Season 5. Chapter 1. --- PREMIERE. --- 'Back to Tree Hill, For Good or Bad'

Voiceover by Lucas Scott—

"Isn't it something? No matter how much changes, how much time passes, or what you become in this world, when you return home after any number of years you automatically feel like a kid again. Why is that? And does it ever go away even when you're, say, fifty? Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have that kid-like feeling wash over you everytime you see your parents again or return to your hometown. Afterall, we're always a kid at heart, no matter how old we get."

SCENE 1: DAY TIME. THH GYM. Lucas, wearing a whistle around his neck and a THH logo cap, stands still checking his watch, while a bunch of THH student athletes run back and forth of the gym.

"OK. Enough! Decent job today. You know the drill. Hit the showers and meet back here tomorrow, same time, for practice." Lucas announces to the students.

Lucas eyes two students, one with a shaved head and the other with shaggy, blonde-streaked hair.

"Michael. Greg. Over here." Lucas shouts out to them.

The two young men go over to him.

"What's up, Coach?" says the boy Michael.

"Yeah. If this is about Mike's inability to keep up with the rest of the pack, don't worry. I already talked to him about it. But be careful,(he begins to whisper, though Michael can still hear) he's still a little sensitive about it." Teases Greg.

Michael gives Greg a punch to the shoulder.

"Get serious. Both of you. I swear, you guys remind me of myself and (he pauses for a second) someone else, back when I was in high school." Lucas says.

Haley James Scott enters the gym doors.

"Oh. Look who it is." Greg says to Michael.

Haley approaches Lucas, with a grim face on.

"Hello, Mrs. Scott." Greg says politely.

"Gregory." Haley states. "Ready for your algebra exam tomorrow?"

"Yes, ma'am." Greg says respectfully. "Thanks for helping me study."

"What are teachers for?" Haley smiles.

"OK. Boys, hit the showers. You stink." Lucas says smirking.

Greg and Michael walk toward the locker room, away from Lucas and Haley.

"I can think of a few things teachers are for when they look like her." Greg winks to Michael.

They exit.

"Everything OK, Hales?" Lucas asks as he senses her worried look.

"Luke, I have some pretty bad news. Actually, really bad." Haley tells him.

"What is it?" Lucas asks concerned.

Haley begins to tear up. Lucas gives her a hug.

"Hales, you can tell me anything. What happened?" Lucas asks.

"It's Whitey, Luke." Haley says wiping her tears.

Voice Over (Lucas Scott)—

"She didn't say exactly what, but I knew exactly what she was trying to say. The tears were kinda a dead give away. 'Dead.' Wrong choice of words. Why is it we use words so easily like that? "It's a dead give away." Or, "You're dead if you do this or that." "Dead" in itself is such a tragic word, and yet people use it in such a carefree context."

Lucas is sitting on the bleachers, with his hands cupping over his face. Greg walks out shaking his head to dry his hair. Lucas sees him and stands up.

"Shower's refreshing, huh?" Lucas asks them.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" Greg says nodding to his last question.

"Oh. Right. First game's coming up and you and your brother need to get serious out there and stop fooling around. Got it?" Lucas asks.

"I told you, I told Mike he's gotta keep us with me out there. No matter how much better I am." Greg says.

"Don't be a jerk, Greg." Lucas says.

"Sorry. Anyway, I gotta meet my girl. See you tomorrow." Greg says leaving the gym.

Greg begins to walk away and then turns around toward Lucas.

"Oh, yeah." Greg says remembering. "You rushed us into the showers so fast I forget to mention. You're a lucky guy, dude. Mrs. Scott's damn fine."

I Don't Wanna Be' song plays

SCENE 2: DAY TIME. KAREN'S HOME. Karen is in the kitchen making her and her daughter, Lily, some lunch. Lily is four and a half years old.

"Peanut butter and jelly OK, dear?" Karen asks her daughter with a few tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, Mommy. Please!" Lily says politely.

