
Prologue 3- Judgement Day Approaches

The group entered the house with a little more than a sigh of bliss from Yletipyn, who had been away for a year in Actygius time, but ten years for the rest of the world. The house itself was simple as it could possible be, for though outside was fancy, the inside was dreary, blank and basic. The group walked into what seemed to be a seating room with chairs and a bowl of fruit in the middle on a short, small, and detailed coffee table.

At one end of the chairs sat a boy a little younger than the trio themselves with black hair and green eyes. A barest hint of a scar lay on his forehead, but his eyes held a haunted tone to them as if he had seen many indescribable things first hand. The boy waved his hand, motioning the group to sit down while his eyes scanned the newcomers, searching to see what they were. He could tell they were not muggles, but they didn't use the magic of wizards or the white and crystal magic the descendants of Actygius used.

Once the group sat down comfortably, a glare from the two cousins sent Yletipyn telling his story of the past year's adventures.

"So, basically you left here to find me but somehow ended up halfway around the world and made friends and became the King of Games only to be betrayed, so then you decided to come back and your true friends made you drag them along?" Haliso gasped for air as he did a quick summary.

"Yep! This is Ryou, who was possessed by the confused and manipulated Thief King Bakura. This is Marik, who was possessed by the sadist Malik, who was on the verge of being psychotic. The others are Isis, wielder of the Millennium Necklace, Odeon, Marik and Isis' older brother and protector, and Joey, my only friend that I've had since the beginning," Yletipyn introduced the confused and awed group.

"Hello, my name is Haliso when I'm here in Actygius, but in the outside world I go by Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived in the wizardry world," Haliso began, explaining his past up until the end of his sixth year.

"You had it as bad as Yug – Ylet – Yletipyn," Joey laughed, confusion running across his face.


"How is it that Chief Representative of Dragons, Brother Fanar, knows where and what we do the moment we do it?" Kirayathny walked to the door of their house, letting the giant glide in with a lady behind him that gave off an aura of silence and gentleness.

"Ah, Lady Seng, how are you?" Auranalias jumped up, offering her chair to the old woman with silver hair.

"The Sacred River called to the Ancient Pond of Hereditary Light, who in turned passed it to the Spires of the Golden Saints, on to the Eternal Maidens, hopping onto the Amazons of Am, to the Shrine Maidens of Lady Eret, to Old Barrier Dragon Nal, who thoughtfully passed it onto Fanar and his bond brother C'alth and finally to my Orb of History," Seng rested her body in the chair, slumped over as if the walk to the three tri-colored hair cousins home was too much work.

Fanar nodded his head in agreement. "All the representatives for each group will meet in the Divine and Imperial Alliance of Actygius, and then we are to go to the Palace of the Unholy Dragon Nal so that his input can be heard by all."

"Then why are we needed to go or for you to tell us?" Yletipyn glanced at Fanar and Seng with a calculated glance.

"It has to do with you four leaving Actygius to see the outside worlds. Since kind old Nal is about to reach his end, and we will be swarmed with water without his power, Actygius decided it is time to return to the surface, but we need to avoid muggles like Haliso's wizards do. Also, the members of the Actygius Council need to discus what to do with these invaders, and how you will learn the magic we seek; after some thought, it's been decided that you four will be the representatives of Actygius's white crystal magic."

Auranalias sighed. "Lovely. Ok, let's go. We'll have to go through Empress Tiger to go to the Divine and Imperial Alliance of Actygius."

"What's Empress Tiger?" Joey asked curiously.

"The mall!" the two girls chirped.

Yletipyn and Haliso groaned. "No! Let's go the other way! I hate the mall!" they responded in terror.,

"No," Kirayathny responded simply, "it's the fastest way. Besides, your friends need new clothes."

Marik frowned. "What's wrong with my clothes? I'm not changing."

"Yes, you are," Auranalias demanded as she led the group out of the house and down the road to a building held ten feet in the air by enormous pillars.

"Where's the mall?" Ryou asked, looking around the shadowy surroundings.

Haliso grinned. "Above us."

"Then how are we going to get in?"

Kirayathny smiled. "It's easy. See that rope?" she asked, pointing directly ahead of the group.

"Yeah…" Ryou responded hesitantly.

"All we have to do is pull it," Kirayathny smirked.

