
Disclaimer: I do not own criminal minds or the characters

She glanced over her shoulder there was nothing there. Yet she couldn't shake the sense that she was being watched. This was silly. That was the last time she ordered a double espresso this late. As she reached the front door she didn't see the figure by the bushes, neither did she see him as he made his way across the lawn. She didn't even see him as he placed his hand over her mouth from behind and push her over the threshold into her house, closing the door behind him.

"In the last week there has been three Murders in Malden, just out side of Seattle. Alice Manning 28, Sarah Philips 35 and lastly Erin Mathews 32. Erin Mathews was found last night in her home. She like the other women had been sexually abused and cause of death was asphyxia. The local authorities have not seen anything like this in a while, the town is usually a quite town." Agent Jenifer Jareau said as she placed her file down on the table looking at the other members of the team.

"Do we know of any links between the three victims?" Agent Morgan asked flipping through his file trying to find anything else that might reveal the un-subs motives and identity.

"No the local police can't find any known links. "Agent Jareau replied taking a seat at the large round table.

The team sat there for a second looking at the women on the screen there where two brunettes and one blonde looking back at them. This ruled out any physical attraction. The age range was wide which wouldn't be much help in narrowing the profile. Dr Reid was the first to break the silence.

"It seems that our un-sub likes successful women, a lawyer, and dentist."

"He has a taste for power and he finds it more satisfying. When he gets to assert it over powerful women that's what makes him really thrive." Morgan added to Reid's statement.

"Has the third crime scene been released yet? I'd like to have a look at it" Gideon asked

"No the police chief is holding it till we arrive. He felt that we might what to take a look. He's also faxed me a copy of the police records of the other two crime scenes so we can get ourselves up to date before we arrive." JJ said as she now handed out the copies of the reports to each of the team members.

"Ok people tires up in a hour." there was a sudden rush of movement as people got up and hurried all preparing to leave.

He watched them get out off their black SUV's so it was true they had called in the FBI. He felt a sense of pride that the local law enforcement had to call in help to catch him. He watched as the members got out of their vehicles there was four men a nerdy looking one who he'd have to admit he would have expected to see behind a desk rather than out in the field, an old man, One who didn't look like he had smiled in a while his suit was a grey as his mood, now this was more of what he'd expected and the last didn't look like he would belong to the FBI at all. These where the men who where meant to catch him it hardly seemed possible he was not the type to slip up. His eyes fell among the two beautiful women of the group and he felt a certain excitement stir within. The first was a blonde. She seemed to be confident as she addressed the chief of police who had come to meet them. The second was a brunette, he liked brunettes she was hanging back deep in discussion with the nerdy looking male. The excitement that both these females had stirred within in was great never had he had two such powerful females within his grasp. He would have to give the FBI a certain welcoming present one they could appreciate as much as him.

"Hi I'm Agent Jenifer Jareau. We spoke on the phone earlier." JJ said introducing herself to Chief Harry Dickinson.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm so glad you were able to make it. We haven't had anything like this for a long time and we could really use your help."

"Well that's why we're here."

"Thank you. This way I've cleared an office out in the back for you and your team to set up. I was hoping we'd be able to get started as soon as possible." Harry said leading the BAU towards the building. Gideon stepped up his pace joining JJ and Harry in front.

"Is it possible for some one to run me out to the latest crime scene? I want to look at it before it gets dark." Gideon asked

"Yes of course I'll just get one of my men to run you out there." Harry replied a little taken back by the speed that the team seemed to what to get started on this but none the less pleased.

"I'll come with you Gideon." Morgan said stepping toward the police car that Gideon was now being lead to by one of the junior cops.

"Right well if the rest of you would like to come this way" and with that Harry led the team into the station while Morgan and Gideon headed off to look at the only crime scene they had at their disposal.

"Hey Susie"

"Hey Becky what can I get you today?"

"Just my usual please oh and a brownie I have a feeling it's going to be a good day" From over his newspaper he watched as the red head collect her coffee and head to the table by the window. He'd learnt that this was her favourite seat and her usual was a mocha. He also knew that when ever she was having a good day she'd buy a brownie of a muffin however he knew today was not going to be the good day she expected. She sat down as she always did sipped her coffee while she was deep in thought later she'd pull her laptop out of her bag and start working on something for the office. As best he could guess she was an executive for an advertising company. He'd have liked more time to study her get into her head but the FBI had arrived and he needed a gift to welcome them to the town. His thought wondered back to the two females he'd seen arrive earlier and the sense excitement started to return. Soon he'd hoped to get to know them better.