Karen walks over to the table where Lily is sitting and lays a plate with a PB&J sandwich on the table.

"What a polite little girl you are." Karen smiles at her.

Lily smiles and takes a bite out of her sandwich.

"Yummy as always, Mommy!" Lily compliments.

"Thank you." Karen says.

"What's wrong with your eyes, Mommy?" Lily asks curiously.

"Oh." Karen says wiping her tears. "Nothing, honey. Eat your lunch."

"OK." Lily says accepting her mother's answer.

Karen walks into the other room and sits on the couch. She looks around until her eyes catch a picture of Whitey and the team at their State Championship win.

"Aww." Karen says remembering.

Karen stands and picks the picture up, looking specifically first at Whitey's huge smile and then glances over at her son, Lucas, at 18 years old with his blonde-streaked hair he had that year.

"Time really goes by." Karen says as she turns her head and glances at a picture of Keith, herself, and Lucas from six years ago. "Doesn't it, Keith?"

SCENE 3: THH. LUCAS'S OFFICE. DAY TIME. Lucas is at his desk doing paperwork. He glances at a picture of Nathan sitting on his desk and thinks. Haley approaches in the doorway and taps on the door.

"How you doing, Hales?" Lucas asks.

"As always I'm better when I see you." Haley says.

Lucas smiles.

"Sweet as always. Anyway, I called my mom. She said he went peacefully. In his sleep." Lucas informs her.

"I guess that makes it a little better." Haley says.

"I don't think 'better' is the word I would've used. But, yeah. I guess it does." Lucas says.

"So, when's the funeral?" Haley says.

"She said right away. In the next week or two." Lucas says.

"Oh, right. He'll obviously be buried next to his wife, right here in Tree Hill." Haley says.

"I'm sorry." Lucas says crying.

Haley goes over to him and rubs his back.

"It's just—" Lucas begins. "If it wasn't for Whitey I probably wouldn't be here right now."

"What do you mean?" Haley asks curiously.

"He's the one who got me to join the Ravens back in high school. Which led to my position now, as Tree Hill High's basketball coach. (pauses) Him and Keith, that is. And now, both are gone forever." Lucas says.

"It's gonna be OK, Luke. I promise you that." Haley says comfortingly.

"How can you be sure?" Lucas asks.

"Have faith it'll get better. Have I ever been wrong before, huh?" Haley asks him.

"I'm sure I could think of a few if I tried." Lucas says lightning the mood.

"Shut up." Haley says playfully teasing him. "OK. I gotta go grade some essays. You gonna be OK, Luke?"

"Yeah. Sure." Lucas assures her.

Haley smiles and heads for the door.

"Haley. Thank you." Lucas smiles.

"Of course. Oh, Luke. Are you gonna call — you know." Haley asks without saying the name.

"I was just thinking about it before you came in." Lucas admitted.

"OK. Well, let me know." Haley tells him.

SCENE 4: APARTMENT. DAYTIME. Brooke Davis is brushing her teeth and shouting to someone else in the other room.

"Honey," Brooke shourts. "I have to leave for work now! OK? (she hears no response) OK, babe? I'll be back sometime tonight. I'm closing. (she still hears no answer and gets very frustrating) Fine! Ignore me. Jerk!"

She walks out of the bathroom leading into a master bedroom. She glances at a picture on her nightstand. It's of two people. Her and a guy. Except the guy's picture is not seen.

Brooke hears the front door open and close.

"That you, Nate?" Brooke asks.

Now Nathan Scott is shown in the other room [kitchen opening the fridge and reaching for a beer. He's wearing some ripped, dirt-y jeans and a t-shirt.

"Yeah, babe." Nathan says. "It's me. What's up?"

She walks out of the bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen.

"Oh. OK. Nothing. Just heading off to work. I was talking to you earlier--or thought I was--and thought you were ignoring me." Brooke says as she laughs and playfully makes a sad face.

Nathan gives her a kiss as she enters the kitchen.

