YAY! Summer arc! I know how much you loved last year and the water park, so hopefully this year is a hit too! Enjoy! :D

Having being all packed and ready to go, they all rejoin at OIA (Orlando International Airport) the next day infront of the drop off area for Continental Airlines, everyone with one or two articles of luggage.

Angie- But wasn't Continental the airline the people from the other fanfiction were flying on too?

Gir- Yep, its cause it was cheap, that's why! XD

Sammy- Woooow, --' I still wish we got the flight with a layover in Seoul T-T But I can get more CDS! Yes!

Celine- You only got Big Bang's CD I think...

Baki- Ok! Quiet everyone! Everybody's here...except Itachi and Kisame of course...

There soonly after pulls up a navy blue SUV. Itachi, Kisame, Deidara and Tobi step out of the vehicle.

Deidara- Tobi, your an idiot! WHY did you decide to wear your cloak to the airport un!?

Tobi- But sempai! Its comfy!

Deidara- You'll get stuck in security for DAYS!!

Tobi- Pssh! We have 3 hours before the flight! We all got time!

Alex- Why are they here?

Itachi- Since me and Kisame got tickets, Tobi and Deidara got them too!

Tobi- Kisame and I, Itachi...gotta work on your grammar! ;D

Rachel- But, how did you two get tickets?

( At Sakura's house)

Sakura- OMG! Where is my ticket!? I bet Ino took it!! (Takes out cell phone) INO!!

Ino- What??

Saukra- Stop trying to be funny and give me back my ticket!

Ino- What? Your the one trying to be funny! I cant find mine!!

Both of them- GRRRRRRRR! (Both hang up on each other) Hmph!

(Flashes back to the airport)

Hinata- Wow, that's mean, even for me, and I hate those two...I like it! X3

Baki- Well with that being said, lets all go check in, then rejoin in front of the Chili's Too so we can get through security, and on our way to the gate.

They all walk through automatic doors and Baki signals Deidara and Tobi to him, they walk towards him

Baki-Just for not getting Ino and Sakura to go, I'll tell your teachers to give you extra credit! :D

Tobi- YAY!!

Baki- Just don't mess this up...

Tobi- AI YI CAP'N!

Deidara- But blame it on him, not me un \I"

Baki- Naw, its funner to blame both of you... he he... FUNNER :D

Deidara- Don't mess this up Tobi...un

Tobi- :D

Then the three of them walk in behind the others who were in a line to get checked in and to drop off there luggage

Celine- Now, Angie, in case of security harassing us, I brought a comb! That should keep them away! XD

Angie- Oh no! You drop your guns! Or I use this here comb!

Celine- Sir! I think he means it! He will use the comb!

Alex, Sam and Rachel- O.o""

Celine- Sorry, more inside joke-ness...

Angie- But hurray for Roger!

Rachel- Those inside joke moments happen a lot, don't they?

Angie and Celine- He he...(sweatdrop)

Angie- Did you really bring a comb

Celine- Nah...XD

Neji- Who's Roger anyway?

Celine- I thought I showed you Kingdumb Hearts, he made that

Alex- Oh, I remember now a little

Neji-...No, not really...Lee, what the hell are you doing?

Lee-Seeing how much I weigh...these are scales

He stands on the scale, and it reads a mere 104 pounds

Alex-Dude! Are you anorexic or something?

Lee- Uh, do you not see I only do Taijutsu?

Celine- That's still not much even for someone who works out! T-T

Angie- Club Jellyroll T-T

Celine- We need Lilly, Rachel, are you part of the Jellyrolls, I forget

Rachel- How am I supposed to know if Gir is writing my part and she doesn't even know?

Angie- Good point...


They all walk up the the counter, Rachel is up first

Lady- Ok, 1 bag, passport, here's you ticket...

She hands her the ticket, Rachel dances for a moment with it, then goes to the side. This process would continue in a very similar manner until everyone has gone through and checked in there luggage and obtained there boarding passes

Deidara- Why did I have to get Ino's ticket un? T-T

Tobi- Cause you stole HER ticket, DUH!

Deidara- SHUT UP TOBI!

Tobi- WHAAA! Tobi is sorry sempai, Tobi is a good boy!!

