Author's Note: Sorry this took so long. This will probably be the last chapter, but I might make a sequel.

It took them their whole lives but they finally did it, they finally found their other halves. Two nights before the wedding they went off on their separate ways to the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. They both fell into bed three in the morning, telling each other about the parties. The next night the guys were hanging out and Finn's while the girls were all meeting at Lorelai's for a movie night. An hour after Rory was supposed to get there, Logan got a phone call from Lorelai.

"Rory never showed up."

"What do you mean Rory never showed up?" Tristan, Colin, Finn and the rest of the guys' heads shot up and looked at Logan.

"She's not answering her phone. Steph said she was going to pick Rory up but when she knocked on the door, Rory wasn't home and the door was locked so we figured that she was going to bring herself. So we called her phone and she's not picking up. We'd go over there and check but you took my key away."

"Well you shouldn't have given it to Finn." He sighed. "I'll go over there and check, if I find her then I'll call you. We'll find her Lorelai." He hung up then stood up. "Seems like Rory is hiding and the girls don't know where to find her." He looked at Colin. "Go to Yale; see if she's there please." He looked at Jess. "Go check around Stars Hollow." He turned to Finn and Tristan. "Go look wherever you think she could be." He looked at Luke Christopher and Richard. "We'll find her, go over to Lorelai's and make sure they're ok."

He ran out of the house and into his car, driving over to his and Rory's place. He went inside and looked around. "Rory! Where are you?" He went upstairs and saw her on their bed, reading her book and listening to an "I love Lucy" episode. He let out a sigh of relief and went over to her, kissing her cheek.

Rory jumped up when she felt him kissing her cheek and gasped. "Logan!" She hugged him. "What's wrong?"

He hugged her back tightly, keeping her in the hug. "You weren't picking your phone up. You were supposed to be at your Mom's almost two hours ago Ace."

She looked at the clock then shrugged. "I didn't feel like going." She put her book down then started to watch television.

"What do you mean you didn't feel like going? This was supposed to be your second bachelorette party Ace. What's going on?" He sat down next to her, putting his arm around her.

She shrugged, putting her head on his shoulder. "I just felt like being alone." She reached into the nightstand and got something out. "Remember two months ago in the hot tub? And remember the past two weeks how I haven't been feeling well?" She handed him a pregnancy test. "We're pregnant!"

He took the test from her and gave her a grin. He hugged her tightly. "This is amazing Ace." He kissed her.

She kissed him back, smiling. "Yeah?"

He nodded. "Yeah. You don't know how happy I am."

"I'm happy too. And I'm sorry I worried you about where I was. I just needed a break from everything."

He put his arms around her, tucking her into his side. "It's ok; I'll explain that to everyone. Get some rest."

She nodded her head some. "You'll stay with me?"

He smiled at her. "Anything you want."

"I want some coffee."


"Logan." She whined, pouting at him. "Why not?"

"Caffeine isn't good for the baby."

"You're mean."

He laughed and called the guys, telling them he found her. He called Lorelai and talked to her.

"Yes Lorelai I found her."

"Where was she?"

"At home."

"Then why didn't she answer the door?"

"She didn't want to."

"What do you mean she didn't want to?"

"She just wanted to be alone. She had a few things to do."

"What did she have to do? I thought she got everything for the wedding done?"

Rory rolled her eyes and took the phone from Logan, keeping it on speaker. "Mom, I had to get a pregnancy test. I'm pregnant."

Lorelai stared at the phone in shock then screamed out. "My baby is pregnant!"

Rory laughed, shaking her head. "Mom, you're a bit delayed and yes, I'm having a baby. Are you happy?"

"Oh kid, you have no idea how happy I am. I'll let you and Logan celebrate, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Rory hung up the phone and smiled at him. "So, you excited?"

He pinned her down to the bed and kissed her deeply, pulling back he looked into her eyes. "You have no idea how excited I am Ace."

She laughed, looking up at him. "I think I have a good idea of how happy you are."

The next day she woke up and saw he was gone. She saw the note he left and smiled as she read it. She got out of bed and went to make some coffee. She groaned when she saw that Logan took all of the coffee out of the house including the coffee maker. She picked up the phone and dialed his number. "I hate you." She hung up then went and took a shower.

Finn looked at Logan when his phone rang. He gave Logan a curious look as to why he was laughing. "What happened?"

He hung his phone up and looked at Finn. "Rory found out I threw out all the coffee."

The guys nodded in understanding then laughed. Finn looked at him. "Have fun on the couch Mate."

Logan glared at him then left Finn's to go to the hall.

Rory left the house and went to the hall to get ready. She ran into Logan when she got there and glared at him. "You got rid of all the coffee!"

He bit back a laugh and looked at her. "I'm sorry Ace but I had to. I don't want a two headed baby."