"Aw. I'm sorry, hun. Well, have fun at work. OK?" Nathan asks.

'Kay. Ew. Babe, you need a shower. Desperately." Brooke says.

"Gotta love the love around here." Nathan jokes.

"Bye!" Brooke says as she leaves.

Nathan's cell rings suddenly.

SCENE 5: KAREN'S HOUSE. Karen is sitting on the couch watching TV. There's a knock at the door, and then it opens. Lucas walks in.

"Mom? You Home?" Lucas asks.

"In here, Luke." Karen says as she walks over to him. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly?" Lucas asks as he gives her a hug. "Been crying like a baby all day."

"Oh." Karen says sadly. "I know how it must be hard on you. I've been crying, too. God, Whitey and I go way back."

Lucas nods.

"Want some milk and chocolate chip cookies with me?" Karen asks her son.

"What am I, eight again?" Lucas asks laughing.

"I seem to remeber us having milk and cookies throughout your high school years. Maybe you just blocked it out? Besides, it got you laughing again. Come on, Luke. Your sister and I baked a fresh batch today." Karen persuades him.

"Sure." Lucas says.

They walk into the kitchen and sit down. Karen pours them two glasses of milk and uncovers the fresh cookies sitting on the table.They each grab one.

"So, how's Haley doing?" Karen says.

"She's sad, too. Other than that, she's doing great. Loves her job. And the students love her." Lucas answers.

"What's not to love?" Karen asks.

Lucas smiles.

"How's James?" Karen asks.

"Oh, he is a handful. Haley's a great mom, though. Actually, she's a great everything. Really lucky to have her in my life, you know?" Lucas asks.

"Let her help you through this, Luke. OK? I know how you tend to close up in these kind of times." Karen says.

"I tried calling Nathan today." Lucas says.

"Way to bury the lead. How long has it been, anyway?" Karen asks.

"Couple years, actually." Lucas reminds her. "Just all sorta had a falling out ever since, well, you know—" Lucas begins.

"—I know." Karen finishes. "So, I assume you didn't get through to him?"

"Just his voice mail." Lucas answers. "Voice mail is crap."

"Did you leave one?" Karen asks. "I imagine if he knew about Whitey, he would return home for his funeral. Him and Whitey were really close, especially his senior year. Right?"

"Yeah. But that was awhile ago. Besides, returning home to attend Whitey's funeral means seeing all of us." Lucas says.

SCENE 6: BROOKE AND NATHAN'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Nathan is sitting on the couch with a beer and his cell phone in hand.

CLOSE-UP OF CELL PHONE: "3 missed calls"

Nathan sighs.

CLOSE-UP OF CELL PHONE: "1 new voice mails"

Brooke walks in.

"Hey. I'm home." Brooke announces.

Nathan stands up with a smile and greets Brooke with a kiss and hug.

"What's gotten into you?" Brooke asks surprised.

"That's how I get whenever I see you. That'll never change." Nathan says sweetly.

"OK. Did Cupid stop by here when I was gone?" Brooke smiles.

"You're funny." Nathan says.

Brooke laughs and walks over to the table to put her purse down. She sees Nathan's cell phone flashing.

"Oh. Do you have missed calls or something?" Brooke asks as she picks up his cell.

"Uh. No. Why?" Nathan asks.

"Babe, yeah you do. Three of them. Who was it? Did they leave a voice mail?" Brooke asks curiously.

"Am I on trial here?" Nathan asks.

Brooke walks over to him.

"Hey. What's wrong? I'm just asking." Brooke asks confused.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Nathan apologizes.

He walks into the kitchen to get another beer. Brooke notices and sees an empty beer bottle by the couch.

"How many have you had tonight?" Brooke asks.

"This my third. Why?" Nathan asks.

Brooke continues to look through the cell phone's missed calls curiously.

"Who's a 704?" Brooke says recognizing the area code.

Nathan's grabs his cell from her hands.

"Brooke, please. Let it go." Nathan pleads.

