Author: Butterflysidle... aka sidlechick87

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Alas I own nothing. If I did, well 807 would end differently I'll tell you that!

Authors note: This is PRE- CANON. No spoilers, just kinda... my sick take on how they should have gotten together. (What we should have seen).This is going to be a short fic, only about 3 chapters long. Enjoy!

A HUGE thank you both my betas. JungleMag & Mingsmommy, You two are SO amazing! A small thank you to my mom, Nighblight for reading over those two paragraphs for me.

Caught In The Act

Chapter 1

Gil was not one for shopping. Normally, he'd run to the store, early after work, grab what he needed then leave. He figured it took less time and less interaction with people that way.

But not today; today, Gil was on the hunt for something specific. He just needed to find a store that had it. It was the newest edition of Forensic Entomology. Some people would scoff and comment on how typical the act was. Gil Grissom would then correct them and say how excited he was that it was finally out, and point out that they should take up reading it too.

Originally, Gil had ordered the book, pre-ordered it months ago, like always. But like any large corporation mishap, his order got lost. Luckily he was reimbursed, but now, he had to find the book on his own.

Only problem now, not every store had it. Therefore, he had to search. Gil only did this every few years, but he needed it, he looked forward to this book.

Making his way through the mall, his hands were sitting tightly in his pockets as he looked through various windows, people watching as individuals studied objects, then studied prices before putting them back.

Pottery Barn, games store, jewelry store. Gil passed multiple shops in search for the one specific one he knew had to have his book.

He passed an adult toy store. The display showed off mannequin in lacy thongs and bras, holding toys and sex paraphernalia. He was almost completely past it when something caught his eye.

Taking two steps back, he blinked and rubbed his eyes.

No way…

Sara Sidle was standing in front of a shelf of adult toys. She currently held a few various gadgets in her hand as she read the back of boxes, looking thoroughly invested in what she was reading.

Gil was stuck, completely drawn to the beauty before him. He watched as she ran her long elegant hand along a large tanned skin tone vibrator, complete with balls. He watched as she studied it carefully, slowly nodding her approval.

His eyes widened as she placed it in her basket before moving to the next toy.

Sara held up a few boxes. Each containing a different man's model of his penis that the company had turned into a vibrator. He eyed her as she flipped through the various young, sexy porn stars and was surprised to see her put them all back.

What piqued his interest was the gizmo she studied next. It was not at all life-like like the toy currently sitting in her basket. It was long, technical looking and had two attached pieces. When Sara turned it over, Gil learnt that it was called a rabbit.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise when he watched her pull it from a box and turn it on, studying it carefully. He moaned inwardly.

Gil always felt that Sara was sexually healthy. She was young, spiritual and vibrant. He always assumed that she pleasured herself behind closed doors. She was independent in every aspect.

Like the smart, education biologist Gil was, he understood Sara's need and her desire to please herself when there was no man in her life. It was human nature to release such urges and orgasm when need be. To compensate for what was lacking, or not lacking in her case currently. Sara just replaced it.

Didn't make her standing there playing with toys any less arousing…

He licked his lips as she twirled the toy around in fascination. His own mind began to wander as he pictured her, back arching off the bed as she moaned, her own hand going to work on pleasing herself. Clutching the rabbit, as she pumped it in an out at her own, sweet pace. His name dripping from her lips as her nipples stiffened into hard peaks.

He imagined himself stepping forward, brushing her hand aside as he fucked her with it mercilessly, taking over for her and pleasing her himself. Bring her to the edge as he watched her writhe and moan his name loudly, over and over and-

"Grissom?!" He immediately jumped and was face to face with a horrified looking Sara, almost positive that his own expression mirrored hers.

He blinked in total confusion before his eyes dropped to her hand and the bag hanging there before she moved it behind her, causing him to lick his suddenly dry lips.

Sara visibly swallowed, watching him as her face flushed red. "You um… Shopping?" Her voice was nervous and shaky.

She had every right to be nervous. Her boss and centerfold of every fantasy was standing before her. Sara contemplated her next move, embarrassment coloring her thoughts. Should she just act like buying adult toys was the most normal thing to do? Not friggin likely with him staring at her like she was a bug under a microscope. There's no way she could pretend that she was buying socks or something as equally mundane when the bag she was tentatively holding contained an assortment of intimate necessities.

Of course, the situation was partially his fault.

No, it was completely his fault.

If he would get up, grow a set and give them both what they so obviously wanted – wait amend that… NEEDED. She wouldn't have been put in the position where had to invest in a hundred and fifty dollars on a fake penis, vibrating plastic and, of course, an impressive amount of lube. All it would take would be one move and he would be well on his way to saving her hand from repeated cramping courtesy of her self love sessions.

Gil blinked rapidly and nodded. "I have to pick up a book I've been waiting for." He absentmindedly scratched his neck. "Entomology."

Sara nodded slowly and looked in the store window. Sighing she decided she might as well fess up. "It's healthy you know." She shrugged, feeling the need to explain herself. She began to fidget a little with the bag in question.

He blinked once, watching her as he nodded. "Yes," he cleared his throat, nodding. "It is."

Sara looked at the floor for a second before settling her gaze not on him, but just past his head. "You know what?" She paused. "I'm going to go now." She began to turn until he gently caught her arm.

"Join me for lunch." He muttered quickly, tugging her to face him.

Sara turned and froze.Did this guy not see how awkward this is?

Sara stuttered a little. Torn between wanting to go home and try her new merchandise and wanting to join him for lunch. Although, if she decided to make her exit now and hurry home, he'd know that she was rushing to try her new toys. Then she'd probably never be able to look him straight in the eye again. He looked exceptionally sexy, she decided, in his casual jeans and light blue golf shirt.

"I- sure..." She trailed off slowly, her nods just about as confident as she was.

Gil offered a smile, not exactly sure as to why he felt so compelled to ask. "Great." He nodded in the direction of the book store. "We're going to pick up my book first," he said, stepping a little ahead of her, his hands now glued in his pockets, trying to quell his reaction to his own fantasy.

To Be Continued...

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