Three on a Keyboard

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Author's Note:
This was originally just a conversation with my 'other self', then halfway through – when a third 'self' appeared, I started to think it was a bit like Bella, Edward and Jacob talking. So that's what happened. I haven't ever written anything like this before... It's not AIM and it's not passing notes either, so I like to think this is a bit different. Enjoy! (Yay, finally a fic I can do without thinking… --;)

By the way, I realise that Edward is a little out of character – especially the way he talks. That's just my sarcasm running to the MAX. I will fix this in the future.

Disclaimer: Do not own or claim to own Twilight (any aspect).


Bella – Normal, Edward – Bold, Jacob – Italics (Nevermind why he is there in the first place, I mean… they're at school?)




What are you doing?

Talking to you?

Urgh. Other than that..:D;;

Nothing much... talking to you.

Oh... um, okay...


Nothing to say now...

Why did you open this?

Well would you rather just do it on a Word Doc?

I honestly wouldn't mind.

You're strange, you. oo;

Tell me about it.

Heyyy! Who are you?

Get off.

No. Why?

... Because?

Pfft. As if I would.

Not if I kick you.

You wouldn't dare.

Who says?



When did this conversation go to violence?

Not my fault.

So your fault.

Break it up! Yeesh. How old are you two?

Don't you know already?



Not for some people it seems.

That was entirely sarcastic, wasn't it?

No kidding!

Some people are just thick, never mind them.

Good idea.

Hey! This is about me isn't it?

Oh, NO WAY. Well... what do you think?

This is just mean now.

Yeah, yeah.



Seriously, get off.

Three people don't fit on one keyboard.

You get off then!!

I was here first.

That's so childish.

Whatever you say. Like you would know?

'Cos we all know you're so smart. Ha.

Hey! Stop ganging up here! Where's my support?

You have none.

I told you three people don't fit on one keyboard.

Oh, and four do?

You know what I mean.

Let me squeeze in a word edgewise, please.


Too right you should be.

Huh. Not to you. Hmph.





But to be hogvfjfkoledtg HEY!

No, don't glare at me. STOP IT. We have to go now, the bell just went. Go, shove.



Gone yet?



You echoed me! Yeah, that's better.

Agreed. (I did? Oh, yeah)

We should get off too, huh?

Guess so.

Cya then.



One word answers and so on, hmm? Need to fix that. Review?