"What's gotten into you? 704. Isn't that Tree Hill?" Brooke remembers.

"Yeah. It is." Nathan states.

"Who's number is it?" Brooke asks.

"I don't know. They didn't leave a voice mail." Nathan says.

"OK. Well, I won't push it. Sorry." Brooke apologizes.

"It's OK. Probably just a wrong number." Nathan says.

"From our old town?" Brooke asks, pushing.

"Don't push it." Nathan reminds her.

"Right. Sorry." Brooke says apologizing again.

"I'm going to bed. Long day." Nathan says.

"Nate, I am sorry. Lets have dinner together or something. OK? Then maybe a movie." Brooke suggests.

"Brooke, it's not that. I'm not mad. I'm just — tired. OK?" Nathan assures her.

"Kay. Love you, Nate." Brooke says.

"Love you, too. Goodnight, babe." Nathan tells her.

"Night." Brooke says.

Nathan goes to their bedroom and shuts the door. Brooke glances at his cell phone on the table.

"Don't do it, Brooke. Have self-control. Oh, who am I kidding?" Brooke says to herself.

She picks up the cell phone and clicks on the "1 new voice mail."

CELL PHONE RECORDING: "You have one new voice message. Here is your first voice mail message:"

THROUGH CELL PHONE (Luke's voice/message): "Uh. Hey. Nathan, it's me. Lucas. Look, I have some news, some bad news. OK? Look, just...please call me back ASAP. OK. Bye."

CELL PHONE RECORDING: "End of new messages. To save this message, press 1. To delete this message, press 2."

"Uno." Brooke states as she presses the "1" on the cell.

SCENE 7: NEXT DAY. MORNING. LUCAS AND HALEY'S APARTMENT. Lucas is at the table with the newspaper, drinking coffee. Haley walks in wearing her robe.

"Good morning, sleepy head. How'd you sleep?" Lucas asks.

"Please. Sleepy head? It's 5 A.M. You woke me up. Early riser, you." Haley jokes.

"Sorry. I couldn't really sleep." Lucas apologizes.

"Honestly? I was already awake." Haley admits.

"I called Nathan a few times yesterday. He didn't pick up or return my calls." Lucas tells her.

"Well, maybe he didn't know it was you." Haley guesses.

"I left a voice mail. Said I had some really bad news and asked him to call me back. Nothing." Lucas tells her.

"Well, he's changed." Haley says. "You already knew that, Luke."

"I guess I should tell him exactly what the news is. I just didn't want to through voice mail. But looks like he's not giving me any other choice." Lucas says.

"I can't believe he has the same number from last we saw him." Haley says surprised.

"Yeah. I know. I was expecting for some random to answer and cuss me out to stop calling." Lucas jokes.

Haley laughs.

SCENE 8: BROOKE AND NATHAN'S APARTMENT. MORNING. Brooke and Nathan are laying in bed. Brooke is looking up at the ceiling. Nathan is on his side with his eyes closed.

"What's wrong, Brooke?" Nathan asks.

"What? You can't even see me. And I thought you were asleep." Brooke asks.

"I am asleep." Nathan says laughing. "Besides, you think I need to look at you to know something's wrong?"

"Sometimes you are very sweet." Brooke says smiling to herself.

"And I could hear you breathing. And feel that you're not laying on your side, which must mean you're awake. And at 5 A.M. and being awake, something must be bugging you." Nathan says.

"I know it was Lucas who called." Brooke admits.

Nathan sits up in bed and then stands.

"So you went behind my back and listened to the voice mail?" Nathan asks feeling betrayed.

"The voice mail you said didn't exist?" Brooke argues.

"I said that for a reason. And it sucks you went behind my back. And I'm suppose to be able to trust you, Brooke!" Nathan grows upset.

"Oh, don't talk to me about trust while you're lying to me." Brooke tells him.

"You know how I feel about him." Nathan reminds her.

"Yes, I know how you feel about your brother." Brooke says rolling her eyes.

