"My arms hurt!" Richard complained as he flopped down on the couch.

"Oh poor baby! That's what happens when you actually put effort into something," Kory said, sitting down on the space on the couch that wasn't covered by his body.

"I do put effort into things, just not cleaning. We are never doing that again," Richard said, looking back at his girl friend to make sure she got the point.

"Until Rachel gets out of the hospital, then I'll just go over and help her and you can hang with Gar while we clean," Kory said.

"I don't think he'd want to hang out with me," Richard mumbled, but Kory caught it.

"Why not? You guys are like brothers," she said.

"We got in a fight and it didn't end too pretty," Richard said.

"Well what'd you guys get in a fight about?" Kory asked.

"The fight was for a stupid reason and I never wanted it to happen, but it did," he said, not answering Kory's question.

"What did you guys get in a fight about?" Kory asked again, knowing that Richard would always give her a straight answer unless it was something that was really serious or he wasn't that comfortable talking about.

"Kory, would you mind having my baby?" Richard asked and Kory leaned back in her seat and stared at him, wide eyed.

"W-what?!" she yelled.

"No, no! Not now! But if we were to get married or we're careful, would you mind having my baby?" Richard asked, being careful with his words.

"You two had a fight about that?!" Kory asked, now standing.

"Gar just brought up marrying Rachel, but not after what happened with the baby and then we got to the subject of you. He said that you used to be so innocent and pure, but when I came into your life I messed it up and that I changed you," Richard said, looking at the ground instead of at his shocked girlfriend.

"I was going to change sooner or later. Nobody can be innocent forever Richard and I love you so I honestly don't mind. I'd rather it be you than someone like Roy," Kory said and at the mention of Roy's name Richard stiffened.

"That doesn't answer my question Kor. Would you mind having my baby?" he asked again, this time looking up in her eyes so that sapphire met emerald.

"You can't honestly expect me to be able to answer that question Richard," Kory said.

"It's a simple question, just say 'yes' or 'no'. I'll understand either way Kory," Richard said.

"Asking if I would mind having your baby is not that simple of a question Richard! This is a baby we're talking about! Something that we'd have to raise and take care of!" she cried.

"I know what comes with having a baby Kory, just please give me an answer," Richard said, never taking his eyes away from hers.

"Yes," Kory whispered, but he heard it and looked away from her. Kory saw the hurt on Richard's face and went to reach for him, but he stood up.

"Richard I-"

"It's fine Kory, I get it. You wouldn't want to have my baby," he said.

"Will you let me explain?!" Kory yelled, but before she could say any more the phone rang. She looked from Richard to the phone before sighing and picking up the ringing phone.

"Hello," Kory said, trying to sound cheerful even though she wasn't.

"Calm down Rachel, just tell me what happened," she said, trying to understand what Rachel was saying on the other line. Richard watched as her brows furrowed in confusion and then her eyes widened and her mouth opened enough for her to whisper,

"Oh God."


"He just got up and left! He said he would never leave me Kor! Why did he leave me?!" Rachel sobbed into her friend's chest as Kory held her tightly and fought back her own tears.

"I don't know Rachel," Kory said softly, unable to really obtain all of the information given to her and actually believe it.

"Why would Gar leave her like this? Right after losing a baby?" Kory thought and when she thought of the word baby, her heart gave a lurch and she looked over at Richard who had his eyes on the ground.

"I need to say something to him. We can't go on like this; we can't not talk to each other," she thought, looking over at her boyfriend. Their eyes met for a second before Rachel let out a small cry and Kory returned her gaze to her broken friend.

"Rachel you need to get some sleep," she said and with a nod, Rachel lied back down in the bed and closed her eyes even though the tears still flowed. Kory gave her friend a soft kiss on the forehead before turning away from her and leaving the room with Richard in tow.

"How long are we going to go on not talking to each other?" Kory asked once they were in the hall, her arms crossed. Richard didn't reply.

"If you're not going to talk to me, then at least let me explain," she added, frustrated that their relationship had been reduced to not talking within an hour.

"It's not that I don't understand," Richard finally spoke.

"I get that you don't want to have my baby," he added.

"It's not that I don't want to have your baby. I'm just not ready to decide that you are the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and I don't want to be a teenage mother either," Kory said.

"I know that Kory and my question was way out of place. If, or until, I get a ring on your finger, you're not sure what you really want with your life and that's fine. To be honest I'm not really sure either," Richard said and a smile of pure relief spread across Kory's face. She hugged him tightly before pulling away and looking at his still worried eyes.

"If it not that, then what is bothering you?" Kory asked.

"Kor, I'm switching schools," Richard said and her smile dropped.

"W-what? W-why?" she asked, her lip trembling as she spoke while tears built up in her emerald eyes.

"Bruce thinks I'm not getting a good enough education and that with everything going on, it'd be best for me to change school so I can focus on my work," he said.

"When did you find out?" Kory asked, tears silently trailing down her pale cheeks.

"He called while you were talking to Rachel. I decided it'd be best if I told you later," Richard said.

"Bruce can't do this! He can't just take you away from me!" Kory yelled, tears now flowing freely from her eyes that screamed she was hurt.

"He's like my dad Kory, he can," Richard said, unable to look at her so instead he looked at the ground.

"So that's it then? You're just going to give up on me?! Give up on us?!" Kory asked, anger now mixing with the hurt she was already feeling.

"I can still come and visit you," Richard said.

"It happened last time too Richard and I don't want my heart broken again," Kory said.

"Do you think I would cheat on you again?!" Richard yelled.

"You did it once! What's to stop you from doing again?!" Kory yelled.

"Know that I'd hurt you! Before I was stupid and wasn't thinking! I have a reason to be with you now Kor!" Richard yelled and Kory laughed.

"Are you laughing at me?" he asked.

"No Dick I'm not! I'm laughing at myself and do you know why?!" Kory laughed. Richard shook his head, afraid of the way she was acting.

"I'm laughing at myself because I know why you were with me. You just said so yourself! 'I have a reason to be with you now Kor!' You only wanted me because you wanted more sex! Well you know what?! You got it ass hole! And I hope you're happy with all the times we did fuck because that's the last you're getting from me ever again! So go ahead and go off to your new school and fuck every girl there! I don't fucking care! Because you're not my problem anymore! We're through Dick!" Kory yelled before turning from him and beginning to walk off.

"That's not what I meant Kory!" Richard cried, grabbing hold of her wrist. Kory quickly spun around and slapped him, causing her wrist to set free.

"Keep your filthy hands off me," she spat before turning once again and leaving.

"I don't feel any regret," Kory repeatedly thought to herself and ever time she did, the pain only got worse, but no; she wouldn't go crawling back to him.

"I'll never be enough for you, will I Richard?"


PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!!! You all may hate me now because I split up the 'perfect' couple, but please don't kill me! It had to be done! Now I another reason for you to hate me…I'm thinking about ending the story, right here… with this chapter as the last one. Personally, I think this is a kick ass ending! Leaves you right on the edge of your seat and totally leads up to the sequel and third of the college series, Being with You Only Brings the Tears. I haven't started this story yet, but you sort of guess from the title what it will be about.

So please tell me if I should end the story here or do one more chapter as an epilog or just tell everything that happened in between in the first chapter of Being with You Only Brings the Tears.

