

A/N: Seventh chapter is up! This will be the final chapter of this fanfiction… So yeah.



Chapter 7

Something To Look Forward To



Juumonji had no idea why the "kiss incident" with Mikuru did not reach Deimon, when in fact, it was just some blocks away from the crime scene. It didn't make sense, and he was glad it was that way. However, he had a feeling that a certain demonic persona was behind it, although he wasn't exactly sure why he would hide it. Unless it was another black mail material for him.

As if those negatives weren't bad enough.

Either way, his "dates" with Mikuru was still on going, until this day of course, when they would rub it in that bastard Hideyoshi's face that she didn't need someone like him. Since they were pretty much getting along pretty well, now all that was left was how he should formulate a plan.

"Don't fucking day dream, fucking scarface!!!" a demonic voice accompanied by a rain of bullets snapped him out of Huh-Huh Land. If it wasn't because of their manager's instantaneous reflexive reaction to Hiruma's destructive manner of waking up his teammates, he would sport three – no, five – bullet holes on his face.

"Mou, Youichi. Can't you find another way of waking people up?" Mamori placed her hands on her hips as they went back into the usual routine of verbal wars.

It was just that time that Juumonji found his two best friends huddled up in a corner, talking in hushed whispers; Juumonji couldn't help but twitch his brow. Somehow, he had an idea of what they were talking about.

"Oi." He walked to them. Kuroki and Toganou turned their heads at him, their eyes all puffy red; Juumonji stared at them, "What happened to you two? Lost a bet or something?"

"Traitor!" Kuroki pointed a finger at him.

"Huh?!" Juumonji gawked.

"How could you?!" Toganou waved his JUMP.


"YOU'VE GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" they shouted.


They walked up to him and showed him a picture. It was him and Mikuru. Juumonji jerked a brow, he could almost feel the evil aura behind him. He'd rather not look.

"You said you didn't like any girl, they why this? How come you get to kiss a girl?!" they grimaced. Juumonji sighed, "It was an accident."


"An accident. There were… er… people chasing me." He said. Well, it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

"Chasing? What did you do?"


Stretching his leg, Taki shouted in glee, "A-HA-HA! It must be your fans!"

'Even idiots get it right too.' Juumonji thought. Toganou commented, "This fame is unforgivable."

"Ahhh?" Juumonji scowled, "Look, like I said, it was an accident. There's no point in asking me those things, because it's an accident."

Leaving it at that, a rather "pissed" Juumonji left the locker room. The people inside though, weren't convinced, even by a bit.



"Wh-what? You're coming with me?" Mikuru spluttered as Yueno and Ayashi walked up to her, "I-I thought you had to do some editing for the next issue, Hiru-chan?"

Yueno grinned knowingly, "Oh that? I finished it last night. Aya-chan and I wanted to go shopping with you today, ne, Mi-ku-ru-cha-n!" she pulled the hesitant Ayashi by the shoulder, "Right, Aya-chan?"

Ayashi looked away, "Ah… yeah."

Mikuru winced. It wasn't going to be easy, especially with these two tagging along with her. She had to call Juumonji. ASAP.







His phone vibrating, Juumonji reached in his pockets; it was Mikuru. He pressed the phone, "Hello?"

In a cheerful voice, the other line almost shouted in his ears, "Ah, hello, Mon-mon-chan"

"Hhhhaaa???" Juumonji snarled. What the fuck?! Since when was he called Mon-mon-chan?!

Before he could reply, the other line continued, "Anou, Mon-mon, I've got my pair of heels stuck in the ditch here, and I might be late… ah, uhm, well, see you real soon."

CLICK. She hang up.

Juumonji scowled. So she was going to be late after all. Well, it didn't matter if she was going to be late for five minutes, thirty or an hour. He wasn't sure whether he was having a nightmare or not, but he thought he just saw Sena and the monkey around the corner. Somehow, he had a bad feeling about today.



"Oh! Look Mikuru-chan! What a cute puppy!" Ayashi's faint voice said. Yueno immediately squealed when they went to the bunny corners, "Hiiiyyaaa! So cute! Those bunnies!"

"Ah. Cute." Mikuru nodded, checking the clock. For the time being that she was with the two, Mikuru knew she had to do something. After all, they waited for a whole frigging week to get that 'revenge' on her ex.

She frowned. After this, she probably wouldn't see Juumonji again, much less talk to him. After all they were a busy team, Deimon Devilbats. Mikuru shook her head. What was she thnking?! Shouldn't she be thankful enough that the Deimon lineman had decided to help her?