"Don't call him that." Nathan says.

"But your brother has some bad news to tell you. It's been almost three years, Nate! Don't you think if Lucas is calling you after all this time it must be pretty bad?" Brooke asks.

"I guess we'll never know." Nathan says.

"I can't deal with this right now." Brooke says as she gets up and leaves the bedroom.

SCENE 8: THH GYM. MORNING. Lucas is in the gym in his uniform bouncing the basketball. Greg walks in all ready for practice.

"You're early." Lucas tells him.

"You too." Greg says.

"I'm the Coach, Greg. I'm suppose to be." Lucas reminds him.

"I just got to school early. Thought I'd stop by. You in here early everyday to play against yourself?" Greg asks.

"It's what I do when I have a lot on my mind. Been like that my whole life." Lucas informs him, laughs.

"This about Mrs. Scott?" Greg asks.

"Why do you say that?" Lucas asks curiously.

"Yesterday. She looked a little sketchy when she came in here. Not as chipper as usual. She's so hot I didn't notice until I thought about it afterwards." Greg says.

"We kinda got some bad news about a friend of ours." Lucas admits.

"Mind if I pry?" Greg asks.

"Coach Durham? Whitey." Lucas says. "Used to have my position for fifty years. Retired about five years ago."

"He needs no introduction. Whitey Durham. Coach of the team that won him his first State Championship Title. One of the best games at Tree Hill High." Greg states.

"You were like in 5th grade during that game." Lucas says.

"It's history, man. Plus it's in the school archives." Greg tells him.

"You know, me and my brother played in that game." Lucas informs him.

"No way. Two brothers on the same team? That's awesome. Just like Mike and me. Hey, maybe we'll win you the State Championship this year." Greg smirks.

"That would be something. (Lucas laughs) But unless your father abandoned you at birth and your brother is from another woman other than your mom, it isn't like my family." Lucas explains.

"Wow. Drama much? So, what about Whitey, anyway?" Greg asks going back on subject.

"Oh. Yeah. Oh, God. I don't know how to tell you this, man. But, Whitey --- he passed on. Like two nights ago." Lucas informs him.

"What? And that's what Mrs. Scott came in to tell you. While I was acting like a jerk. Man, I'm so sorry." Greg apologizes.

"It's OK, Greg. You didn't know." Lucas says.

Mike walks into the gym. Luke's cell phone rings. He looks at it and it says, "Unknown Number".

"Figures you'd be in here, bro. Why don't you just put your bed in here?" Michael jokes.

"Man, guess what? We're winning the State Championship this year!" Greg says, excited.

They both walk toward the exit. Lucas answers his cell phone.

"In your dreams, man." Michael tells him.

"Lucas Scott." Lucas says into his cell.

"Hi. Luke, it's—" Brooke begins to say.

"—Brooke Davis." Lucas finishes. "So, I assume you got my message to Nathan."

"Yeah. Look, he's not gonna call you back, but honestly Luke. You sounded pretty serious in your message, so—" Brooke begins.

"—You decided to go behind Nathan's back and call me to see what's the matter." Lucas guesses.

"After all this time, you can still finish my sentences." Brooke smiles.

"Well, we are Lucas & Brooke. No matter how much time passes." Lucas smiles.

"So, what is it, Luke? Is it really bad?" Brooke asks.

"It's about Whitey." Lucas informs her.

"Oh, no. You mean, he—" Brooke says realizing.

"Yeah. He did." Lucas says.

"Nathan's gotta know, Luke. He looked up to Whitey for years." Brooke says.

"Well, he certainly won't like me being the messenger." Lucas tells her.

"Maybe he'll listen to his fiancee." Brooke says.

SCENE 9: LUCAS AND HALEY'S APARTMENT. EVENING. Haley is playing with her four and a half year old son, James, at Candy Land. Lucas walks in the door, shuts it, putting down his gym bag.

"How was work?" Haley asks.

"Fine. Interesting." Lucas says.