Celine- Yay! I got an American AND a French passport! (True story)

Rachel- Why?

Celine- My dad got it for me so if I ever go to school or live in France, I can...

Rachel- I want two passports!

Celine- I met this dude one day that had 5 passports...( ANOTHER true story)

Rachel- Whoa...

Alex- I still don't understand why he had us wait in front of the restaurant! IM STARVING T-T

Sam- Who isn't? XD But I think its time we have to all go through security

Baki- Come on everyone

Everyone- WE WANT FOOD!

Baki- After security, if your hungry now, get Kisame to give you some fish flakes or something...

Alex- Fish flakes?

Kisame- But I'm on a diet!

Rachel- On a diet on vacation?

Kisame- Yes, and its yummy yum yum!

Everyone- O-o""

Kisame- More for me then XD ( Takes out can and starts shaking it into his mouth)

They get into the line and get passed the lady checking boarding passes, they were waiting to step through the metal detectors and x-rays of doom and get on the train that would take them to the proper terminal.

Sasuke's thoughts- Man, I hate waiting in line...OH...MY...GOD...

He see's that he's behind Itachi and there is a Shurikan on the floor

Sasuke's thoughts- Hey wait a sec, I got an idea, he he he...

(In Sasuke's mind)

Sasuke (in his mine)- (With anime diagram) Itachi is bound to have more weapons then just that shurikan, so when he goes through the detector, it'll go off. That ANBU will get so pissed off, he'll probably beat him up (Fades out of anime diagram)

Sasuke's thoughts- He he, Itachi is so retarded (Out loud) Hey look, a paper clip (picks it up)

ANBU- Next!

Sasuke's thoughts- Here it comes!

Itachi walks through with not problem at all

ANBU- All good!

Sasuke- O-o

He then runs through the metal detector and points a finger to the ANBU

Sasuke- Hey! Lis-


Sasuke- Crap...


Gir- DAMN YOU 4KIDS! Come to censor my fanfic will ya? Not on my watch! ( Takes out machine gun) I'm hunting those bastards down!

Random person- PUT THE STORY BACK ON!

Gir-Oh! Jup, back to the story, they shall DIE!

(Screen statics back to the story)

Sasuke- ( In a bloody pulp on the floor) It..was just a ...paperclip T-T

ANBU- Ooooooh...crud

Sasuke is taken to the medical place to the side, but passes through the security

Alex- Yay! Its my birthday today! :D

Tobi- June 9th?

Alex- Yep!

Angie- But that kinda sucks you have to spend it locked up in a plane for 13 million hours straight with crappy food...

Alex- Hell, I'm going to Japan, main part of it, so I cant complain XD

Angie- True...

Alex- Finally at the end of the security line, we have to go through

Rachel- Now Miss Piggy, you have to be still as possible in the x-ray thingy, cause if not they might make me put you in cargo, so you better not move!

Miss Piggy- Yes, it would most certainly not be pleasant if that were to occur...

Rachel-Ok, in the bag!

ANBU guy- Ok, everyone shoes off, and bags on the conveyer belt!

Celine- Lolz, I wore boots!

Rachel- Yaay! Me too!

They took off there boots and placed them next to each other in the tub, one pair was nice and elegant, while the other was tall and heavy. They both stepped through the metal detector and they were both good aside both pairs of metallic boots

Rachel- (Putting her boots back on) Hey! I see Miss Piggy on the screen of the X-ray thing!

Celine-Hi Miss Piggy!

Miss Piggy- Can I come out now?

Rachel- Jup!

She comes out of the backpack and back onto Rachel's head

Miss Piggy- X-ray?? Embarrassing ;w;

Rachel and Celine- XD

Back on the other side, Sam, Alex, Angie and Tobi have yet to go

Angie- I'm glad I brought flip-flops... WITH SOCKS! XD

Sam- With socks?

Angie- My feet are going to freeze at 38,000 feet in the sky! It gets down to -50 degrees up there! T-T


Sam and Angie are next to step though the x-ray of doom, they walk through, no problem and rejoin Miss Piggy, Rachel and Celine. Alex and Tobi are last to go.

