Title: My Demon Familiar
Word Count: 1,628
Rating: T for mild cursing
Pairings: NatsumexMikan, and slight RukaxHotaru

Summary: My name is Mikan Sakura. I am 14 years old and currently Alice Academy's number one jinx. One of the reasons why I'm a jinx is because my summoned familiar is none other than Natsume Hyuuga...How lucky of me...

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN the anime. I only own the story.



Chapter 1: Mikan the Academy's number one jinx

Mikan paced back and forth inside her room thinking of a way to calm herself down.

I am Mikan Sakura. Age 14 and currently Alice Academy's number one Jinx. Never was the lucky one...

Why am I a jinx? Simple really...

Because I was born unlucky!

Mikan scratched her head angrily.

I was born on January 1, one of the most unlucky days of the Aterian(1) Year. There is a belief in our country that every first day of the month is unlucky...why? I have no idea...anyway that is why everyone in Ateria brings at least one charm every first day of the month.

I being born on the 1st day of the 1st month of the year is simply considered really unlucky. I am also a late developer of my kind. In terms of everything especially magic.

My parents are the head honcho's of Arteria's Alice Academy, one of the most prestigious schools in Ateria. Me being the one and only child of the two most powerful magicians of the country is simple unlucky. With me, not being able to do even the simplest of magic spells.

Mikan sighed. Still pacing.

My childhood was also quite saddening considering the fact that when I was a child people always tend to like me temporarily. They seem to only consider me a friend when my parents are around and when my parents are gone they tend to cast me out.

Mikan stopped pacing and went to lie on her bed.

At least now, I have real friends ones that do not cast me out, even when my parents are not around.

Anyway, that's not the worst thing of all...No...Not at all...the worst reason why I'm the most unlucky person in Ateria because of HIM. My damn demon familiar! The worst of his kind! The most hateful jerk! Sarcastic no good b---


Mikan sat up from her position on the bed and looked over shoulders to look at the opened window where the black winged figure came out. His black wings quickly vanishing upon his landing. His crimson orbs staring intently at Mikan's honey brown colored ones. Mikan gave him a glare and began walking to the door.

"Stay away from me dammit!" She said looking back at him while walking.

"You know you're going to---"

Another thing that makes me a jinx is that...


...I have a tendency to hit walls. Damn it

"Never mind...it's too late anyway..."

I stood up quickly and rubbed my sore forehead.

"Damn it..." She said opening the door and quickly going out. "Don't follow me!" she called out.



Mikan walked through the crowded corridors with her familiar hot on her trail. A vein throbbed.

"Didn't I tell you to stop following me?" Mikan asked gritting her teeth. Fist clenched tight.

"Do I need to say that I'm your familiar and I should be following you wherever you go?" He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

Mikan moved faster. "I'm going to Hotaru!" She shouted while running at top speed heading to Hotaru's lab.

The familiar stopped and sighed. "Aho..."(2) and snapped his fingers "?????"(3) And he immediately vanished.



Mikan ran through the crowded corridors and the Alice Academy garden and sprinted faster to Hotaru's Lab.

Mikan finally arrived to her destination. Remembering to knock three times before opening the door and calling out for her best friend. "Hotaru!"

Mikan entered the room and was welcomed by the smirk on her familiar's face. "Yo!" he said giving a small wave from the couch where he was lounging around.

"Why are you here?!" She screamed.

"He came here because he said you were coming here..." A monotonous voice said.

Mikan looked to her left and saw Hotaru with her familiar. "Hotaru! Ruka!"

Hotaru came up to her and Ruka stayed with Mikan's familiar on the couch.

"Why are you here Mikan?" She asked

"Oh Hotaru!" Mikan started teary eyed.

"Here we go again..." The familiar said.

"Natsume..." Ruka, Hotaru's familiar, said giving him a look.

"Why do I have such bad luck?" Mikan wailed loudly.


Ruka stood up from his position, went to the back of the room, and came out holding a projector and a silver screen.

Mikan sat beside Natsume on the couch and stared at the screen.

Ruka showed some pictures on the projector while Hotaru explained.

The first pictured showed Mikan's parents carrying a baby (that would be Mikan).

"First reason you're called Alice Academy's number one jinx. You were born on the first day of a month...everyone in this country knows that the first day of a month is bad luck."

Mikan nodded. Ruka put in another picture this time showing only Mikan's parents.

"Second your parents are one of the most powerful magicians in our country and you being a late developer in---"Hotaru was cut off.

"In terms of personality, IQ, magic and body...yep a very late developer." Natsume said eyeing Mikan from head to toe.