"Intriguing. Meaning?" Haley asks.

Lucas sits down at the table, picking up James and setting him on his lap.

"Are you winning, buddy?" Lucas asks his nephew.

James moves his game piece just ahead of Haley's.

"I am now!" Jamies proclaims.

"Heard from Brooke Davis today." Lucas admits.

"That is interesting. I assume she didn't call to see if you wanted to catch a movie." Haley says.

"Not quite. She heard the message I left Nathan. Wanted to know what the bad news was. So, I told her." Lucas informs her.

"Is she gonna tell him?" Haley asks.

"That's what she said." Lucas says.

"Well, then that's good. Right?" Haley asks.

"I just hope Nathan comes." Lucas says.

"Me too, Luke. Me too." Haley says.

There's a knock at their door.

"I got it!" Jamie shouts as he runs to the door.

Lucas follows behind.

"Don't open it, bud. Let me." Lucas warns him.

"OK!" Jamie shouts.

Lucas opens the door and there stands his mother, Karen Roe, and his little sister, Lily.

"Mom. Hey, Lil. Everything OK?" Lucas asks.

"Lily didn't want us to be there alone." Karen says.

"That not true, mommy!" Lily calls her on it.

Lucas and Haley laugh.

"Sorry, mom." Lucas says.

"Truth is, I didn't wanna be their alone with nothing but my thoughts to haunt me." Karen admits.

"Come in." Lucas tells her.

Lucas tells Lily and James to go play in his bedroom; Haley, Luke, and Karen go into the kitchen.

"You want some coffee, Karen?" Haley asks.

"Sure, Haley. Thanks." Karen smiles.

Karen and Luke sit down.

"This about Whitey, right?" Lucas asks.

"I called the cemetery. They booked us a service for next week. Tuesday. I just started thinking how much he's been in our lives over the years. How much he meant to Keith, and—" Karen begins.

"Mom, you still have all of us. A daughter. A grandson." Lucas reminds her.

"And a nice, hot cup of coffee." Haley says handing it to he. "Even though you serve coffee everyday."

"Thanks, Haley." Karen smiles.

Luke's cell rings.

"Maybe it's Nathan." Lucas hopes as he answers it. "Hello?"

"Coach Scott!" Greg shouts on the other end. "It's Greg. How you doing, man?"

"Fine, Greg. Just sitting here with Hales and my mom. What's up?" Lucas asks.

"Hales?" Greg asks.

"Mrs. Scott." Lucas tells him.

Haley laughs.

"Ah. Yeah. Anyway, you wanna meet me at the river court, man? I sort of have a surprise." Greg says.

"Oh. Uh. Sure. I'll be there in ten." Lucas tells him.

SCENE 10: EVENING. BROOKE/NATHAN'S APARTMENT. Nathan comes home from a day's work in jeans and a t-shirt. Brooke is in her 'office' designing some of her clothes.

"Hey." Nathan says.

"How are you?" Brooke says.

"Long day. Just wanna hit the hay." Nathan admits.

He walks to the kitchen, gets out a beer, and then begins to walk to his room.

"Wait. Nate, I have a confession." Brooke tells him.

"Try the church." Nathan says.

"I'm serious." Brooke says.

"OK." Nathan states.

"I called Lucas." Brooke says nervously waiting for his response.

"Should I be surprised?" Nathan asks. "You going behind my back seems pretty normal these days."

He walks into his room, shutting the door. Brooke follows him and opens the door.

"Don't you shut doors on me. I called him because he sounded serious. I knew something must've been wrong. And, you know what, I was right. Whitey died, Nate." Brooke says breaking the news to him.

"Leave, Brooke." Nathan says upset.

"You're going to the funeral, right?" Brooke asks making sure.

"Leave!" Nathan shouts growing upset as he slams his door.

SCENE 11: EVENING/NIGHT. RIVER COURT. Greg, Michael, and the whole basketball team is at the River court. There's a new basketballs around and a big screen TV with VCR. Lucas's pick-up truck pulls up. And he gets out.