Now she was feeling grumpy for no reason at all. Their dates weren't that fun, as all they did was talk and talk and rant and rave about things.

She would rant about how their teachers control the school, and he would rant about how their captain, Hiruma, controlled everyone within 10 km radii. She would talk about the Newspaper club's late issues, and he would talk about their team's super-late dismissal (well, he wasn't ranting about it). She would talk about her friends, and he would talk about his teammates.

In fact, they had never asked each other of what kind of food they liked, what kind of dress they approve of, what kind of color they both didn't like, what interests them the most. None. Zilch. Nada.

'Well, it is just a makeshift pairing just to piss off my boyfriend and to keep his fangirls away after all.'

But even with this reasoning, she couldn't help but feel sad. Even a bit.



'Why do you think-'

'Yeah… it's that-'


'Yeah, yeah! That must be-'

Juumonji twitched a brow. As much as he tried to ignore those voices behind him, he just couldn't help but cringe. After all, they were spying on him… but seriously, couldn't they do it more discreetly?

He could see that monkey, Monta, swinging from branch to branch, his monkey DNA waking up from its deep slumber; Sena, who was supposed to be the superhuman with the speed of light, kept on being such a klutz; Toganou and Kuroki weren't of any doing good either – they practically stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the people.

At least he didn't have to worry about Hiruma, since he probably didn't care a zilch about his teammates' love life.

It was then that he noticed the guy he had been wanting to beat the hell out of. The great oaf, that guy he saw two weeks ago, who broke up with his girlfriend because she didn't want him to do her, was strutting around as if he owned the place… with a new girl.

Juumonji flinched. He should call her ASAP. He didn't have a plan yet, but he could think of it, later on.




Right after the phone rang, Mikuru picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"I saw him just now." She could hear his voice from the other line. She nodded, "Okay. So where are you right now?"


Mikuru nodded as she continued on listening to his instruction. When he hung up, she immediately went to Yueno and Ayashi; waving a small goodbye, she ran ungracefully to the next corner, where the restaurant was…

And then—

"Aaiiiyyaa!" she exclaimed, as she bumped into someone. She lashed out at him, "Look where you're goi-ahh…" she bit her lip.

It was Juumonji.

"Idiot. Don't go running on corners like that." He said, pulling out his arm. "You always fall down."

She raised her nose in the air, and stood up, ignoring his hand, "Hai, hai. I won't do that again, Juumonji-kun."

"How's your heels?" he asked. She shrugged, "Fine, I left them at the pet shop. I guess."

She heard Juumonji take a deep breath, "I saw him enter that place. American Burger." She nodded. Juumonji said, "Are you ready?"

"As long as you have a good plan rolling, then let's get this started." She answered. He took out his hand, "Let's put that one week of theory into practice."

They didn't know, though that there were more than five sets of eyes following them.



HHWW inside the restaurant… Scratch that.

Holding hands while walking inside the restaurant, Juumonji pulled Mikuru to the table next to her ex-boyfriend's table. It was kind of easy to see, since he and his date was near the entrance. Taking his time, Juumonji led the girl to the chair. He could feel her sweaty hand shaking. She glanced worriedly at him as if to say numerous 'what if's.

"It'll be really swift." Juumonji whispered as he pulled the chair for her. She nodded. He glanced at the next table.

The bastard wasn't even looking at them.

He cleared his throat, "Do you like this place, Mikuru?"

He saw her bit her lips a bit, blushing (whether it was intentional or not, he didn't know), "Ah… well… it's fine, as it's you who brought me here, ne, Juumonji-kun? I-if it was… uh, somebody else, I would've, eh, kicked him in the… uhm."

Juumonji stared at her. Apparently, she had bad acting skills.

But it didn't matter, because as soon as Mikuru said the words "Juumonji", the girl with the bastard almost snapped her head off her body to see him.

"Kya! It's Juumonji-kun from Deimon!" she squealed. Juumonji winced. He didn't like being called "Juumonji-kun", especially by strangers, but for the sake of today's "revenge", he waved at her, "Uh… yo."

Sasami almost died.

"Oi, Sasami, you're my date!" Hideyoshi hissed, he shot daggers of glare at Juumonji, who basically ignored him. The girl Sasami, suddenly said, "Kya, didn't you know, Hideyoshi? This guy is one of Deimon's Amefuto players! The ones who defeated Oujou!"

"Ahem." Coughed Mikuru, "Excuse me, but… I'm his date."

Hideyoshi's jaws dropped.

