like and the 3 whisker-like amrks on the side of his face only accentuated the look. He wore an orange jacket with matching orange Pants that just screamed "I'm here! Come kill me!" and that had a pouch attached to his right thigh, within arms reach. He had on open-toed blue sandals that seemed to have been through a lot of wear and tear. 'Heh. Cute kid, if slightly goofy looking.' His shifted his attention to the boy next to him. He had dark blue hair that seemed to stick back and into the air not too nlike a human cockatoo. He seemed to be brooding over something and his dark blue eyes helped the look of gloom he had on his face. He wore a midnight blue shirt on with white shorts that went down to his knees. He too had a pouch attached to his right thigh, though he also had wraps around his leg that went from his knee to his ankles. His shoes were similar to the blonds, though they seemed to be higher quality. 'Huh. Kid looks like some emo cockatoo.' His attention then shifted to the only female of the three. She had shockingly bright pink hair the color of bubble gum. Her face was somewhat plain, though her eyes were a bright green color, and she seemd to have a fairly large forehead. She wore a short pink dress that went halfway down her thighs, where it split to the sides to reveal that she had shorts on under. She, like the two boys, wore a pouch on her thigh, and sandals that were similar to the boys. 'Damn. Pink hair. Green eyes. She must have had some weird parents.' Looking to the adult of the group, he saw that he had light gray hair that seemed to stick out and to the side, somewhat like a scarecrow. He wore a vest over a full body suit that also had a mask that covered his face. His hands had gloves that had metal plates on the back.The bottom half of the body suit went down to half of his calves. He too, wore sandals that were open toed and a pouch on his thigh. 'Damn. The guy looks like a living scarecrow.' Another thing all four of them shared was a piece of that had a metal plate stitched into it, with a kinda swirling symbol. The two boys wore theirs on their foreheads, the girl wore hers on her head, as if to hold back her hair, and the man had his on his forehead, although it was slanted to cover his left eye. 'All in all, just a regular bunch of freaks.' He saw that the man had spotted him though, because he seemed to follow his movements and had his hand near the pouch on his thigh, as if to be ready to quick-draw, and kill him. 'Well, better go see if these guys can held me out, maybe I can find out just where the hell I am.'


"Kakashi-sensei. Who is that man?" Sakura said to her Jounin instructor, referring to the man that was heading to them. He had long, white hair that was down to his chin. It framed his face and accentuated his white complexion. He had inhuman green eyes that seemed to be examining them. He wore a black shirt that extended to his wrists, though they were rolled up to half-way between his wrist and elbow. He had a trenchcoat the color of blood on top of that, with a sword and an odd shaped purple thing on his back. He had on pants the same shade of red on and fingerless gloves without knuckles covering his hands. His feet were protected by fairly large boots that his pants were tucked into. He also had a rucksack hanging onto his left shoulder, and it seemed to be fairly empty for such a large sack.

"I don't know Sakura. But be prepared to fight. We don't know if he's out to kill us, but he doesn't to have a Hitai-ate, but you never can be too careful." A few minutes later, they had met up with the stranger.


"Hey! Can you guys tell me where I am?" The group looked at him, puzzled. "You know. This place where we are. Or maybe, you know, where this places goes."

"Nani?" was his only response,

"Don't you guys speak any English?" He received a reply that sounded Asian to him. 'Dammit. I'm in freakin' China. How the hell am I supposed to cummincate?'

"Pup. I can assist."

"What the hell do you mean? You're a three-headed demon dog. How do you speak Chinese?"

"It's Japanese. And I speak it because we, as demons, must know that language of those we conquer. Did you believe English was all we spoke? We have to be able to conquer all those who we render our slaves."

"Well then, if that's true, and we got here through some prtal, how do they still speak the same language as on Earth?"

"They are Human, are they not? But that's is something that is fairly complicated and we have no time now. I shall assist you with the task at hand." Cerberus then translated that they were asking what he had said. He then told Dante the correct things to say, which he repeated to the group. They were fairly surprised that he had suddenly learned their language, though it was filled with mistakes and mispronunciations. After introducing himself as Dante, he asked where they were, and which direction they were headed. They replied and Cerberus translated.

"We are currently in the forest of the Fire Country, and they are headed to their home village. They refuse to give up the name, though the will allow you to travel with them on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That you are handcuffed and stay within sight at all times."

"Tch. Guess I have no choice. I'll agree." After responding to the 4 of them, they bound his hands together behind his back, and started to walk in the opposite direction that Dante had come from. 'Well, today just keeps getting better and better' he thought as the children behind him were chatting with each other as he followed the gray haired man in front of him.


"What village do you think he's from?' asked the blond boy.

"I don't know. He's not from Fire Country, seeing as how he got lost. And he spoke in an odd sorta way. Kinda like he had to figure how to talk to us." Replied the kunoichi. "He sure seems odd though. And he'll need to be interrogated when we get back."

"Hmph. If we get back. With him here, we'll have to slow down. A lot." The dark haired boy said, giving his opinion.

"It can't be helped. If he is an enemy ninja, the interregation team will find out. And if he's a civilian, then it's our job to help however possible."

"I wonder how strong he is. Or if he likes ramen. I hope he does."

"Baka! That's all you think about. Food and training. No wonder you have no friends other than us."

The rest of the day went on fairly uneventfully. Though, with their prisoner in tow it did take them longer to reach their village. Another day later, in fact. The ninja just dismissed it as part of the job.


As they neared a village, Dante thought to himself, 'Damn! That's a huge wall. And could those gates get any bigger? Must be some sort of military base. Maybe they have some a pizza restaurant. I'm tired of all this…' he thought before everything went black.