runaway numb hearts

"Who are you… the poetic chick from the coffeehouse, the chemistry geek from school, or the whore shaking her ass at the strip joint," he asked as pale blue eyes tried to break me. I can't help but smile as I turn my face from him, "All of the above…"

a.n. – since its been so long since my last chapter I thought I should mention that this chapter is the same day as the last chapter. just from reid's pov.

0.05 shining through


Reid's POV.



day: tuesday november 020 … time: 12:53PM




It is without a doubt the worst day of the week. The single most boring day of the entire week. It is the day after the laziest day of the week and still too early in the week to have anything to look forward to.

But it isn't just the fact that today is today…there is something more in today. It's empty and plain. Almost predictable but not the same.

There is something about today…

Something that is almost strange…


And there it is… the predictable looming voice directed at me.

Turning around in my seat I can see my three brothers approaching me. That one particular… older…dear loving brother of mine with a sour on his face. This won't be pleasant… that much I'm sure.

Not that I care.

Not that I mind.

"What were you thinking?"

I know what this is about. I know exactly where he's going with this… but the smirk on my lips can't be helped. And after all playing dumb is much more fun.

"I don't know what you're tal…"

Hands slam down in front of me ending my act short and completely ruining my otherwise good mood. Looking at him… ah… I think I see his nostrils flaring. Sigh. That isn't a good sign…

"Cut the bull Reid! You know exactly what this is about." His anger showing but not emitting in his voice. We are in school after all… in a classroom after all but even that won't stop him from the almighty… utterly predictable… speech.

It wasn't me…

"Do you have any idea how irresponsible…"

It wasn't me…

"What part of addiction don't you…"

It wasn't me…

"You can die from this Reid."

It wasn't me… but I'm not planning on telling…

Dark blue eyes stare. His eyes begging me to take the fall, just like I always did. Although this time it really wasn't me… its best to think it was… Because for him to get caught would be surprising – for me it would change nothing.

"I rather die -" I pause to sit up from my seat and lean closer to the commander and smirk. "-then be a pussy like you."

This is my cue to walk away. But I can't… not with the hand on my arm. The damn hand belonging to him…

Mister perfect…

The commander and chief…

The overall golden boy that makes me sick.

"Don't." His one word is dripping with threat… dripping with false concern. False empathy and false… falseness. It's not like he is capable of really seeing. And he won't ever try and see just as long as it's easy to point the finger at me.

That was it.

That was that.

That was what made me mad.

With a jolt from me the arm breaks free. He didn't think I would use now just because someone could possibly see. He was wrong.

Shouldn't this be more shocking?

Somehow more alarming?

Golden boy is wrong – someone alert the masses.

There are so many people around. Walking away feels like I'm being trapped just the same. It feels too tight. It's like I can't see and somehow I can't breath. People walking in front of me. People all around me.


A girl. In my direct walking path. Slow and almost unmoving. Auburn hair clutched in a ponytail. The predictable type. The studious -never hurt a fly - never suck a cock - type that parents always love.


The scent coming from her. It reminds me of something. Coffee. She smells like coffee. And just like that the memories are triggered. The memories of a few days ago of a girl with coffee and grey eyes.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

A push and shove.

That girl and the memories are now gone.



they say its slowing killing me

but in reality

its actually freeing me

if this is what its like to die

then fuck it I'll choose it anytime



time: 4:20PM



"Oh god Reid!"

Pretty mouthed parted as my fingers dig into the skin of her hips. Her eyes are closed as she humps herself to ecstasy… not that I mind… I'll stick along for the ride.

The growing pleasure… it feels so good… but not as good as it should. I am not lost in it… in the physical pleasure this girl is giving me. My thoughts are too wild… too uncontrollable… It's like against my will they are drawn to the one thing I'm in need of.

Sparking grey eyes… and that glint. That glint behind her eyes that I wonder if only I can see… it would make it more special that way. It would make it seem she somehow belongs to just me.

That sounds selfish…

That sounds naïve…

That sounds borderline psychopathic even to me…


This is becoming pathetic… its becoming frustrating. I think this is full blown addiction… that girl and coffee… or maybe just that girl. Temptation. Yes… that's exactly what she is… temptation in the ultimate form. The way she speaks… the way she smiles… its all so intoxicating.

In the back of my mind I know exactly what this is… and its passed pathetic… it's a crush.

