A/N: Yes...I am actually alive! :P Sorry this took so long to get up, school and work has been an absolute nightmare to deal with - but here's the last part of Scream anyhow...and this time it is actually the last part:P

"Where did Daddy go? I thought he was finished working Mommy?"

Aiveen smiled as she gently pushed some hair back from her daughter's face, trying not to explain too much as to where Ross had gone, if the little girl noticed her Uncle wasn't at the bar later, then she would definitely have some explaining or covering-up to do, but the kids weren't going to be told regardless. If she had learned one thing from her teenage years, it was that children should never have to carry on their parents' sins or problems. As to where Ross had gone, well more so Ross and Denzel - the two of them had gone to the old church in the slums of Midgar, to mark the day that was in it. It had been seven years to the date since everything had suddenly gone wrong.

"Hey Squirt -"

"Why do yo always have to call me that?!"

Denzel laughed lightly as he strolled up the middle of the old church, taking note of the gaping hole in it's roof and the large pool of water that shimmered in the slight sunlight that entered through the make-do skylight.

"Habit at this stage to be honest, been here long?"

Ross shook his head, leaning back in the wooden pew of the front row of seats, choosing to look up at the blue sky through the hole in the room instead of staring at the pool of water…it just felt odd to be back here. He hadn't been back in over three years, not since Rika had shown up that night. And although it held some bad memories, partially symbolizing the years they'd all spent apart and struggling to survive on their own, it also stood for a lot of good memories and held sentimental value. The years they'd spent playing games with Marlene, running up and down the wooden floorboards while his Dad had been out running deliveries and his Mom had been taking care of the bar.

"It's still weird not having them around, huh?"

Denzel nodded as he leaned back against one of the colossal pillars that supported the roof of the church, nodding as he did so. It was true, even after seven years since the only father he had really known since what had happened at Sector Seven had been killed - and he still tended to forget from time to time. He still walked through the door of the upstairs attic room, expecting to see Cloud either on the phone or sorting through some invoices for past deliveries…but he never was, only his younger brother now. The same thing tended to happen when he walked through the door of Seventh Heaven, Tifa had almost prided herself on running the place, and it had been a tough job too. Between himself, Marlene and Ross - the poor woman had had her hands full, but she'd never complained - ever. She had merely put on a smile and carried on with one thing at a time, always chipping away at a mountain of tasks…but she wasn't there anymore now either…none of his parents were. He'd lost his biological parents in the Sector Seven collapse…that alone had been an unbelievable blow in itself, eight years old and an orphan in a strange place…but then he'd been taken in. Cloud and Tifa had been amazing, and nothing below that. They'd treated him as if he'd been their own, given him back a life he had thought was gone from him - but now even they were gone too.

"I don't care how many years it's been…it still hurts and I don't think I'll ever fully accept it…Squirt."

Ross cringed slightly as his annoying nickname reverberated in the almost silent church - but he knew exactly how his older brother felt. He still felt guilty regardless of what everyone said, he still saw his father's death as his fault to an extent, and as for his mothers…well, although he thoroughly hated Sephiroth for both his parents deaths, he saw his own part in it too. Everyone else seemed to have moved on, and congratulations to all of them for that, he would never hold that against them - ever. Sure, they still missed their friends, but as selfish as it sounded, Cloud and Tifa hadn't been their parents…it wasn't the same as it was for him, Denzel, and Marlene, though at least she had Barret to fall back on at the end of the day.

But they couldn't live all their days living in the past…hadn't their own father done that? And nearly lost himself to it in the end? It hurt, it hurt like hell even thinking about it, but they had their own kids to look out of now, he had Rika and Chris, while Denzel Mark - and as Minerva as his witness - he would never allow anything to happen to his children! He didn't care, pain, sadness, hardships…he would gladly take it all on if it would stop it from befalling Rika and Chris.

"But we have to. We have to accept it - coz they're not coming back, ever. I don't care about what ever happens to me, but I'm not gonna let Rika or Chris go through half of what we did…I'd rather die."

A long sigh echoed throughout the church as Denzel slowly stood from leaning against the pillar, then crouching down to pick up several stones from the wooden floor, staring at them intently as if examining them before allowing all but one to fall back to the ground. The young man smirked as he stood back to his full height, then threw the remaining stone ahead of him and into the middle of the pool of water.

"You're right…and I don't admit that often…but you are for once. Mom and Dad might be gone now - but we live on."

A/N: Y'know what I just copped...it's been a year since I supposedly finished this the first time around! :P Talk about sticking to a date! :P Thanks for reading huns - and seems it's Christmas Eve over here - MERRY CHRISTMAS HUNS!!!