Warning: I DO use the word 'nigga' at least once.
FYI: The names of the chapters in the scroll box in the top right corn it the POV that chapter is in. For Example: The name of this chapter is Huey. It is in Huey's perspective in this chapter!!! Got it? Good. On with the story:
I watched as the sun slowly sank below the horizon. The sky was orange and pink, it was pretty, but I really didn't give a rat's ass. The houses of Woodcrest were silent against the trees on the horizon, a picture of the white man's society. It was nothing like my hometown. Back there, there was a shooting ever hour on the hour and people died daily. This place was the damn opposite. I couldn't go back to the home land now though; I had been in Woodcrest way too long, I had begun allowing myself to be diluted by the laziness of the white society. Even being away for 10 years didn't change that permanent affect of the 8 years I had been here.
I heard a car drive up behind me, but didn't bother turning to look. I hadn't heard the swishing of rims or the blaring of music nor did I hear the purr of a racecar engine so I knew that it could only be two people. It could have been The White Shadow whom I had figured out was still watching my every move or is could have been Jazmine. I guessed the second since WS hadn't talked to me since the day that he introduced himself to me. I found my suspicions to be correct when a familiar voice spoke and the grass rustled as she sat next to me.
"Welcome back, Huey." Her sweet voice said gently. I had missed the sound. Her voice had gotten more mature over the years and had lost the squeakiness which it had contained back when we were ten. Her voice was still sickeningly sweet and made me want to kiss her, hoping her lips were just as sugary as her voice. I pushed the thought from my head and looked at her. She looked like her mom had back when she was her age. I allowed a small smile.
"Thanks, Jazmineā¦" I said and looked back at the sunset.
"It's been a long time, huh, Huey?"
"Yeah, it's been a little too long." I replied.
"Did you miss me?" She asked cutely. I smiled at how cute it sounded.
"Yes." I said simply and stood.
"I'm sorry, am I annoying you?" She asked, scared as she saw me stand. My eyes grew wide, but resumed their normal, listless stare not a moment later.
"No, you aren't annoying me." I said and she sighed in relief. I looked at her again. Her strawberry-blonde hair was down and straightened. It hung loosely right under her ears and was very layered. Her brown eyes looked into mine questioningly; a small bead of sweat was present on her temple. She had a pink summer dress on which hugged in all the right places. I was absolutely amazed at how much I had changed. I had never thought of her as anything more than a childhood friend who overreacted to everything.
"Huey?" She asked to snap me out of my reverie.
"Yes, Jazmine?"
"Are you okay? You were staring." She said, worried.
"Yes, I am fine. Thanks." I replied with a little smile.
"Do you need somewhere to stay while you're visiting?"
"Actually, I am buying a house here in Woodcrest."
"Oh, really?" She asked, obviously surprised.
"Yeah, I figured that I might as well stay here since there's no where else for me to go."
"You could go anywhere and fit in, Huey." She joked and giggled. I smiled.
"Would you like me to bring you back home?"
"I have my car here." She said, matter-of-factly.
"Oh, right." I remembered and kicked myself mentally for forgetting.
"Do you need somewhere to stay until you can buy your house?" She asked hopefully.
"If you don't mind me staying with you." I replied and she smiled.
"Well, let's go then, it's getting dark." She said and I smiled, nodding and walking to my new, Porsche Carrera GT which stood next to her pink Toyota Camry Hybrid.
Hoped you liked this chapter, I'll write more later, but it's late... Nighty night all! -hugs her pillow-