Blind Date

Disclaimer: Not my characters. No infringement intended.

Pairings: Canon pairing of Jimmy and Michelle

Rating: T for implied naughtiness

Summary: Abby decides to do her lonely friends a favour…

Author's Note: Special thanks go to Claire for the beta work and the grammatical tweaking!!

Chapter 1 – Abby Sciuto, Matchmaker

Abby Sciuto sighed.

Things just hadn't been the same between her and the Jimster lately. She stared at her computer, waiting for it to produce results from an AFIS search. She was all caught up, their latest case hadn't given her much evidence to work with, but she knew she could produce her usual miracle with it.

But in the meantime, she had time to think. She didn't know what it was about Jimmy that was different. He used to look at her with adoration and what she was sure was unrequited puppy love shining in his green eyes. Lately though, it was more… well… platonic.

Blech. Abby hated that word. "Platonic." She thought it sounded like a disease from the dark ages or something.

Could it be that Jimmy had lost interest in her? Had she become that boring and dull lately? Had she rejected him once too often?

Well, it wasn't like she was ever really interested in anything but friendship with Jimmy Palmer; but, she supposed, it really wouldn't have killed her to throw him a few crumbs now and then.

Oh, who had time for useless flirting, anyway? The indulgence would have been just so much folly - it was true, she was, as she always was, overworked. Everyone wanted a piece of Abs, and by the time they were done, it seemed, there wasn't enough Abs left for Abs.

Suddenly, Abby had an idea. A brilliant idea. An idea straight from the dating gods, it seemed.

She would set Jimmy up on a date. She hated to see him so lonely. But who could she set him up with?

Of course, she realized. Wallflowers of a feather flocked together. She could set him up on a blind date with Michelle Lee!

"Sciuto, you're bloody brilliant," she murmured to herself. Her green eyes lit up as she began to form a plan in her mind…