"Aw, that's kind of sad." Sasami pouted. Juumonji grinned and decided to push things a little further, "Well, yeah. But it's fine, she's a picky girl, doesn't put up with shit like that."

"Of course I am. What did you think of me, Juumonji-kun?" Mikuru stuck a tongue out, "I don't go just dating anyone, really."

Hideyoshi then said, "Of course you don't, we were together for a while, weren't we, Mikuru?"

"Oh really, Hideyoshi-kun? You know them?" Sasami tilted her head in excitement. Juumonji grinned even further, "Do you know him, Mikuru?"

With a cold gaze, Mikuru replied, "Oh that's sad, you're cute, but I don't think I know you. Mistaken me for someone else, I suppose?"

The look from Hideyoshi's face was priceless beyond compare, and it made Juumonji proud. After all, it was his first time scheming something remotely evil. Or perhaps, it was just that bastard demon rubbing off on him.

Mikuru then stood up, "I don't feel like eating anymore, Juumonji-kun."

"Really? That's good, cause me too." Juumonji said as he followed the girl. Hideyoshi then stood up from his seat and shouted, "BITCH! I'll show you that I'm better than that guy!"

Juumonji saw Mikuru shrug. Grinning once more, just to spite the raging guy, Juumonji threw his arm around Mikuru's shoulder. It worked because the raging guy became an infuriated raging guy; Mikuru slapped his arm off when they left the restaurant.

"So how was it?" Juumonji asked.

She answered, "Fine. It was really nice, although I'd rather not do it again."

"Me either. Well, I guess that's it." He said. Mikuru nodded, "Yeah. Your part of the deal is through, Juumonji-kun."

The two of them fell silent.

"This is goodbye, then." Juumonji shrugged off, "See you around, if that's possible."

Mikuru nodded, "Uhm. I guess so. Thanks for helping, Juumonji-kun."

Juumonji shrugged his shoulders, "No big deal."

He then started to walk away.

It was sad, a bit, since she was probably the first girl (aside from their manager and the cheerleader) who approached him without hesitating (or without intent to scream fangirl language). Kind of disappointing…

"Wait, Juumonji-kun." She called, making him look back, "Is it okay… uhm…"

"Haa?" he asked.

"Is it okay if we do this again, some other time?" she asked. Juumonji blinked, and turned around again. For a moment, Mikuru frowned.

He then said, "Sure. If I have free time."

Mikuru's frown became a full-fledge smile, "Yeah. See you then, Juumonji-kun." She walked back to the petshop, albeit, now in a pretty much happier mood.

'That's something to look forward to…' Juumonji thought as he walked back to Deimon. Can't be late for their practice…



Somewhere near that place…

The rest of the Devilbats shivered. Sena commented, "Hiiieeee! D-do y-you think… Juumonji-kun… he… he…"

"Muukkkyyaa! He's like UBER COOL MAX! NO! I can't let that happen! I have to be the next captain of the Devilbats!" Monta grit his teeth.


"T-that bastard… it was just cool…" Kuroki grind his teeth.

"His coolness and fame really can't be forgiven!" Toganou seconded.

"Areinaii… I must go look for a mademoiselle to help too!" Taki balled his fists while his legs were in a 180 degree from each other.

"What do you say, fucking old man? Fucking fatty?" Hiruma grinned, "More blackmail material for more people."

"We knew you'd say that." Kurita and Musashi said in unison.



A/N: Yeah, so this wasn't the best fanfiction I had done (it is kind of lame, but, well that's life), but I'm still glad there's people who had read and reviewed it. Thank you! (I guess I'm pretty much rustin' already… booohhooo… noooo… kekekekeke… I'm rather behind ES21 already, as I've only read 255th DOWN, but I heard that Marco pwned Sena in 256th DOWN… So, does that mean I'm right? Okay, so not entirely right, but it's Marco VS Sena, me thinks, yeah?)

In my fifth rereading of ES21, I'm already at Chapter 157, and I can only squeal at Juumonji's awesomeness. Page 118 of Volume 18, the lowest box, Juumonji sort of figured out that there was something else that Akaba was doing (spider posion, was it?)! YAYZ! Go Monji! Go Monji! (I hope he'd be one of the best eleven for the Kantou Tournament!)

There's also this part in the semi-finals of the Kantou tournament, Sena said that Kurita should block Sakuraba because he's big, the rest said it was a good idea, Musashi and Juumonji said it impossible (that speech balloon with Sakuraba and Kurita running), Suzuna saying that they could totally see who the idiots and who aren't in the team were, and Hiruma saying that there were a lot of idiots. Kekekeke.