Alex- Ha, your going to get pulled to the side cause you got your cloak on XD

Tobi- Tobi bets his Hellsing DVD box set that Tobi will go through without getting pulled aside!

Alex- Its a bet! XD

Alex then steps through (Putting her necklace into the tub thing to go through the x-ray machine) and makes it to the other side. Tobi got through, doesn't set off the alarm, but...

ANBU guy- Could you please come with us, we need to ask you some questions

Tobi is escorted out of the security maze and into another room.

Alex- I WIN! XD

She walks through and rejoins everyone on the bench putting there shoes back on

Alex- I got Tobi's Hellsing DVD set!

Celine- I'm stealing it! XD

Alex-( Demonic voice) MINE!

Celine- ...

Deidara- Ha, I told that moron, but nope ( Mimicking him in a high pitched voice) ' BUT ITS COMFY SEMPAI!' He never learns...I wonder what horrible things they plan on doing to him, un XD

Sam- That's just mean...but it should be kind of funny to see how he reacts XD

(In the security room)

ANBU 1- What's with that cloak sir?

Tobi- Tobi just wore it today! Cause it was comfy!

ANBU 2- Comfy, or are you hiding something in there? Its not that hard to do it with a cloak...

Tobi- No! Tobi is going to Japan with Tobi's class! What would Tobi do wrong?

ANBU 2- Take him to the Big X-ray Thingy (TM)

ANBU 3- Yes sir!

Tobi- Wha! Tobi is scared!! T-T

(In front of the security checkpoint)

Baki- Everyone through?

Rachel- Tobi isn't here, or Sasuke for the record...

Baki- Sasuke's fine, just a bloody pulp at the moment and I could care less about Tobi, so to the train everyone!

Everyone- Yay! A train!

Angie- To the front! XD (starts running to the end of the hallway) Yay! I'm going in the front!

Rachel- Uh, Angie, that's the train for gates 1-29...we need to go to the train for gates 101-128...

Angie- Don't blame me! I blame me for having blonde hair! TT That's why I'm this stupid!


Temari and Angie- Both do preppy scream

Celine- Wow...why do I hang out with you again?

Angie- I don't know! ( Runs back to the beginning of the hallway)

Alex- (To self) WHY must I have blonde hair --#

Angie- Lets try this again

Sam- Take 2 ( BEEP BEEP)

Angie- To the front! XD (starts running to the end of the CORRECT hallway) Yay! I'm going in the front!

Neji- Didn't you say exactly the same thing last time?

Angie- Jup

Gir- I was too lazy to type that again, so I copy pasted it and added the 'CORRECT' there! :D

Celine- Lazy ass XD

Angie- (From the end of the hallway) Common! Everyone get to the front! I see the train!

Celine- I wish the train in our airport was like the one in Denver's airport! When that one comes, it has funny carnival music! And the airport looks like a huge tent! Its cool! T-T Damn our airport is lame...

Rachel- Funny Music!

Miss Piggy- Rachel-chan, I tend to not feel my best on these types of trains, is it a relatively short path to travel?

Rachel- Its over in a minute 30 seconds, you wont get sick...

Miss Piggy- I'll be taking your word for it

Speaker- The train is arriving

Hinata- Nooo...its going to Mickey D's, that's what the train is doing...

The train pulls into the station, and opens its doors to the boarding passengers. Everyone boards the first and second cars of the train.

Speaker- Please stand clear of the doors, the train is departing

Hinata- ZOMG, we didn't know that XD

The train then closed its doors, and departed from the station

Angie- I got the window seat!

Sam- (Standing up and clenching to a pole with her fist) Curses! Why must there be only 6 seats? And only three for the front window T-T

Celine- ( Also standing up) Whaa...Gaara, how'd you get there

Gaara- Lolz, I ran!

Alex- This is when practicing for track comes in handy!

Angie- I wanted to try out for track, but my mom said no...but we both play soccer, so that counts as running!

Gaara- And I was in track too

Angie, Gaara and Alex- Yay track peoples! (does group high five)

Speaker- The train is arriving, please exit to your right and have a pleasant flight

Hinata- Damn that thing is annoying DX

They all walk out and rejoin as a group again in the center of the terminal


Baki- Fine, you all something from the food stands, but I have been told that since everyone has checked in already for the flight and the flight arrived early, they have moved the flight to 12:15 instead of 2:15, so everyone at the gate in precisely 45 minutes, cause we board at 11:45

Everyone- YAY!

