Chapter 140

Flashes of red, blue, green and orange heralded the appearance of the Scouts of the Silver Alliance. They surrounded Serena, looking at her with pride and pleasure in their countenance. She was no longer their princess. She was their Queen.

"It is done," she told them. "The Silver Alliance lives again."

The four Scouts rose and ran to their Queen, tears pouring down their eyes as they hugged her joyfully.

"We did it," Mina said. "We restored the Silver Alliance. And all behind Wise Man's back."

Raye laughed. "Oh it was so perfect. Serena, you did great! How did you do that? You had him eating from the palm of your hand. 'I'm gonna move the moon!' Oh my gods, that was great."

"You mean that whole move the moon thing was just a trick!" A voice roared, announcing the Goldar's return. Her sphinx bodyguard looked at her with a mix of relief and shock. With him was the four Shadow Scouts and…

Serena's eyes locked onto the bound Shadow and she hid behind Raye with a terrified whimper. "What is he doing here Goldar?"

Goldar nodded. "Princess, no...Your Majesty, you've been scared of this man for far too long. Now, it's time to fight your way through the fears. I have brought him here for punishment."

Serena looked at Goldar then to the Shadows. "Punishment?"

Akumi came up to Serena. "You may punish his actions toward you so that you do not need to fear him any more."

Serena trembled. "I… I… I don't… Want to punish him… I just want him far away from me…"

Reiko shook her head. "No… Goldar's right about this. Until you punish him, show him that he has no power over you any longer, you will keep having nightmares… Please Princess… Trust us…"

Serena looked at the man, then to Goldar and her friends. What was she to do? She was terrified but she also knew they only wished to help her.

Ami stepped forward. "Perhaps… Perhaps… Goldar, wasn't Rita trapped in something for at least a millennium?"

Goldar nodded. "Yes, she was… We could trap him similarly. With Zordon's help…" He looked away. "A combination of several magicks might even prevent it from ever opening again."

Serena nodded. "Thank you… That's a good idea… We can go ahead down to Earth and ask him… If he's not busy…"

Goldar nodded while Scorpina looked at Kimberly. "And… I can… Tell the sailor soldiers… I can tell them the truth… I destroyed our kingdom…"

Goldar hugged her while Kimberly smiled. "I don't think I ever blamed you, or Burai, Tommy. I don't think any of us blamed you. They'll understand. They'll just be happy that you're back… Everything makes so much sense now…"

Tommy nodded. "Yeah and I can start looking for my little brother, Geki… I'm assuming he was reincarnated as well…"

Down on Earth, after the Power Rangers had left, Metallia looked lovingly at her husband. "You are such a wonderful Zordon. I see you with those kids and I know… You'd have made a terrific father for Zoycite…"

Zordon nodded sadly. "Thank you my darling. Your faith in my abilities means everything to me… I… I wish I could have been a father to her…. I'm sorry I let myself get trapped in that horrible tube… I'm sorry…"

Metallia smiled at her. "Don't my love… What I'm trying to get at though is… I want… I want to try again… With you… To be a family… To give you children…"

Zordon smiled and kissed her. "I think that's a great idea… We could start right…." He chuckled as he heard the doors to the fortress open. "Tonight… Sounds like we have visitors…"

Metallia giggled and nodded. She went to join him in the family chamber where they had talks. She waved her hand, conjuring a plate of tea and snacks. She smiled to see Serena coming in with Kimberly and Tommy, among others. "I take it you must be feeling better."

Serena shrugged. "To be honest, there was nothing really wrong with me. I just needed Wise Man to think so. It was a plan I got from Father during his dream visits. It was so much fun using Wise Man's manipulative nature against himself. But… I do have a problem…" She indicated the bound Shadow.

Zordon nodded and Metallia came forward to examine. "This is the man who… He looks exactly like Endymion…"

She nodded. "Technically it is. He's Prince Endymion's dark side. Thus Goldar can't give him the punishment he deserves… It would mean killing Darien too. But…"

Zordon nodded and glared at the man. "You hurt her badly, terribly… You will be punished… Do you have any ideas Serena?"

Goldar stepped forward. "Rita was once trapped in a container for thousands of years. We want him trapped similarly."

Metallia looked at Goldar. "That was Odin who did that… After Zordon was… In the tube…" She hugged her husband. "Odin was angry at his friend being trapped and his wife upset." She smiled sadly as her thoughts went to her First husband.

Zordon hugged her tight. "It will take some heavy magic… The silver crystal and my own magic should be enough." He smiled at Serena. "Everything will be alright. I promise."

Serena nodded. "Thank you… Thank you Zordon… That means a lot to me…"

Zordon nodded. "Come, let's deal with this villain…" He and Metallia led Serena back to a room to take care of it.

As they left, the doors to the command center opened with Sailors Neptune and Uranus entering. Uranus held Neptune to her. "It's alright, we will find her. We will."

"I'm really starting to doubt it Uranus… Maybe Andros is right…" Neptune wept.

Scorpina heard the tears and knew it was time. She wondered if they would believe her and if they did… Would they hate her. "Sailor Neptune… Uranus… I know that… You've been looking for your princess…"

Uranus nodded. "Yes, we have. You're Scorpina right… Have you any idea where she is?"

Scorpina squeezed Goldar's hand. "I do…" She removed her helmet. She looked up at them nervously. She saw the shock in their eyes. "I know… I'm sorry… I lost my memory after… I only just recovered it… It was my fault…"

Two pairs of arms suddenly went around her. "Princess!" Neptune cried. "It's you. You're really here… You're here…"

Uranus nodded. "Yes...that's all that matters. How or what happened has no relevance. What matters is you're here."

Scorpina found herself smiling and crying at the same time. "I'm sorry… Amara… Michelle… I'm so sorry…"

Goldar watched them and nodded. His lover was happy. She was reunited with her people.

An: Sorry this is so short and so long in coming. I've been worked to death the last couple years and exhausted. I hope this helps to get things going again.