Song: Again & Again
Artist: Holly Brook
Disclaimer:: I do not own Maximum Ride and its affiliated characters, yadda yadda. Nor do I own "Again & Again" by Holly Brook, yadda yadda.
A Little Green-Eyed Monster? IV
"Unlocking metaphors
Caches that were safe before
Lost their secrets to the wind"
I stop mid-step to listen.
"It isn't everyday
You can see the other face
Watching you, I'm watching me
Who could this be?"
Was that… Max? Singing? In the shower??
"Your wounds begin to sing
Red melodies that sting like ice
Bury me… twice"
Max does not sing. Much less in the shower, of all places.
…That I was aware of.
"Running from the heat
From the lines that break me
Give another try"
Yet (despite my disbelief), it was undoubtedly Max's voice drifting through the bathroom door, audible over the steady patter of the shower.
What surprised me more than anything was that she was actually good.
"Fallen Angel
Your terminal high
Feeding the hunger of your sky
Take all the poison that I give
Just to live
For the feeling
Use me again"
Okay, she scratched a little on the high notes – but otherwise, it was quite the admirable rendition.
The last time I remember hearing Max sing was when we still lived in the mountains in Colorado. It had been some child's lullaby, about not crying and Momma buying diamonds and birds and other random things. I don't even know where she learned it.
The kids ate it up, though. I guess they were still young enough to enjoy being sung to sleep – even though they were wide awake for another hour afterwards.
Still, there was nothing extraordinary about her singing then.
"You're stuck in a centerfold
Written in capitals
Bake the time,
Talking through wine
"Young boys that you tantalize
Sipping on your pretty eyes
But you kill just to feel real
"Lately on this vine,
The showers have been steady
Are you ready for this flight?"
I leaned on one shoulder against the wall, half closing my eyes.
Just listening.
"Fallen Angel
Your terminal high
Feeding the hunger of your sky
Take all the poison that I give
Just to live
For the feeling
Use me again"
Abruptly, the shower shuts off. I can hear Max moving around – pushing aside the shower curtain, opening and closing the cabinet, turning the faucet on.
She's still singing under her breath, too quietly for me to understand the words.
I pull myself away from the wall and continue walking, as if I had never stopped. To brighten the journey, I hum a familiar melody.
Random Notes:: Is this an original idea? I have no idea – but thanks anyway to freexflyer for suggesting it. I think, now that Max and Fang have each had two chapters for themselves, I'll wrap it up with the next one. No need to stretch it out pointlessly (especially when there was no real point to begin with). About the song – there was no particular reason for using it, other than I like it and was listening to it while I wrote. Sorry it's not a very long - I have an ongoing struggle with length. I like to get to the point.
Thanks for reading. :3
- decemberWriter (And yes, I did change my penname. It now matches my livejournal x3)