Since nothing really interesting happens while people stand in lines for various food stuffs, we take a look back to where Tobi was taken in. They have just completed the x-ray on him and are now analyzing it.

ANBU 3- I see something, I think is a pack of bubble gum...

Tobi- HELLO KITTY bubble gum thank you very much!

ANBU 1- OMG! You ARE trying to blow up a plane!

ANBU 3- ANBU 1! How can gum blow up a plane?

ANBU 1- Dammit Timmy! You just started here, don't question things

ANBU 3- Sorry sir

ANBU 1- Three of the most dangerous things to put on a plane, bubble gum, combs, and any guy with blonde hair, has an inferiority complex, and is obsessed with chocolate...

ANBU 3- But still, how can gum blow up a plane?

ANBU 1- Simple, if your done with it, you can throw it out the window and it could get caught in the jet turbine, it gets stuck and boom goes the plane.

ANBU 3- But sir! You cant open a window in a plane! The oxygen would go out, and everyone would most likely freeze to death...

ANBU 1- Always the same with you little punk! Making stuff sound logical! Your lucky that you got hired at all!

ANBU 3- Sorry sir...

ANBU 2- Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to put you under arrest for possessing a dangerous object in an airport

Tobi- No! Tobi mean no harm!! T-T

ANBU 1- Luckily for you we have to wait for the ANBU that arrest people to get here...so till then your have to wait here until they come

ANBU 2- ( On the phone) They can get here in 50 minutes minimum! T-T But the good news is that our pizza should get here in less the 15 minutes!

ANBU 1- Damn...

Tobi- Can Tobi have some pizza?

ANBU 1- No

Tobi- T-T

Everyone after waiting in line for there food then went to the gate cause they though it would be a good idea

Angie-Why does the Outback restaurant have to be in the other terminal? I want a Blooming Onion! ( Takes bite of animal cracker)

Sam- I know right? Its really stupid that they can just have a couple of the same food stands in all of the terminals...(Takes sip of Frappacnio) all there is here is a Burger King, Cinabon and a Starbucks

Alex- There's an Outback, McDonalds, a random nameless bar, Starbucks, Cinabon, Burger King, a Sbarro and a Ben and Jerry's through out the airport terminals..there are some restaurants near the place where you check in but that doesn't count...

Rachel- And about 35 million tourists come through this airport every year...

Celine- What the hell, Newark Liberty Airport (Close to NYC) has less people that come through there airport then ours, and it has a lot of restaurants! That's so stupid! DX (Take a bite of muffin)


Celine- Shut up! You have animal crackers! You have no right to speak!

Sam- Your right! Give us some or else! :D

Angie- (Holds the bag in front of her) And I though you people only steal my pretzels T-T

Everyone- YAY!

Angie- Hey! I didn't mean everyone in the freaking terminal!


Angie- Sigh Get in line...

Everyone- YAY!

Then everyone gathers in a huge line that goes around the terminal several times so that Angie could give them each a cracker.


Angie- And the last one for Kankuro

Kankuro- YAAAAAAY!

Angie- I don't have any left for me!! T-T I wanted to save some for the trip!

Gaara- I should have brought my endless cookie jar! TT-TT Stupid Temari...

Temari- (From across the terminal) I HEARD THAT!!

Gaara- Crap...


Feminine voice in the background- They cant understand you...


Feminine voice (in the background)- Sigh (Into the microphone) We would like to welcome you to Continental Airlines flight 1087 with non-stop service to Tokyo Narita International Airport departing from gate 124, we would like to begin the boarding procedure at this time starting with our first class passengers, thank you.

Alex-( Point to the stand in front of the gate) THAT WAS HAKU AND MR POOFY PYJAMA PANTS!!

Angie- OMG! YOUR RIGHT! Since when do they work here? Should they have had a back ground check if they work at an airport?


Airport hiring guy- So why do you want to work here?


Airport hiring guy- Meh, I know you were part of that dangerous group of swords men that killed many people, but hey! You got cool shoes! Your hired! NEXT!

