A Drunken Daze

A-N: I was thinking about alchohol last night,and an idea came to mind. What would Ron and Hermoine be like under the influence of alchohol. Enjoy!!!!

"Bloody Hell! It's Saturday, and I'm all alone. No date. No mate. Just me. Ugh!" Ronald Weasley thought to himself laying on the sofa of the Burrow. His entire family had gone out, leaving him all by his lonesome. Harry and Ginny were of doing Merlin knows what, and he had absolutley no clue as to where Hermoine might be.

Ron fell asleep for a few moments, and was awoken by a loud crack. Suddenly Hermione burst into the Burrow, with a bad full of things that looked like cans, and Martini glasses.

"Hello Ronald! Fancy seeing you here." Hermoine said with a crooked smile.

"I live here. What are you doing here?" Ronald scowled.

"Hmmm... Why in the name of Merlin, are you so cranky? It's a beautiful evening."

"Are you drunk?"


"Oh boy. Hermoine you ought to sit down."

"Since when are you the sensible one? Have a drink. I've got beer, Martini mix, wine... and you do know know what wine does?"

"What? What could wine possibly do."

"It..It..it makes you feel sexy. Hehehehe."

"Hermoine forget about it. I'm not going to drink with you."

"Anyway.. I have shots.. of Tequilla! Lots and lots of muggle drinks. What could be more fun?"

"Well I have nothing better to do. Gimme a beer!"

"Now it's a PARTYYY!!!"

Hermoine ran into the kitchen, and began to fix drink after drink after drink. Ron and Hermoine were having the most fabulous time. They laughed and talked, and had drunken sex. When they were finished with that, they drank some more. After about two and a half hours between the two of them, they consumed twenty beers, a bottle of tequilla, and half a container of Martini mix. Once they decided it was time to stop drinking, they just lie on the floor talking.

"What do you want to do?" Ron asked looking at Hermoine, who was glowing with an odd happiness.

"Dance with me Ronald!" She said standing straight, and holding out her hand.

"Hermoine. I most certainly will not dance."

"Please? It will be fun. I won't tell anyone. It's a complete secret."

"Fine. Fine. Fine. But only because, I drank so much I'm not quite sure who I am."

Ron stood up, and grabbed Hermoine's hand and they began to slow dance slopily. After dancing around like drunken idiots for about five minutes, they some how miraculously tripped over eachother. Landing on the floor, twisted in eachother's arms, they began to laugh hysterically.

"Hahahhahhah! You tripped over meeeee." Hermoine squeeled, as she giggled.

"You want to give dancing another go?" Ron asked trying to get up.

"Sure. Okay. Fine. Just let me get up. Real quick."

Hermoine tried to get up but quicky fell back down.

"Okay not gonna work. My bloody head aches." She whined.

"Mine too. Why don't we just stay here. Right here.Lets try to sleep." Ron said lying his head down on the hard floor.

"Mhm. Sleep. Sleep's good." Hermoine answered drifting off to sleep.

Just as Ron and Hermoine began to fall into a heavy sleep, Ron shot up like a bat out of hell.

"What? Are you okay?" Hermoine screeched.

"I think.. I think... I think... I'm gonna be SICK!"