Mikan blushed angrily. "Shut up!"

"Yes...thank you for continuing Natsume..." Hotaru replied.

Mikan stared at Hotaru sadly "Mou! I get it! I'm a late developer so what's up with me having a DEMON as a familiar?!"

"I'm sorry for being the one you summoned" Natsume said sarcastically. "You should be happy that I'm your familiar! I'm one of the strongest around."

"I wanted a fairy!"

"Fairies suck! They're weak!"

"No they're not!"

Ruka put in a picture of a tattoo in the projector.

"Let me explain why Mikan is sad for having a demon familiar" Hotaru said breaking the argument.

"Go ahead I'm listening..." Natsume said watching the silver screen intently while Mikan was huffing beside him.

"This is an example of a Tattoo a symbol that all Aterians have on their body. Every symbol can be found on the left shoulder of the magician and glows when the magician has reached the age of 10. Unfortunately for Mikan, being the late developer that she is, the tattoo glowed a couple of weeks ago."

Ruka replaced the current picture with a picture of three characters each having their own colour of symbol.

"These are the three categories of familiars. The familiars are required to be summoned when the tattoo has glowed. The reason behind this is that a magician will die if after a month of the tattoo glowing a familiar is not summoned.

The first group of familiars is the Fairy familiar having the colour green. The fairy familiar has the ability to heal and create magical barriers for his/her master. They are also the most defensive of all the familiars. Next is the Angel Type familiar, an example of which is Ruka. An angel familiar is both defensive and offensive and is good with animals. White is their colour. And the last is the strongest type of familiars. The demon familiars. Also known as the Dangerous ones. Demon familiars are good in both offensive and defensive like the angel familiars. The only difference between them is that the Demon familiars are the hardest of all familiars to get along with because almost every demon familiar is dangerous and known for causing trouble."

"See Aho..She said strongest type..." Natsume smirked at her.

"She also said known for causing trouble..." Mikan replied smirking as well. Natsume glared at her for a while but shrugged it off afterwards.

"I'm not the one that caused you to become the Academy's number one jinx..."

"Why You!" Mikan was ready to pound him when Hotaru blasted her new and improve baka gun at Mikan.


"Ruka water" Hotaru ordered.

Ruka quickly went and got water. After a few minutes, he arrived again with a glass of water and handed it to Hotaru.

"Ehem...Now it's time to state why Mikan doesn't like demon familiars"

Ruka played a video on a DVD player and projected it on the silver screen.

In the video, it showed an incident from a few weeks ago...


In the video, we see Mikan correctly saying the correct spell in summoning a familiar -Hotaru

"Please give me a familiar that which I will bond with for all eternity till I turn to dust! With my blood as the sign of contract" (4)

Mikan pricked herself and a drop of her blood fell onto the floor.

A magic circle appeared before Mikan.

The magic circle gave a red glow and out came a black winged figure.

"Nooo!" Mikan screamed. Quickly realizing what type of familiar she had summoned.

Mikan tried to cancel the summoning but ended up blowing up the summoning room. Mikan fell on her summoned familiar.

"What the hell's your problem woman?!" The familiar said angrily "Are you trying to kill the both of us? You know cancelling summons is prohibited!"

"Waa! I wanted a fairy!" Mikan wailed loudly.

"Tch. Aho...I'm better than a fairy...I'm Natsume Hyuuga the strongest Deamon familiar" He said smirking at her.

"I want a fairy!"

Video ends

"I still don't get why she doesn't like demon familiars." Natsume said patting the crying Mikan on the head.

"I didn't think you would film that too Hotaru..." Mikan sniffled. "I'm so embarrassed..."

It was Ruka's turn to speak. "It is said that the summoned familiar usually has something in common with the magician that summoned them. Usually it's the personality."

Mikan cried louder. "Am I really that bad Hotaru?"

"I'm not bad..." Natsume scowled

"And that's the reason why Mikan doesn't like demon familiars..." Hotaru sighed, "She thinks she's bad if she's got a demon familiar."

The two continued to bicker while Hotaru ate some homemade cookies while Ruka was pouring her some tea.

"When do you think they'll stop?" Ruka asked

Hotaru shrugged "Who knows..."




1) Ateria- A made up country by me.

2) Aho- Idiot

3) "?????"- I didn't know what to put here so let's just say that it is demon language and none of us can understand it. But in human words let's just call it teleportation.

4) "Please give me a familiar that which I will bond with for all eternity till I turn to dust! With my blood as the sign of contract"- I am not good with creating incantations so...yeah sorry if it sounds stupid...

5) Aterian- a person from the country of Ateria
