(A/N: This is it. The end of this one. Took me a long time but so worth it. And fear not, I have a most of the first chapter of Once Upon A Dream done and I'm thrilled with it. )

August 2nd

"That's it?" Pansy demanded. "But that can't be it. If that were all there was to it, you two would have been together ages ago."

Ginny smiled a sad smile. Her throat was feeling scratchy and she took a drink to soothe it. Pansy pulled out her wand and tapped Ginny's glass. The water turned icy and coated her throat.

Ginny set her drink down. "Thanks."

"Tell me the rest of it," Pansy demanded.

"There really isn't that much to tell. We got along fabulously until March. Then I did something stupid and he did something stupid and before you knew it, we were both furious at each other and that was how things ended."

"What did you do?" Pansy asked quietly, cradling Er'ril in her arms.

"I lied," she said.

"About what?"

"About Harry."


"I told him Harry and I had gone all the way," Ginny sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking but I..."

"You wanted Draco to try to top Harry," Blaise said, coming into the room with Aurian.

Ginny fired a finger gun at him. "On the nose. I wanted him to...to want me like that but I didn't think he did so I took him to the room and asked him if he wanted to."

Pansy sighed. "That was stupid."

"Wasn't it? He said a few things after that and left me there. After that, I threw myself into helping with the DA. I only really saw him one other time after that."

"At the final battle?" Pansy guessed.

"We were in the Room of Requirements. He didn't want to go in and confront Harry. I figured he'd kept up his half of the bargain so I hexed him and Crabbe and Goyle. Until recently, that was the last I'd seen of him."

"Ginny...Why did you want to do it with him?" Pansy asked. "I mean, I get that you loved him and all, but you couldn't have just waited?"

Ginny sighed. "Ask me who showed me that room."


"Tom Riddle. Every memory of that place has been tainted by his presence. But with Draco...with Draco all that I thought about was him. I wanted one final memory there to wipe Riddle from that place forever."

Pansy blanched as she took in the significance of what Ginny was saying but said no more.

August 13th

"It's a lot smaller than the Manor," Draco warned Ginny as she stepped into their place.

"Hogwarts is a lot smaller than Malfoy Manor," Ginny reminded him, looking around. The place had the feel of a Japanese home. Open spaces and rice paper partitions. There were some very Western acoutraments as well. All in all, it was nice and bright feeling.

The kids rushed down the stairs and threw themselves at Ginny and Teddy, all talking at once. Teddy followed them off for a tour and Ginny hung back with Draco.

"It's lovely," she assured him.

"But it's not quite perfect yet," he whispered. He circled around her and knelt before her, pulling a small box from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" she asked quietly.

"He may have loved you and he may have gotten you but I loved you first and I will love you to my last and I will never let you go. So please...make my life perfect."

"Draco...Harry wasn't my first."

"That's...that's a little nonsequitor," he informed her.

"Just hear me out. Please. If you still want me then I will be yours forever."

And she let it out. Her disaterous first year with Riddle, her true motivation behind taking Draco to the room with the ocean, her devastation when he didn't want her. All of it.

At the end she remained there, breathing hard, eyes closed. She was afraid to open them, fearing for what she wouldn't see.

Something warm slipped up her ring finger and she opened her eyes. Draco was no longer kneeling. He took her face and kissed her tenderly.

"Let me try this again. Fuck Potter. Fuck Riddle and the horse he rode in on. Fuck them all. Be mine forever. Because I can't imagine a world where I cause the sort of pain you must have gone through. But I want one where I keep it from you forever."

"My brave silver dragon," she whispered.

"My beloved red princess," he returned, kissing her again.

(A/N: Okay, all, sorry for such a short final chapter but now you know all! Muhahahahahahaha! Hope you guys like it! The sequel should be up sometime in the next month. Again, it's called Once Upon a Dream and will mostly be Rose/Scorpius but I will make sure to get some DG action in there. At least every other chapter, mmkay?

To Roni2010- Thanks! I've had fun with Draco over the years.