Do not own CSI or any of the Characters.
This is a sequel to One Last Kiss, and if you have not read that you will be a little confuse. So this is set sometime in the 7th season. This will deal with Sara's pregnancy!
Also want to thanks StokesSidle for all her help!
Recovery- Conceiving
The sun was beaming against Sara's neck has she threw her kit in the back of the SUV and made her way to the passenger side. She and Grissom had just finished collecting evidence of a murder case that happened in the middle of the dessert.
Sara threw herself into the seat and quickly reached for the bottle of water, that sat in the cup holder. It was warm but Sara didn't care. As Sara chugged the water down, Grissom had hopped into the driver's seat and turned on the engine.
Grissom smiled over at his girlfriend of two years now. Sara finished drinking and returned Grissom stare. "What? I'm thirsty!" she replied as she screwed the lid back on the now empty bottle and put it back into the cup holder.
"I can see that," replied Grissom sheepishly as he turned his attention back on to the road and drove out of the lot.
They drove for 20 minutes in silence, the dessert scenery blurring by. Sara leaned over to change the radio station. "Would you stop that?" asked Grissom, not taking his eyes off the road. "What?" asked Sara.
"Stop changing the radio station, you have changed it 7 times already."
"Fine," huffed Sara, clearly mad. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. She let out a heavy sigh and turned her attention to the window.
Grissom just smiled to himself and continued to drive.
Thirty minutes into the trip they had pulled over at a small gas station. As a young man filled the car up with gas, Grissom had pulled out a map. Sara leaned over to Grissom, "You're lost aren't you," it was more of a statement then a question.
"No I'm not!" replied Grissom as he trailed his finger along the map, which was spread out on his lap.
"Sure you are, if you weren't we would probably be back at the lab right now processing the evidence. Instead of at a dead end gas station, in the middle of nowhere. Admit it your lost!" Sara clearly pointed out.
Grissom looked up at Sara and appeared over his sunglasses, "I'm not lost!"
Sara just sighed heavily and rested her head against her seat. Men never admitted when they were wrong she thought.
After Grissom had put the map away and paid the young man for his services, the SUV pulled out of the gas station and back onto the road. Sara had been right; Grissom had no idea where he was going. But he wasn't going to admit it, especially to Sara.
They continued to drive when, something hit the windshield. It was a rain drop. Sara hung her head outside of the window and glanced up, sure enough there was a dark cloud over their heads.
Within five minutes, it was pouring buckets on them. Both Sara and Grissom had rolled up the windows and the air conditioner was blasting.
The windshield wipers swished back and forth. "Grissom pull over!" said Sara, as the car swerved. "Sara why, we are only like 20 miles away from Las Vegas, I'm not stopping now." Spoke Grissom firmly concentrating on the road.
"Please Gil," begged Sara softly has there was a flash of lightening in the distance.
Grissom stole a side glance at Sara, who was digging her nails into her seat. "You really hate storms don't you?" asked Grissom in a concerned voice.
"No I don't hate them, just don't like them." explained Sara, not taking her eyes off her feet. There was a roll of thunder and flash of lighting. Sara's nails dug deeper into the seat and her eyes squeezed shut. "Can we just pull over?" whispered Sara.
Grissom nodded and swerved the vehicle over to the side of the road. He turned off the engine and pulled Sara into his arms. He kissed her head softly, "Babe, its okay," he whispered.
They sat like that, for 10 minutes, and then Sara looked up at Grissom. He smiled down at her. Sara then leaned in and kissed his lips. Grissom kissed her back.
The kiss went from innocent to full of passion in a matter of seconds. Sara re-adjusted her self not breaking the kiss has she did so. She was now in between Grissom thighs.
Grissom ran his hand down Sara's arms and up her shirt. Sara broke the kiss and started to place kisses along his neck. She started to unbutton his shirt kissing his chest as she did so. Grissom removed Sara's shirt by now, and was rubbing his cheeks against her milky breasts.
Sara undid the last button and tossed it on to the passenger seat. She ran her hands along his muscular back as she bent down and nibbled on his nipple. Grissom unhooked Sara's bra, and threw it aside along his shirt. His hands cupped Sara's breasts. He felt them go hard in response. His thumbs ran over the hard nipples. He then ran his tongue over one then the other. He repeated this movement. Sara let out a groan of pleasure.
Grissom looked up at this and crashed his lips against hers. Sara's tongue ran along the top of his teeth and then the bottom of his lip. Grissom could feel his middle rise has Sara pressed her self against him.
Grissom hand ran along Sara's spine and into her pants. He squeezed her buttock.
Sara broke the kiss, when she was aware where Grissom's hands were.
Sara leaned back and started looking for her bra. "Sara, what are you doing?" asked a hurt and confused Grissom.
"I'm looking for my shirt," explained Sara has she started to do up her bra. Grissom's hand reached out and stopped her. She looked up. "Hey."
"Hey," Grissom replied back and kissed her with passion. The kiss lasted a moment before Sara broke it again. Grissom stared at Sara, "Gil you know we can't do this here?" replied Sara, looking Grissom straight on. "And why not?" asked Grissom.
"I would love to, but we don't have any protection. Unless you bough condoms at that gas station and I just didn't see them. And remember I had to go off the pill cause I'm still sick a bit." Explained Sara.
"Please Sara, The chances of you getting pregnant are slime to none if you take the morning after pill, everything will be fine. Just please Sara can we finish." Grissom gave her his puppy dog look; he knew she couldn't say no too.
Sara was quiet for a moment, and then she sighed, "Fine, we can finish but make it quick cause its starting to clear up and the guys will be wondering were we are."
A huge smile broke across Grissom's face has Sara spoke these words.
Soon after all their cloths had been removed, including shoes and socks. Grissom had moved the seat back so there was more room. Grissom then leaned himself into Sara.
Sara let out a gasp as Grissom thrust himself within her..
Their hips rolled together picking up past and lowering down as they went. Soon Sara reached her climax and was begging for Grissom to stop.
Grissom slid himself out and kissed the top of her forehead. Sara smiled up at Grissom.
They were both breathing heavily.
By the time they had gotten dressed and back on the road, the storm had cleared and the sun was out and shinning.
The SUV rolled into the parking lot. They were running late. They both gradded their kits out of the back and ran into the lab.
They ran into an inpatient Brass as they made their way into the building. "What took you guys so long; I have been waiting here forever!"
"We got lost," explained Sara. Grissom nodded in response. "You should have phoned.
"I did, I left you like 5 calls." Explained a pissed off Brass, he was taking this got lost crap.
"You did?" asked Sara looking down at her phone. "I did hear anything, did you?" she asked looking up at Grissom. Grissom shook his head in reply,"Nope!"
"Well, you probably couldn't hear over all the LOVING MAKING GOING ON UH!" yelled Brass.
Both CSI, turned red. Luckily no one was in ear shot to hear that.
Brass spoke his voice quieter now, "Hey I'm sorry, it's just I have been waiting along time."
"No we should be sorry Brass, its just someone couldn't wait!" Sara shot a nasty look in Grissom direction. Grissom looked down at his feet, pretending he didn't hear Sara.
Brass just chuckled and the three of them walked down the hall.
Hoped you enjoyed!
This is has dirty has it will get probably!
Thanks again for reading.
Pleas review, I luv hearing from you.