Karma strikes back

A/N No, I don't own Naruto, Don't own anything.

The first time he saw Naruto after Naruto had returned from his training, the first thing Kakashi thought was, "Damn, he's still wearing Orange,".

Of course, after a second glance, Kakashi saw something truly interesting. Naruto was wearing bandages around his right thigh. Just like him. Kakashi felt the faintest twinges of pride, followed by much more excruciating moments of guilt. He'd never actually trained Naruto. Except for that one time with tree-walking... but after that, he had all but tossed Naruto away to train Sasuke after Sasuke's sharigan had emerged. One thing led to another, and then he realized that the Great author and Sanin Jiraiya had become Naruto's sensei. How the hell could he compare with that?!? The same guy that had taught his precious sensei, and he became fourth hokage!

"Which is just great for Naruto," Kakashi mused. "Maybe he has a real chance of becoming Hokage now,"

Still, to see Naruto copy part of his own style touched a part of him that he thought dead. So Kakashi decided to bond with his student, before his genius mind thought of one thing,

"Oh Crap, what about Sakura?" Because really, there were no excuses there.

One bell training later

"Ano, is this really necessary?" Kakashi asked as he sweatdropped.

Naruto and Sakura were currently standing over him with evil glares. They duly nodded and began to eat lunch right in front of him. When they were done, Sakura flicked Kakashi's forehead, just once, leading to Kakashi's head impacting with the wooden post (God Finger and all that).

She then said, "THAT is for spending 3 years in the same village, and not training meonce,"

And she stomped off to do...things. Naruto was left alone Kakashi at their old training ground.

"So, are you going to exact revenge for me not training you too?"

Naruto scratched his head, "Actually, I've gotten over that,"

Kakashi's heart began to feel guilty again, but sill proud of the young man in front of him.

"What I AM going to do, is get revenge for all those years ago," Naruto did a foxy grin that promised a lot of pain, and Naruto held up the perverted book he had stolen from before. He attached it to some kind of wire under another mechanism which looked suspiciously like a lighter.

"THIS is for leaving me tied at the wooden post for a whole day until I finally got myself untied!"

"Oh that," Kakashi thought dully. He hadn't quite grasped his situation yet, and was going to ask Naruto when Naruto disappeared.

"Well, I am a jounin," he thought and began to move his hands to undue his knots. That was when he heard a clicking sound. Kakashi stared in front of him (There was no where else to look) and moved his hands onced. The lighter clicked. From here, the smell of alcohol began to waft towards his nose. Kakashi began to have a growing sense of horror.

"Is this that Karma thing everyone's been talking about," And he began to wait until someone found him and saved his book. Coincidentally, Gai was the first one to find him because he was searching Kakashi out for another competition. He took one glance at Kakashi, and at the book, snickered and left. Yes Kakashi, this is that Karma thing everyone talks about.