Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any related characters, plots, ect., however, I do own Dan, along with all other human characters, the plot of this particular story, and basically anything in this that is not licensed by Nintendo or other huge companies that can sue me. I am allowed to publish this under the names Draconic Espeon, Phantom SunsSong, Light Dragon SunsSong, Ryuki, and Ryuki Kurokawa. If someone claims this story as their own that does not go by one of those names, tell me immediately.

Platinum: Sacred Flames

By Phantom SunsSong/Draconic Espeon

Chapter Two- Waiting for a Foe

"What?!" Both Dan and Jenna said at once.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Jenna continued, sounding shocked and confused. "Why would you use venom to cure venom?"

I don't really understand it myself, Natu replied. My mother said it's because the poison in Tamato leaves counteracts the poison in the venom. He held out the branch of Tamato leaves to Dan, who gingerly took them. They actually make an antidote when mixed together. All we really need is more venom, and we can heal Cyan.

"How are we supposed to get more, though? Neither of you are poison-types, nor know any poison-type move," Dan pointed out.

We'll just need to wait and hope for the best, Natu said with a sigh. With any luck, the next Pokemon to come may be a poison-type. Dan nodded, though it was obvious he wasn't happy about the outcome. What would they do if two Pokemon appeared again? He and Natu alone wouldn't be able to take them.

All three sat silent, wondering how things could have so suddenly changed around. Just little more than an hour ago, they just wanted to be rid of the Pokemon that were invading their world- now they desperately needed one to return.

"Natu and I need to get home," Dan said finally. "My mom might be worrying already."

"Yeah, my parents, too," Jenna replied sadly. Dan could tell she was worried about Cyan, and he knew he'd feel the same way if it was Natu.

"Don't worry, Jenna," Dan said, trying to sound confident. "A poison-type is bound to show up soon, maybe even tomorrow. You said yourself that the Pokemon were coming more quickly. It'll only be a matter of time. All we have to do is wait!" He grinned broadly, and his new friend couldn't but smile back.

"Yeah. All we can do is wait."


That night, though, Dan lay awake. No matter how hard he tried to sleep, thoughts of the day and worry for Cyan kept slumber at bay. Natu, at least, wasn't kept awake by a troubled mind. Dan could hear his partner's soft, twittering snores from his perch on Dan's dresser.

With a sigh, Dan quietly climbed out of bed. He made his way down stairs, being careful not to make too much noise, and went into the kitchen. He'd heard before that warm milk made you sleepy, but it honestly didn't sound too good. Dan didn't much like room temperature milk, let alone warm milk. He was going to pour himself a glass of plain, cold milk when he heard another door upstairs open. Panicking, for he was sure that neither of his parents would approve of him being up this late, he quickly shut the door to the refrigerator and hid behind it, on the side where he couldn't be seen from the doorway.

He was just in time, too. He heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and peeked around the corner of the refrigerator. A tall, dark figure was illuminated in the moonlight streaming in from the window in the foyer as they walked past the doorway. Dan only got a glimpse of the person, but that was all he needed. The question was, where was Nate going this late at night?

Dan shook his head as he heard the door open and close, smiling slightly. If his parents knew what Nate was doing, he wouldn't be able to do anything for the rest of the year. So, while Dan was curious, he wasn't going to say anything unless he had to. He kept the occurrence in the back of his mind, but quickly drank a glass of milk and went back to bed.


The next morning was an uneventful one. Dan wasn't surprised to not see Nate when he went down for breakfast the next morning. He was still sleepy, to be truthful, and had only gotten up to ensure that he got something for Natu to eat.

His mother had left early that morning for her work as a caretaker at the local nursing home, so everyone was on their own for breakfast. Dan ate a bowl of cereal and snuck a piece of toast up to his room. Natu ate the bread eagerly as Dan made to lie down again.

Wait, Dan, weren't we supposed to meet Jenna this morning? Natu asked, as he still ate his toast. Dan groaned tiredly.

"Yeah, yeah, I almost forgot," he replied groggily. Rather than climbing back in bed, he grudgingly changed his clothes. When he was finished, he turned to Natu.

"Meet me outside?" Dan asked, beginning to sound a little more awake.

Of course. Dan left the room to let Natu finish his toast.

His father was gone by the time Dan got downstairs. His brother, though, was awake and eating cereal. For a split second, Dan considered questioning the teen about where he was going last night, but decided against it. Nate would just get defensive and say it was none of his business.

"Hey," Dan said, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen. "I'm going to meet some friends at the park. I'll be back later."

"Whatever." Dan just rolled his eyes. He wasn't surprised by Nate's disinterest in what he was doing.

As Dan stepped out into the warm sunlight outside, Natu appeared on his shoulder with a quiet 'pop'.

Are we going back to the Psyduck pond? Dan couldn't help but laugh. Natu still didn't understand the difference between regular ducks and Psyducks.

"Not today. We're going to a more secluded place, so no one will see you guys." He was walking quickly now. It occurred to him as he spoke that they were probably more likely to be seen as they walked down the road than they were at the park, so he wanted to get there as quickly as possible. A sharp pain in his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts. It was Natu, digging in his talons.

"Natu!" He gasped, surprised by the small bird's strength. "What's wrong?"

A Pokemon is crossing, was all his partner managed to say in reply. Dan stopped walking, ignoring the pain. Finally, Natu's grip loosened.

"What was it?" Dan asked quickly. "Where is it?"

The park, I think, Natu replied quickly, and Dan started running. But, it's a Nidorino! If we can knock it out, we can use the venom in its horn to make Healing Powder!"Yes!" He exclaimed happily, not worrying about who heard him, and started to run faster. They managed to make it to the park within a few minutes. Dan made his way to the place where he and Jenna were supposed to meet, in a small grove of trees. His excitement began to drain away when he heard a low call reverberating through the trees.

"Nidoooo…" Worry caused Dan to run faster. He finally came to their meeting point, and skidded to a halt.

There was Jenna, standing with Cyan still cradled in her arms. She looked determined and defiant, despite her position. She was backed up against a tree by a large purple creature.

Two guesses what it is. XD

Also, if anyone happens to be interested in looking at the original place the story was posted, or take a look at the outcome of grades or whatever, here's a link. I'm fairly sure you can use it, but if you can't, tell me so. If you join or happen to be a part of that forum, though, please don't post in the thread. Just leave a review here.

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