Haku- (Running around in circles screaming random) AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Airport hiring guy- Ok, your hired! Next!

(Flashback ends)

Haku- Now boarding rows 45-35 on flight 1087 to Tokyo, thank you

Baki- That's all of us oh so conveniently! Everyone take out your boarding passes, and get in line

Sasuke- (In a full body cast) Ugh, ANOTHER line! T-T

They all then do what they were told and took out there passes and boarded the plane.

Celine- Damn, I've never seen a cabin this big! 5 seats in the middle isle and 3 seats to each side

Rachel- No window seat! T-T

Alex- The ticket says row 41, seats D, E , F, G, and H

Celine- (Looks up) You mean the row right next to us?

Alex-...I KNEW THAT!

They all step through the narrow passage between them and the row of seats behind them, and took their assigned seat according to their induvidual boarding pass.

Rachel- Wha, I got the middle seat! I'm gonna need to go to the bathroom and I cant get out of this row! T-T

Sam- Remember your good friend the Gatorade?


Celine and Sam- LOLZ! XDDDD

Speaker- Welcome aboard Continental flight 1087 with non stop service to Narita International Airport in Tokyo. The main cabin is due to close in just a few minutes, and we should be pulling out of here about 15 minutes ahead of schedule, so please at this time all cell phones should be switched to off, and I'll be notifying you if anything happens, thank you and welcome aboard.

About 3 second after that there is a big, loud DONG across the cabin to make everyone put on there seatbelts.

Lee-(A row behind the peoples) This mini TV thing is cool! I'm watching the GPS channel!
But I wonder if there is any other channels?

Kiba- (Next to him) They have to take off first, then they can put the rest of the channels on...

Rachel- Yay! Miss Piggy!


Rachel- Whaaa! What did I do??

Kiba- They made me put Akamaru into cargo! AND he's on a different flight that's gonna get there at the same time as us, BUT STILL!! T-T

Rachel- Ha ha, I win! :D

Kiba- Not funny... TT-TT

Miss Piggy- It is rather unfortunate, my friend in the cold depths of the cargo hold uu


Speaker- Will the person bawling there eyes out about there dog please shut the hell up please? Thank you

Kiba- You little ba-

Celine- Hey! We're moving!

Kiba- Really? Awesome!

Deidara- Hey Alex, I feel like I'm forgetting something...you know?

Alex-...Just cause you said that, you probably ARE forgetting something, but I don't remember for the record either...so uh, no, your not forgetting anything! :D

Deidara- Ok, thanks un

Back in the security room, they are still waiting for the ANBU that arrest people.


ANBU 1- (With slice of pizza) Come in

Then a group of kitty masked people come in

ANBU 4- Some one here we need to arrest? And Can I have a slice of pizza?

ANBU 1- Yep, that guy, charged on possessing a dangerous object in an airport, and sure, help your self

ANBU 4, 5, and 6- YAY!

Tobi- Tobi still wants pizza T-T

ANBU 5- Your coming with us (holds up a pair of hand cuffs)


ANBU 4- He was in possession of 2 packs of Hello Kitty bubble gum

ANBU 6- But wait, if he has bubble gum, why not just EAT the bubble gum to dispose of it?

ANBU 1- You know, that's not a bad idea, you actually make sense unlike this guy (Points to ANBU 3)


ANBU 5- And I haven't technically arrested him yet, so if this gum don't kill anyone, your free to go

Tobi- Yay!

ANBU 2- But we get to keep all of your gum

Tobi- Wha... T-T

He then opens the 2 packs of gum and gives one piece to everyone except Tobi

ANBU 3- Yum! Its pink flavored!

ANBU 4- That's not a flavor mate...

ANBU 3- Its not?

ANBU 4- Uh, no

ANBU 2- Ok, since this gum ain't killing anyone, you can go

Tobi- Yay! Tobi is a good boy!!

