This is chapter 1… My first fanfic, though I have been reading for a while, ENJOY!


"Lily!!! When is you friend sho-AHHHHHHHH!!!" Petunia shrieked loudly and Lily knew Shay must have just come by floo powder.

Lily ran down the stairs and into the living room, only to have her best friend run at her with so much force, they both fell backwards onto the floor, cackling with laughter…

"Oh my gosh! I missed you!!!" Shay screamed into Lily's ear.

Lily, getting Shay's blonde hair out of her face said, "Shay, we saw each other three days ago when we left!"

"I know that! But I still missed you like mad!" Shay said as if it were obvious, "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Can we go to that little thing with all the places to buy all that stuff!"

"What!" Petunia asked, just getting over the fact that someone just walked out of her family's fireplace.

Lily looked dumbfounded for a moment, and then realization hit her, "Oh! The mall!" she cried.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Shay said bouncing.

"Yeah sure, we can go now if you want. They just put a new shop in that sells candy and chocolate and nuts! I've been dying to check it out."

"Oh! I'm soo excited!" Shay shrieked.


Soon Lily and her friend were at the mall, searching for the candy shop.

"I think we passes it Lils…" Shay wined.

"No my sister has been to it and she says it's by the sports shop which is down here!" Lily responded knowingly.

"Speaking of Tuney, you didn't tell her I was flooing?" Shay asked.

"No, I figured I'd at least get a good laugh." Lily said mildly.

"I was freaked out… I'm expecting to walk into you house, and I walk into a screaming sibling! Next time, WARN HER…or me..." shay added.

"Okay, okay. I will warn you next time. Ohhhh! There it is!" Lily and Shay squealed and ran for the door.

They got in, and didn't see anyone working, so figured they must be in the back. They looked around for a few minutes, and were just looking at almonds when a boy came up behind the counter.

"Can I help you with anything?" The boy said grinning from ear to ear.

Shay nudged Lily, who was trying to tell what the difference in a honey-roasted peanut, and a dried salted one was. They looked exactly the same!

"No, I was just looking at your nuts." Lily said without thinking. Shay started laughing in hysterics, and the boy smirked.

Lily, realizing what she had said looked up only to see Sirius Black standing there, smirking at her.

"Better not let Jamsie hear you say that, darling." He said with a smile.

"Better not let me hear who say what?" James walked out from the back room, stood next to Sirius and smiled at his favorite Gryffindor (or Hogwarts) girl.

Lily was turning more red by the second, and if her friend wasn't rolling on the floor, she would run away, but she didn't Black and Potter with her best friend. Or maybe her feet wouldn't let her run away. She wasn't sure.

"Lily here was just complimenting me on my more-private-parts." Sirius said with a wink. Lily swore she was melting because her face was so hot right now.

Shay, finally gaining composure, stood up and came to Lily's aid…Well, kind of…

"It wasn't her fault! She said the truth!" Shay said through a few stifled giggles, "I mean we were looking at almonds and such, and we all know Lily should've been born a blonde, but really, you shouldn't make fun of her!" This, unfortunately, only made the boys laugh harder.

"Shay." Lily said in a deadly whisper, "Do not say another word!" Shay, looking scared, said she was ready to go and did not mutter a word.

"What are you two doing here, when are you leaving, and why are you behind the counter?" Lily asked in the same deadly tone.

"You see Lily dearest," Sirius started, not in the leaast intimidated, " James' parents bought a house around here. Seeing as I live with them, I guess you could say we moved here. So, we are not leaving. And finally, we are behind the counter, because we work here."

"Where do you live, Potter, and why are you working in a muggle candy shop?"

James, obviously more intimidated than Sirius, stumbled upon his words. "Well, er, you see… it's like this…"

"Black! Take over for Potter." Lily ordered.

"Okay, we live on, Private drive? Or, what was it James?"

"Privet Drive." James supplied.

"Oh yeah! And…what was the other question? Sorry, but you know, men can't do many things at once. It's a proven fact we can't multi-task." Sirius stated.

"What else are you doing, stupid." Shay piped up.

"There are two girls in front of me, and I'm a guy… put two and two together." Sirius said casually.

"Er…that's four. Honestly, can't you do math!" Shay said.

"And you said I was blonde…Just be quiet!" Lily told her friend. "The question, Black, was…WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WORKING IN A MUGGLE CANDY SHOP!?" Lily roared, causing people to look at her as if she were a mental freak you needed to be locked up.

"Ahh, yes, though I do not recall you swearing the first time, we are here because there was a job opening and James' dad wanted us to meet new people. But now, I believe we can ask you some questions…" A smile played on Sirius' face, and when James thought about it a bit more, his mouth formed a big smile also.

"Yes," James said, finally saying something, "Why are you here and when are you leaving?"

"Lily lives on Privet Drive too! She lives at number 3! I am visiting for the summer, and I will be here for four weeks, and then gone two weeks, then come back for one, then go home for one, and then catch the train! But Lily isn't leaving at all… I don't think at least. She might came stay with me for the two weeks, and I live near Remus and…" Shay trailed off in a daze, trying to remember her neighborhood.

The boys' smiles were, if possible, wider than before. "So we live four houses down from you. What a fun summer you shall have…" Sirius said, his eyes glazing over in the midst of his scheming.

Lily, now very pale in the face, said quietly to Shay, "Let's go." And the two girls left the sweet shop and headed for home, know that they had an extreme summer ahead of them…


So…Chapter 1… What'd ya think??? Good, bad, you have ideas? Send me your thoughts pleeze!