Reid Garwin has a crush.




this isn't becoming pathetic… this has crossed the line completely to dorksville.

and strangely I don't seem to mind…

A silly grin spreads on my face as I think about the last time I saw her… the last time I spoke to her… and more importantly her little reactions to me. Her name… what was her name again…


No… Ashley…

No… A… Addie…

No… Ad…


Yeah… that's it… Aden…


"What did you call me?"

Plastic stopped in mid-movement a while ago but I had failed to notice it. She looks upset as she removes herself from me. Dark eyes narrow, almost dangerously. What the hell did I do!

Oh wait…


I guess I was talking out loud again.

"I think you should go now."


I guess this form of release has ended…

It's just as well…

She really wasn't that good of a ride anyway…



time: 6:31PM






one missed call…




two missed calls…




The electronic device resting on my passengers' seat was silenced as blue eyes turned black. The cell phone exploding into millions of pieces… completely beyond repair…



Damn him!

It's all his damn fault… making me mad… making me do that.


I liked that cell phone too…


Oh wait…

How easy is it to forget… the very thing that makes them all upset. Blue shifts to black. The cell phone instantly restored to former glory.

All fixed.

All set.






"WHAT?!" I yell into the phone not bothering seeing the number before hand. Not like it matters. Not like I should care. Not with a situation like this. It's too predicable for comfort. It's too annoying to actually care. "YOU MADE ME DO THAT!"

A muffled laughter is my response. "Yeah Caleb was really going to buy that." Ah wingman. I should have known. He always has my back I suppose.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing at all." Oh sarcasm. How original of little baby boy. "What do you think I want?"


He sounds like a girl. Answering a question with a question. Wanting me to analyze. To know what he thinks I should know. But doesn't he know? That I don't care enough to know.

"Get to the point-" I pause to yawn. To purposely tick him off. "-and fast baby boy."

"Why didn't you tell?" His voice is so low… almost a faint whisper. Shame thick on the tone of his voice. This isn't the first time the question has been asked and I know it won't be the last.

"Doesn't matter." And it never will. Not as long as I'm around to blame – wingman can remain safe.

"Is that why you took my car?"


"I figured you owed me."




who are you

where are you

don't you see…

how meaningless these questions are to me



Early again.

For her again.

It irritates to admit. That the itch won't fade. That it won't quit. Just to see… just for a taste of temptation with nice legs.

She better be wearing a skirt today.

That would definitely send that addicting itch away.

Car parked. Now all that's left is to walk through those doors. The doors that lead me to that other place. A place where only her and me exist. No powers. No ascension. No addiction… at least not of the witchy kind.

Just a normal guy and an average girl.

Walking through the doors a quirky 'hi there' greets my ears. This is wrong. A woman… middle aged at the very least… is sitting behind the counter flipping through a magazine. This scene is wrong. She shouldn't be there.

"Where is she?" The woman rises up eyes away from the magazine. "The girl who usually works this shift."

"Umm…" Her fingers rack through her gray hair and she scratches at her head. "You mean Aden?" I nod. "Oh she isn't in today dear. Called out."

Called out…

Just like that temptation fails to be fulfilled.


The curse escapes my lips and the old woman gasps. Oh like she hasn't heard someone curse before. I turn and leave the babbling of the woman to fall on deaf ears. I don't need any more lectures for today.




That's all it sounds like anyway…



time: 9:15PM



It is late. On the brink of being too late but still enough to be too early. Not like it matters. Everything has gone down the drain.

What am I supposed to do… without temptation I'm screwed…


It's really not fair.

It's not nice.

For her to just decide to call out tonight.


Maybe I should just go back… just go to bed. It is getting too dark to see… to dark to give a crap. If I happen to crash… it wouldn't matter. Black eyes would-


Through the dark I can faintly see someone crossing right in front of me. The car twists and spins. The person doesn't even bother to scream. It's a girl. Stupid. Crazy bitch crossing the road at night. The car brakes almost directly in front of her face. Her eyes are wide and that's when I see.

Gray eyes…

Through the headlights I can clearly see…

That crazy bitch… is actually temptation fallen on her knees.



five months… don't kill me please. i didn't mean to keep you guys waiting this long. and i'm sure this chapter sucks. but inspiration for this story was completely gone. i started other stories (as i'm sure some of you are aware) in hopes of getting my brain to work again. needless to say it didn't work. but then today it was like bam – inspiration hit me.

this chapter is a filler – as you can probably tell. and next chapter is pure – start to finish – reid and aden interaction. get a sneak peek by leaving a review.

i want to say thank you for all the reviews. i mean five chapters and 80+ reviews is amazing. i am hoping reviews will near 100 with this chapter… what do you say? pretty please.