Tobi runs out of there and looks at the TV screens next to the train

Tobi- Ok, Tobi's flight, 1087 to Tokyo...WHAT?? DEPARTING!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Tobi then runs as fast as he could to the train and his cloak got caught in the doors, so he was stuck there, but the train still advanced at is normal pace

Speaker- The train is arriving, please exit to your right and have a pleasant flight

Tobi then runs towards the gate as soon as the doors started moving, he soon arrived to where Haku and Zabuza were

Tobi- TOBI IS ON THAT FLIGHT!! HERES TOBI'S TICKET!! ( drops ticket on the counter on his way)

Haku and Zabuza- O-o;;

He then crashed through the door and ran down the tunnel to find no airplane parked there, but a free fall to the concrete ground from 15 feet up in the air.

Tobi- Uh oh, AHHHHH!

He fell then started running on the concrete, towards a line of planes on the runway



Sam- Yes! Its finally going to take off!

Celine- In the safety video, they call the people costumers, should it be passengers?

Alex- And that's something you wonder about...

Celine- I do! Since I was 9 actually, this airline always called us costumers!

Alex- --"


Tobi was still running for his life, he was looking at the numbers on the side of the planes so he could see which one he was supposed to be on

Tobi- 1426, 467, 778, 2578, 1087!! There it is!

He then super jumps and grabs a hold of the airplanes tail

Tobi- Ahh, Tobi did catch his flight after all!!

But the airplane started to move forward

Airplane- (Powering up and accelerating) zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuWVROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO






Then plane is rolling at full speed as it burn five gallons a second of gas, the plane then lifts off the ground, the speed and wind becoming more intense


He falls off but quickly makes a hand sign and disappears

Tobi- OOOFF!

Tobi was in a dark room, but he felt that there were things there, he could here the engines grumble at full power

Tobi- Phew, fire jutsu!

Tobi then had a little flame on his finger

Tobi- Tobi is in cargo...uhh, better then not being on the flight!

The plane kept climbing at full speed until about 35 minutes later, when they have stopped going up and reached a cruising altitude.

Speaker- Well, we have pretty much made it up to cruising altitude, this should be a pretty smooth ride for the most part, so I going to go ahead and switch off the seat belt sign ( DONG) We should arrive at around 6:05 PM Japan Standard Time, and you should expect a flight of about 16 hours, 50 minutes. We will be serving some snack in a little bit, and starting up the entertainment system

Shikamaru- Some snacks do sound good before I got to sleep...

Chouji- True

Shikamaru- Whoa...you actually go a line in this chapter!

Chouji- You know, I'm tired of not getting any lines (eats some chips that he already had) IM GONNA MAKE A STAND!

Shikamaru- Like how?

Chouji- I'm gonna do something that is actually interesting, that Gir HAS to give me some lines!

Shikamaru- Like what?

Chouji- Hmmmm, ( Tries not to say it too loudly) I'm gonna sneak into first class seating and stay there for the rest of the flight!

Shikamaru- Not a bad idea, but wait a little bit though so you wont get caught

Chouji- Ok

Celine- Hey everyone! Turn to channel 5 on your little TV's! The Death Note Movie is on!

Everyone- YAY!

Tobi- (From cargo) Hey! Tobi wants to watch the Death Note movie too! T-T

Hey! Can Tobi end the chapter this time Gir Sempai?

Gir- Hey, why not?

Tobi- Yay! Um, Tobi thinks you all would get bored if you just read of them watching the movie for 2 hours, so, uh, I don't know what to say... hey! Tobi can go through some luggage!

Gir- Uh, that's not a go-

Tobi- (Pulls out something) What's this duel sling shot thingy?

Gir- TOBI! THATS NOT A SLING SHOT! THATS SOME ONES B- (screen goes static)


Gir- OH HELL NO! NOT THIS AGAIN! (Takes out machine gun) DIE 4KIDS!! (Starts shooting like crazy)

Tobi- Yes yes! Shoot the crap out of them! ( Eats some popcorn)


Deidara- You know, I have an odd feeling that someone is eating that big tin of popcorn that I packed in my check in bag...

Alex- You has the mental issues dude...

Deidara- That may be so... O-o""


Will Gir finally kill 4Kids for good?

Will Chouji get to first class seating without getting caught?

Will Tobi eat all of Deidara's popcorn?

Did the writer actually looked up the numbers and times for flights on Expedia to make stuff sound remotely accurate?




Gir- What...about...the...bus?