"What's all this?" Lucas asks curiously.

"I know there's a service for Whitey this Tuesday, but we all wanted to give you our own. All of this is a dedication to Whitey, and how much he made a difference at Tree Hill High, and with yourself and your brother, and with every basketball team he coached for fifty years. There's a lot of young men--and old--out there who lives are better off because they had Whitey Durham as a coach in high school. And I'm looking at one of those guys right now." Greg says.

Lucas starts to get choked up and tears up. Mike hands him a tissue.

"He touched my brother, Nathan, too. It just didn't stick with him long after high school like it did me." Lucas admits.

"Sorry. My brother can get heavy on the sentiments sometimes." Michael says. "You jerk-off." He says to Greg as Lucas laughs.

"So, what's the TV for?" Lucas asks.

"Basically," Greg begins to explain. "Whitey's life on videotape. And your State Championship win, announcements and all, right here."

He puts the tape into the VCR and hits 'play.'

The video starts out with Greg introducing Whitey, and then showing pictures of his life he gathered from the internet. Then it cuts to the many State Championships he didn't win, and finally to his most recent State Championship, that he did win, his last year at THH. Shows Lucas making the winning shot, and Whitey tearing up happily at his first win, with the crowd cheering and screaming. Finally, there's a glimpse of Peyton and Lucas kissing passionately at the game in the middle of everyone.

"Who's the hottie?" Greg asks as he winks.

"Oh. Uh." Lucas stutters. "My high school girlfriend. One of them at least, although that one was the most special."

"Think fast!" Michael shouts to Lucas as he throws him a basketball.

Lucas catches it with no problem.

"Lets see you make that winning shot one more time." Michael cheers him on.

"I'd be honored." Lucas says.

He steps to the position, looks at everyone around him, and lastly looks at Whitey's face on the television screen, and then shoots the ball.


"Thank you, guys." Lucas says. "For all of this. Means more than you can imagine. (looks up at the television screen at Whitey) Thanks, Whitey, for those two years you gave me in high school."

"If he could, he'd be down here with us saying 'you're welcome.'" Greg tells him.

SCENE 12: MONDAY EVENING. Brooke is driving in her car, not looking too happy, with a few tears in her eyes.


"Almost home." Brooke says to herself.

Brooke looks at a six pack of beer in the passenger seat next to her and starts to think back to her and Nathan's conversation a few days earlier...

CUT TO: FLASHBACK SCENE. SOME TIME (A DAY OR TWO) AFTER THEIR LAST CONVERSATION WITH BROOKE'S CONFESSION. Brooke enters the apartment. Nathan is sitting down watching the basketball game with a beer.

"Why have you been drinking again lately? You don't wanna go down that road again." Brooke warns him.

"I won't." Nathan denies it. "Just been dealing with some stuff lately."

"Like what?" Brooke asks.

"Check the date and you should know." Nathan reminds her. "So, where have you been?"

"Got a motel. I seem to remember my fiancee telling me to leave him." Brooke says.

"Brooke, I'm sorry. I—I didn't mean it, not like that anyway. It's just you talked to Lucas. And Whitey's news, kinda made things worse." Nathan says.

"Nate, I'm not defending what Lucas did. OK? But that was a long time ago." Brooke says.

"Yet what he did so long ago still affects and hurts me to this day." Nathan tells her. "Especially on this day."

"You need to forgive him. It was an accident. He didn't know." Brooke reminds him.

"Brooke, I love you." Nathan tells her. "That'll never change. And one day, you will be Mrs. Brooke Davis-Scott. But my brother and I, we have nothing to say to each other. And we never will again."

"I'm going to the funeral, Nate." Brooke informs him.

"Hey. Say hi to my cheating ex-wife for me." Nathan says.

"She didn't cheat on you." Brooke tells him.

"Chris Keller ring a bell?" Nathan asks.