She glared. "Mom drank coffee the entire time she was pregnant with me and I turned out fine."

"You turned out to be an addict Ace."

"So are you saying that I have an extra limb? Because last time I checked, I didn't! And all my limbs were intact. So I will drink coffee for the duration of my pregnancy." With that she walked away from him and into her designated room.

He hung his head and went over to his designated room. He went in and sat down at the table with the rest of the guys.

Tristan looked up and saw his face. "What happened?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure actually. She's pissed about me taking her coffee away."

Colin looked at him. "She's probably mad that you didn't talk to her about it before you did anything. Want me to talk to her?"

He shook his head. "Nah, it's ok. I'll just let her relax." He ran his hand over his face.

Luke patted his back. "Welcome to the world of a pregnant Gilmore."

Logan glared at him. "Funny."

He chuckled. "It's not going to be easy."

"I found that out already."

"When Steph was pregnant it wasn't fun either you know that."

Logan looked at Colin and nodded. "That's true."

They saw Emily come in and tell them they had half an hour. They all got up and got ready. Logan saw Lorelai poke her head into the room. "What's up Lorelai?"

"We need help. Can you come?"

He nodded and buttoned his shirt then followed her. "What's wrong?"

"She won't stop crying."


"Rory. She got her dress on then looked in the mirror and just broke down."

He nodded and knocked on the door. He went in and looked at Rory who was sitting on the floor. He went over to her and sat down with her, pulling her into his arms. They didn't notice when the rest of the girls left. He wiped her eyes and kissed her cheek. "What's wrong frog?"

She chuckled, sniffling. "Wow, you haven't called me that in years." She shrugged then leaned into him. "Hormones. I'm sorry I got so mad, I thought about it and you're right. I know coffee isn't good for the baby."

He hugged her to him. "I'm sorry I threw out the coffee maker."

She pouted. "You threw out Stanley!"

"You named the coffee maker?"

"That's not the point! You threw him out."

"How about we go and get you a new one tomorrow before we leave."

"Can I name him Tony?"

He nodded his head, kissing her lips. "If that's what you want to call him."

She smiled at him. "I love you."

He smiled back at her. "I love you too, now let's go get married." He stood up and helped her up.

She giggled. "You say it like it's a life sentence."


She slapped his stomach. "Do not finish that sentence." She kissed him. "Go, Grandma will kill you if she finds you in here."

He kissed her back then looked at her. "Are you ok now?"

She nodded her head. "I am. Thank you."

He smiled at her. "I'll be the one in the tux."

She rolled her eyes. "You're already in your tux."

He laughed. "Play along Ace." He started over again. "I'll be the one in the tux."

"And I'll be the one in the white dress." She kissed him then pushed him out.

It was later that night, after the wedding and the reception. He almost ended up in jail when Finn decided to put a stop to the wedding.

Finn came running in when the priest asked if anyone objected. "I object!"

Rory and Logan both turned to Finn. "Finn, stop. This isn't the right time to play a game."

"Love, I want to be with you. I've been in love with you and I know you love me too."

She glad at him, hissing his name. "Go back to your seat!"

Colin stepped forward and looked at Finn. "Finn man come on. She doesn't love you, she loves me!"

Rory groaned and pulled them both by their ears to where they had to stand. She went back to Logan and smiled. "You may continue."

It took Josh, Tristan and Luke to get Logan to calm down before they continued.

Rory woke up and saw Logan looking at her. "How's the hand?" She rubbed it gently and made sure he had enough ice.

"It hurts but Finn had it coming."

She rolled her eyes then kissed his hand. "He said he was sorry. Besides we all know it was a joke."

"You never know with Finn."

She giggled and kissed him. "Go to sleep Huntzberger."

He grinned. "You go to sleep Huntzberger."

She gave him a grin. "I like the sound of that."

"What, going to sleep?"

"No, having your name."

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I like it too."

She ran her fingers up and down his arm. "So we should think of a name for our little girl."

"We're having a boy."

"Nope. It's a girl I know it."

"Can we at least pick out two names?"

She nodded her head. "Of course."

"How about Natalie Jane for a girl?"

She made a face. "Try again. Kaiden Anthony for a boy."

"Kaiden I like pick a different middle name." He kissed her forehead. "Melissa Ann."

"I like that, we'll go with that. Um Kaiden Michael."

He nodded. "I like it." He rubbed her stomach gently then laid her on her back and kissed her stomach. "Hey baby. Mommy and daddy love you very much and we can't wait to meet you." He looked at her.

She smiled at him, running her fingers in his hair. "Logan, darling. Baby can't hear you."

He leaned up and kissed her lips. "I don't care."

She giggled, kissing him back. "Me either."

"I love you Mrs. Huntzberger."

She smiled wide. "I love you too Mr. Huntzberger."