"Well, let's go, and sorry, Lady Seng, Brother Bonded Fanar, for taking up your time." Auranalias took Ryou's hand and pulled the rope, disappearing in sparkles.

"It doesn't bug us, we're happy that you wish to expand your family," Fanar shrugged, glancing at the other newcomers. "Even if they don't use Crystal or Wizardry Magic, but instead the magic of Millennium."

"Brother Bonded, they have the ability to use Crystal, or some at least. Besides, they use Millennium like Crystal, not like Queen Mias," Yletipyn stated, grabbing Joey's hand and pulling the rope.

"That is understandable," Seng pulled the rope to watch those already there.

"Oh, right, can't judge someone by your past magic experiences," Fanar muttered, grabbing Odeon's hand and pulling the rope.

"The loud one is gone," Kirayathny mumbled with a sigh, grabbing Isis' hand as she pulled the rope, following the others.

"And we're the last to go, Marik," Haliso smirked. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

Once the group could see, the guests of Actygius saw they stood in a small room with a desk in front of them and carts on both sides. Behind the desk stood several changing rooms.

"Well, Yletipyn, coming here to get new clothes? Oh, Haliso, you as well? And guests?" The clerk, a petite woman with black hair and eyes, grabbed a pile of clothes from a cart next to her and pushed Haliso and Yletipyn into the changing rooms behind her.

"Now, young lady, what colors do you want?" the clerk pressured Isis.

"White, tan, silver, and light brown with gold trim and lacing," Isis stated, unaffected by the demand.

"Yes, yes, Desert Lady." Another clerk handed the shades over to the main clerk and in a flash of a rainbow of colors the cloth turned into clothes. The head clerk handed them to Isis, pushing her into a fitting room.

"Busy today?" Yletipyn asked as he walked out of the dressing room at the same time as Haliso.

Yletipyn had a gold shirt on with a red vest over it and an amethyst skirt that went down to his knees with a black scarf to keep it up. The entire outfit was trimmed with silver. Haliso wore an emerald skirt, a silver vest, a gold scarf, and a ruby skirt with royal blue trim.

In the end Marik wore a gold vest, an amethyst shirt, a royal blue scarf, a black skirt, and silver trim. Odeon matched Isis, only with the standard outfit for men instead of woman. Joey had a white shirt, green vest and scarf, blue skirt, and white trim. Lastly, Ryou had a white shirt and skirt, red vest, and a small black scarf with hold trim, almost an identical outfit to his thief counterpart's in Ancient Egypt.

"Why do we have to wear skirts?" Joey moaned as he stared at himself in a full-length mirror.

"Because that's the current style here," the clerk told him as Yletipyn led the group back towards the rope.

"Yug, how we getting' down?" Joey asked, staring concernedly down the ten-foot drop.

Yletipyn grinned. "We jump. On three… one, two, three!" Yletipyn, Haliso, Auranalias, and Kirayathny jumped down the hole, landing effortlessly on the ground below.

"How'd you do that?" Joey yelped in shock.

Seng rolled her eyes. "Magic," she answered simply as she and Fanar pushed the remaining members of the group down the hole before jumping down themselves.

"Follow us!" Kirayathny ordered as she exited the structure of pillars back into the sunlight and heading south down a white brick path.

Ryou blinked. "Where are we headed again?" he asked after about ten minutes of walking.

"Right there," Haliso answered for his cousin as the large group walked under another building held up by pillars.

"Ok, we're going up in the same order as before," Yletipyn ordered as they stopped in front of the building's transport rope.

"No need, I'll come them down, and they'll come down one at a time so you can introduce them… if Fanar agrees to carry me the rest of the way," Seng questioned Fanar.

"It would be my honor," Fanar bowed, and Seng grabbed the rope.

"Okay, well let's start with Fanar since Seng will take a while . . ." Auranalias shrugged.

"Dragon Representative Brother-Bonded to C'alth. You could call him the principal of Recursive Minanet of the Hereditary Dragon, it's a type of musical school. Seng is the recorder of accurate history and the principal of the only school, Academy of the Thousand Women of Seng," Yletipyn started.

A man with short brown hair and eyes dropped down next. "That's Priest Isan, the watcher and guardian of all the dead priests and saints, he works at the Spires of the Golden Saints."