"That was high school, Nathan. What we did in high school, it doesn't matter anymore." Brooke says.

"Right." Nathan starts to say. "So, you planning on getting back together with Lucas? I mean, hey, him cheating on you twice with Peyton doesn't matter anymore. Right? Or sleeping with Jake's ex. So, now you two can ride off into the sunset."

"Nathan, you need to grow up. Stop living in the past. Stop living in high school. We're not little high school kids anymore. Hell, we're out of college, Nathan. It's time to act like it. Especially if you expect me to keep this on my finger." Brooke tells him as she flashes the ring on her finger.

"Whatever." Nathan says. "I'm not even talking about high school. Haley cheated on me with Lucas. And Lucas—well, you know what he did."

"Haley and Lucas did not have an affair, Nate. You need to stop believing that dillusion. You also need to stop blaming Lucas for other people's own actions." Brooke states.

"Better go back to Tree Hill now, Brooke. Don't wanna be late for the funeral." Nathan tells her.

"I love you, Nathan. And we will get through this. (Nathan walks down the hall way toward his room) Lay off the beer." Brooke warns him.

Brooke goes into the kitchen and takes Nathan's six pack of beer out, and leaves through the front door.

CUT TO: END OF FLASHBACK. Brooke is driving in her car, in South Carolina still, looking back onto the road from the six pack on the seat next to her.

SCENE 13: GRAVEYARD. NORTH CAROLINA. NIGHT. Nathan drove up to NC to visit the graveyard.

Nathan approaches one of the graves and cries. And then he puts down some flowers down.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting Dan do this to you. And Lucas should've known better than to— "Nathan starts crying.

He starts crying again, sitting down in front of the grave.


Everyone is gathered in the room, looking sad, and talking to each other. The room is extremely filled. Everyone loved Whitey. Familiar faces include: Lucas, Haley, Karen, Lily, James, and also Greg, Michael, and the rest of the current basketball team. Lucas and Haley are standing their with James, when Lucas glances toward the door, and sees Brooke Davis walk inside in a black dress.

"Brooke." Lucas says softly.

Haley sees her and smiles. Brooke sees the three of them and goes over. She hugs Haley, Lucas, and little James.

"You've gotten so big." Brooke says to Jamie. "I haven't seen him in years."

"You look great, Brooke." Lucas says.

"Yeah. You've hardly changed." Haley says.

"You look great, Haley." Brooke says smiling. "You too, Luke. Hey, guys. Have you, um, heard from Peyton?"

Haley and Lucas glance at each other.

"Not since we broke up." Lucas informs her.

"Right. I'm sorry." Brooke apologizes.

"It's OK. So, Nathan decided not to—" Lucas begins.

"I tried." Brooke says nodding.

Now everyone sits down and the casket with Whitey is brought inside and up to the front. Everyone says their own words about Bryan Whitey Durham.

CUT TO: THE BACK ("ENTRANCE") OF THE FUNERAL HALL. Nathan is standing there, hidden, with tears in his eyes, and paying his respects to his old high school Coach.

Voice over (Lucas Scott)---

"Returning home is difficult to do, especially once you get there. You soon realize nothing is the same as you left it."

From the doorway, Nathan looks in at Lucas, Haley, and his son, James, sitting next to each other.

Voice over (Lucas Scott)—

"Forgive the ones you love, and forget the past. Or at least move on from it. Otherwise, you might find yourself one day trapped, far away from the person you remember being, and nothing left to do with your life but think about your mistakes. And regrets."

CUT TO: PRISON CELL. Dan is sitting in jail still looking very un-showered and dirt, and looks to his right, at the wall, and marks on the wall yet another line. The angle changes and now shown on the wall can be seen 1,520 of those lines Dan has sketched into the wall.

Voice over (Lucas Scott)—

"Because isolating yourself from those who love you, like your friends and family, is the worst of things."

CUT TO: FUNERAL HALL. Nathan from the entrance, now walks away and gets into his car, driving off, before anyone could have seen him.