The True Orgin of Danger Duck

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: At The Start


765 years ago...


Tears were streaming down Bugs Bunny's eyes as he pulled out a hanky seeming from nowhere and wiped them away. This truly was one of the most beautiful things he and the other members of the Looney Tunes had ever set their eyes on. Daffy Duck was getting married.

Impossible it may seem but it was true. A few months back Daffy had started dating another duck named Daine. The two instantly grew a liking to one another and soon decided to get married. A wedding had been quickly sheculded and every cartoon character you ever know from the Looney Tunes was there.

Bugs stole a glance at his own wife sitting right beside him, Lola Bunny. Lola and Bugs had been together for a long time now and planned to start a family somewhere in the near future. Music sounded as the chime of the wedding bells danced through the air. Daine walked up to her place at the alter and waited for Daffy to arrive.

Now you've probally seen a lot of weddings but you never been to a Looney Tunes wedding. Mentally Bugs started to count down...5...4...3...2...1...

A scream of terror shot through the air as Daffy sailed through the sky and landed headfirst on the alter. Daine softly laughed and Daffy righted himself up brushing off his suit. Looking around Daffy noticed that the priest was missing.

"Hey!" he yelled "what happened to the preist I hired?"

As if he had been cued Bugs hopped up to the alter behind Daffy and Daine wearing a preist's uniform. Daffy rolled his eyes in annoyance, but at least the wedding could continue now. Turning to Daine Bugs asked "Do you accept this Duck to be your husband?"

"I do," said Daine.

"Do you, Daffy, also accept this lovely woman to be your wife?" said Bugs.

"I do," said Daffy his eyes never shifting from Daine's gaze.

"Well" said Bugs slamming a book called How To Be A Priester for Dummies "I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

And when Daffy did a shock of a spark shivered through him as his lips touched hers. It truly was a happy moment to remember and soon he and Daine had produced three wonderful children named Drake, Dara, and Dathe. It was soon after those three were born that the world had turned into choas.

People had started to reject the fact that Looney Tunes lived among them and many chracters were ordered to be hunted down and killed on the spot. The main branch of this protest called Fire Star was what soon found Daffy Duck's home.

Without warning a Fire Star patrol tank smashed through the walls of Daffy's home. Ordering his wife to grab the children and run Daffy donned his Duck Dodgers suit to play the role of the hero. Seeing that Daine had done what Daffy had told her his focus positioned itself back on the tank.

The hatch of the monsterous machine opened and a shadowy figure started to arise from the hole. Daffy's eyes instantly welled up with fear as he saw who the leader of Fire Star was. And in that very next second...the world went white.

Daine heard a huge explosion come from where she had left Daffy behind. The Fire Star tank had destroyed everything and not even a single tree remained in the wasteland that used to be home. Daffy Duck was dead.

Looking over at her three children that were safe Daine knew that the war would only get worse. It was the biggest war anyone in the world had ever seen as nation after nation fought for end to the injustice. But it didn't do much good if children were caught in the cross fire.

Quickly making up her mind Daine decided to send her two sons away somewhere they would be safe and keep Dara by her side. With the help of Marvin the Martian, a close friend and rival of Daffy's, Daine sent her two sons 770 years into the future in hopes they would land somewhere safe. And this my friends is only the begining.


765 years in the future, Present Day


"Loonatics!" called Zadavia "there have been reports that Sypher has escaped and is causing havoc in the park,"

"We're on the way," said Ace.

In a matter of minutes the Loonatics team was strapped into thier jetpacks, except for Rev of course, and flew off to Acmetropolis Park. Orginally the place was called Central Park but due to the continents forming to together to create one large piece of civilization it had to be renamed.

"I don't see old Syph-but anywhere," said Duck as the Loonatics landed on the ground.

"Well this is a pretty big place" said Lexi "Sypher could be anywhere,"

"Mabye Rev can lock into his location," said Ace grinning.

Rev nodded and started to concentrate his eyes glowing red to show that his power had been activated. A minute had barely passed by when Rev shouted "He's coming right at us! Duck look out!"

The moment Rev shouted his warning Duck teleported over near Ace as Sypher pounced right from out of the shadows. The disgruntled villian landed in a heap on the ground. Angrilly Sypher glared at the Loonatics frustrated he had not managed to snatch at least one of thier teammates powers.

Duck sighed a huge heave of relief, but it was short-lived as Sypher made a desperate grab at all the Loonatics seeking to steal thier powers. Danger Duck teleported away as soon as Ace got out his sword and appeared a few yards away from the fight. Suddenly, without warning, Danger Duck fell unconious.

"Am I dreaming?" thought Duck as his eyes slowly opened seeing that he was in Tech's lab "what happened to me?"

"He's awake!" said Tech smiling.

Ace waved his hand over Duck's glassy eyed stare saying "Are you sure Tech? He still looks zoned out to me,"

"Yeah" said Rev "how-else-would-you-explian-those-glassy-eyes?"

Tech E. Coyote, the resident genuis of the Loonatics team, face fell as he reexamined Duck. Something strange was going on here. What had caused Duck to be like this, it certianly wasn't Sypher. During the battle with the power-sucking villian Ace had managed to defeat him and later that's when the team found Duck unconious on the ground.

"Mom?" said Danger in a soft hoarse voice "Dad? Where am I? What is this place?"

Everyone in the Tech's lab grew silent as Duck continued to ramble on in his semiconious sleep. Duck either had amnesia or else he was dreaming about his past. From the way he rambled on it was hard to tell which.

Duck's mind had traveled to a different world entirely. The sound of an explosion pierced through his ears as arms wound about him tight. Tears were rolling down his cheeks stinging his eyelids shut. The force around him was pulling him away from the blast. Suddenly force stopped dragging him away as he forced to get one last look at what had once been his home.

"Drake" whispered a voice inside Danger's mind "please, promise me that you will be brave and look after your brother and stay safe. Do it for your father and me Drake, promise me,"

"I promise," whispered Danger out loud.

Lexi's super sonic ears had picked up Duck's whispered words. The only question was what did they mean?

Days after Duck's accident had knocked him out for awhile the Loonatics had been keeping a close eye on thier feathered friend. Danger could feel his teammates staring at him every day after he finally was able to walk again. Sometimes Tech would call him over to ask him how he passed out, Danger always responded with "I don't know,''

Truth be told Danger really didn't know what had made him pass out, but something happened to had flashed across his mind while in his semiconious state. Something dark and eerie. Something...from the past.

Awhile back when finding out his best friend Pinkster Pig had gone to the dark side Duck had revealed to his teammates one of his four deepest darkest secrets that had haunted him for about his entire life. And now somewhere in the near future those final three secrets will be revealed and could doom everything on Earth in the process.