"Head Healer Sheenta works at the Walled City of the Lost Plague" This was a man with long black hair and blue eyes.

A woman with blonde hair and gold eyes revealed herself next. "Eternal Maiden Blessed Moon is the current leader of the ex-queen's army, residing in the Arena of the Eternal Maidens of Mais."

An elderly woman with peppered hair and lavender eyes smiled motherly at the group as she released the rope. "This is Mama Mircella, owner and head worker of the Sanctuary of the Mystical Mysteries, an orphanage."

"Green Hand Master Ribter, of the Shadowy Greenhouse of the Devils," Yletipyn continued, introducing a green-haired man with lime green eyes.

Next came a stern looking bald man with orange eyes. He was introduced as the Poor General Hakusho, guardian of the Tower of Insanity.

A with white hair and brown eyes dropped next, revealed to be "Arialle of the Amazons of Am, one of our three militaries."

"Head Shrine Maiden of the Shrine of Lady Eret, Kimi," was a woman with light, sandy blonde hair and tan eyes.

"He is the representative of our library, Mister Krissn," Yletipyn introduced yet another man, this one an ace runner type man with purple hair and yellow eyes.

A red haired guy with lava eyes fell next. "You could say he is Head Scientist at our Aquatic Laboratory of Years, Siafin."

"That's a lot of people," Joey said, his head spinning with all the names.

Ryou wrote all the information he heard on a notepad he had on him to make sure he remembered.

A peach eyes and pink hair man fell next. "Ah, X'Zoa, Head of Valenzuela Sciences Manufacturing Supplies and Representative of all businesses."

One last person fell down, a woman with smoke gray hair and sapphire eyes. "Ah, Senator Noma, Representative of our government and works at this building, Divine and Imperial Alliance of Actyguis."

Seng jumped down last, caught by Fanar. "Okay, let's go!" she told the rest of the group.

"Who wants to be the next guide, since Yletipyn had worn out his voice by now."

"I'll do it," Kirayathny sighed.

She lead the enormous group of people out of the columns and west on the white brick path. Within a few minutes, the group walked under another building.

"Okay, we're now underneath the Peking Lily, which is the Island's Chinese Restaurant. Next is the Maple Dragon, which is also a restaurant."

Kiraya stopped walking underneath the third building the group walked under, still heading west. "This is the Aquatic Laboratory of Years, which is our science lab. This is one of the most important buildings on the island."

Beginning to walk once again, they walked under one more building (which was Bay Wild Estates, a hotel) before heading north underneath the Fal Ancient Tower, the library, before stopping underneath yet another building.

"Okay, this is the Palace of the Unholy Dragon of Nal. Auranalias will explain the purpose of this building, Aura?"

"The purpose of this building is to house the powerful Nal, a dragon who for centuries now has kept us here so deep underwater without a care or worry of outsiders," Auranalias smiled and answered.

"Shall we get going?" Yletipyn said as he pointed out that the leaders were already going in.

"Alright let's go," Auranalias pushed the group of dazed guests into the line that had formed.

Inside the building, everything was black with white streaked marble with gold inlay. It was like walking into a shrine made for a god in the times of the Romans. They reached a conference room, or so the group guessed by the large table with many chairs. The only really surprising was the old looking dragon at the head of the table.

"Nal, dearest teacher and parent, please be careful, you are not as strong as you used to be," Fanar raced over to the dragon in worry.

'Son Fanar I maybe dying but I am not a fool. Do not worry, I have asked C'alth and the other strong dragons to move me back into my lair. I feel bad for the younglings who volunteered to clean all of my home.' a voice wise and old chuckled in their heads.

"May I be the one to ask why you have called this meeting?" Siafin bowed to Nal.

"As most know, I am dying, and I have no heir. There is no dragon anywhere on this planet who has blood of the royal dragons" Nal started. "It will take three generations for my successor will be born, by then I will be dead. I have sealed a tome for it to learn all I know, but by then Actyguis would have drowned. So I have a solution."

"Alright, the meeting shall begin as soon as everyone sits down," Seng sat at the opposite end of Nal spoke, an orb hovering in front of her.

Fanar sat by Nal's side. On the right side of the table sat, in order of Seng to Fanar, Ribter, Hakusho, Krissn, Siafin, X'Zoa, and then Noma. On the left side, of Seng to Nal, Sheenta, Kimi, Isain, Arialle, Mircella, and Blessed Moon.

"May I be the one to question the presence of outsiders here?" Hakusho questioned from the power side.

"They are essential help in our goal," Nal's voice softly stated.

"Children, Nal?" Mama Mircella raised the pitch in her voice to show disapproval.

"If I may answer that, Mama?" Haliso bowed to the council.

"Please do, Haliso," Blessed Moon growled, glaring at the others of the council for hating the millennium magic users and housers.

"There are schools hidden throughout the world, unseen by muggles. I would know, I went to one of the best ones, even if the teachers aren't the most sane," Haliso reported.

"And if we send a group of children to this school, they can learn to create these invisible wards?" Noma interpreted.

"No, they will not teach children something so powerful. They will be amazed at our reappearance and gladly take in our children to learn their ways. But since there is no ward for the muggles, they will by law create one for us in the presence of children so they may learn it so we are not dependent of the wizards and once we learn we can sever ties," Nal informed them.

"Then why do we even have to send the children at all?" Isain demanded.

"To show we are sincere and not just using them, even if we are. But also did you forget that Haliso is part of their current war, so it would be redundant to leave one of our own to fend for himself when he needs family," Fanar argued.

"Then why not send a few adults?" Krissn offered.

"Too suspicious," Fanar stated.

"Besides he is ours and we have at least that right," Kirayathny snapped.

"So who are we sending?" Sheenta gave up.

"Haliso, since he is needed there, as well as Yletipyn, for he is family and has muggle experiences. The outsiders, for they will bring balance to our crystal magic and calm the fear. Those who have millennium can learn to use it as if it was crystal. Kirayathny, for her ability to protect her own, if not for her strong magic she would have been an Eternal Maiden or Amazon. Auranalias for her knowledge of time and her ability to get what she wants. Besides that, they have strong magic and they wield our heart crystals with ease. So, they are well protected," Nal choose who wanted.

"Very well," Haliso, Kirayathny, Auranalias, and Yletipyn bowed in union. "We will do as you have asked."

Ryou frowned.

"Wait, we didn't agree to do anything!" he protested. "Why do we need to get involved?"

"Guys," Yletipyn sighed, "please do this! You'll be with me, I promise. I have to go, and I don't want to leave you here without me. And without your help, this island will cease to exist!"

"But why? I don't understand."

"You see, this island is actually underwater in an air bubble type of ward that is held together by Nal. But Nal is dying, and when he does the ward will fall, causing everyone to drown. He wants us to go to a Magic School in England to learn how to build a new ward."

Marik frowned. "Why can't Nal teach you?" he asked in confusion.

"Nal's over a thousand years old, he's a royal dragon, and he created the barrier near the beginning of his life, he can't remember how to do it," Yletipyn sighed.

Ryou, Joey, Marik, Odeon, and Isis looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement.

"Very well Yugi, we will help you." Isis replied for all five of them.

"Now, what do we need to do?"

Kirayathny smiled. "First we need to go back in time, and then speak with the Headmaster. He will guide us from there."

"Uh . . . How are we going to go back in time? I didn't think that was possible," Joey spoke up in amazement.

"It's simply, really," Yletipyn answered. "We have a time spell. Now, everyone follow me into the ritual room." The King of Games led the group out of Nal's thrown room down the hall into a small white room with a black pentacle, a five-point star inside a circle, painted onto the floor. Seng stood at the top of the star. Yletipyn took the right side, Haliso the right bottom, Auranalias the left bottom, and Kirayathny the left side. The rest were stationed on the circle, Joey between Seng and Yletipyn, Ryou between Yletipyn and Haliso. Marik between Haliso and Auranalias, Isis between Auranalias and Kirayathny, and Odoen between Kirayathny and Seng.

"Gods of all, please answer our call," Seng began.

"God of Earth, who is the origin of birth," Yletipyn took over.

Haliso spoke next. "Goddess Air, who is always fair."

Then it was Auranalias' time to speak. "God of Fire, who us he inspires."

Kirayathny invoked the last of the gods. "Goddess of Water, who prevents weather getting hotter."

Then, the five of them spoke in union. "The Gods we have awoken, please bring us to our spoken. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland, England."