A big thank you to all my loyal reviews!

This chapter is dedicated to weasleyismyprince who has loyally reviewed (nearly) all my stories, and is a fantastic friend. Even though she is a meanie-bum and will not agree with me that Remus is sexy, cute, handsome, lovely, caring…you get the drift. Anyway, I'm rambling.

Please enjoy this chapter!

The Conversation and the Explanation

To put it bluntly, Tonks was furious. If that woman dared to just walk into their house, and steal Remus for her forever, Tonks would have to get her friends to get her. She would of course lead them, firing the worst curses and hexes at her that Moody decided to teach her ''Just in case.''

A particular one sprung to her mind, one that caused hair to immediately fall out and to be replaced by snakes. Remus wouldn't dare mess around with Tonks after that.

She'd had enough. Just…waiting for Remus to come and comfort her was not enough. She needed to talk to him now, or she would go crazy, just not knowing about what is happening in the next room. What if she kissed him? What if he kissed her? What if she came in, and they were all over each other? This woman could ruin her whole life forever.

Tonks stepped out the room. She warily placed her hand on the door handle, and she opened it gingerly. She walked in to find that her situation was bad, but not as bas as what it could be.

Remus and Amber appeared to be very comfortable. They had their arms around each other, and Amber was sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder. He was stroking her hair soothing, as he had done before.

Tonks would have been raging with jealousy had it not been for the befuddled, confused expression on Remus' face.

'Can I talk to you Remus?' Tonks asked politely, even though she was cracking up inside. Her insides felt like they would explode at the sight of Remus' bewildered, bemused face. She had to hide a small snort in her hands.

'Sure, fine,' Remus replied.

'In private?' Tonks asked.

Remus slowly pushed Amber of his chest.

'I'll be back in a second,' he told her, while gently holding her shaking shoulders. 'Then you can tell me what happened…'

Tonks shot Amber a filthy look at Amber, before walking out the room with Remus. She led him into their bedroom, which had been tidied earlier. Tonks felt her heart drop like a stone as she remembered why it was tidied. Remus has planned a surprise for them tonight…and now it would have to wait. It had been quite a stressful day at the Ministry, the duel and the meeting with Bellatrix had worn her out quite a bit, and the only thing stopping herself from ending it all was knowing that there would be Remus and his surprise waiting for her at home…

And this stupid Amber woman had ruined everything with a few simple sentences. She wondered if she could still use the snake curse on her when Remus wasn't looking. He'd have to use his ''professor voice'' and give Tonks a ''telling off.''

Come to think of it, she quite liked his ''professor voice.'' It made him sound quite sexy.

And then Remus spoke, cutting her off from her daydreams and wishful thinking.

'You wanted to talk to me, Tonks?' he asked kindly. Tonks realised that Remus must be hurting inside as well, for Amber, his ex-girlfriend who had clearly broken his heart, had turned up, ruining his special evening with Tonks, and now it seemed like Tonks was going to shout stuff at him, throw things at him. She saw the sadness in his eyes, the sorrow in his face. She saw the willing expression of forgiveness in his eyes, and the way his hands curled round hers made Tonks truly absolve her anger at him.

'I can explain,' Remus began, but Tonks cut him off with a small finger on his smooth lips.

'You don't need to apologise,' she said. 'Just tell me…why…and how?'

'It is a bit of a long story,' Remus started. 'We used to date…a long time ago. Eight years ago to be exact. We were going to get married. I loved her more than life itself…'

His voice trailed off.

'Even more than how much you loved me now?' Tonks teased, her bottom lip curling up like a small child. It soon turned to a wicked grin.

'Oh, I loved her a lot more than you. She was nice to me,' Remus teased back.

'Anyway, three days before we were going to get wed, she told me that she was in love with someone else. And she left me. For him.'

'Oh my God Remus,' Tonks whispered. She pulled him closer, embracing him in a tight hug. Tonks stroked his hair lovingly.

'That must have been horrible,' she murmured.

'Sirius couldn't get rid of me for weeks. I moped, wept, cried, sobbed, moaned and whinged to Sirius for weeks. I was so bitter; I contemplated sending a few nasty Marauder-Made hexes through the post to her, and believe me; if they were Marauder-Made, she may have spent a few weeks in St. Mungo's. I nearly sent one the day before her wedding to the guy so she would conveniently miss her big day.'

'Well now I know, if I should ever want to break up with you, I should be very aware of opening my post for the next few years.' Tonks chuckled. 'So…why is she back? After she ever-so-cruelly stamped on your heart, leaving it in a million tiny pieces?'

Remus looked especially sad.

'I don't really know why she is back. I hate to say it, but she treated me horribly, and I am oblivious as to why she would want to return here. But there is one thing I do know, is that I am glad that she cruelly stamped on my heart, leaving it in a million tiny pieces, because I never would have met you.'

'I love you,' Tonks whispered, and she leant in, faintly brushing her lips against Remus'.

'Re-ee-mus!' shouted a cheery, but still somewhat heartbroken voice from another room.

'Amber,' Remus sighed softly.

Tonks and Remus walked into the living room, hand-in-hand to show Amber that they were still very in love, and an annoying ex-girlfriend couldn't take it away from them.

When they entered the room, Remus paused, unsure as the whether he should sit with Amber to comfort her, or with Tonks who he truly cared for. Being the noble, decent git that he is, he went and sat with Amber.

'You are probably wondering why I have turned up, spoiling your evening-'

'Yes, you have interrupted a special evening,' Tonks cut in, interjecting Amber's words. She did not care for being rude, for Amber was the discourteous one. She had ruined her special evening with Remus, and Tonks felt like acting like a spoiled brat to Amber.

Amber looked very put out. She scowled at Tonks before continuing.

'As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I was going to explain as to why I have turned up here, unexpectedly, with lots of luggage-'

'Well I was wondering that actually…' butted in Tonks for the second time.

Remus' mood was rising; two women were in front of him, knew them both very well, he had loved one of them, he was in love with the other, and they were treating each other like they hated each other.

They probably did hate each other…

'Yes well, I have turned up because…well…my engagement with Simon is off. He ditched me for a skinny blonde half his age.' Amber's eyes filled with tears at the memory.

'He chucked me out; he said I wasn't good enough. He said I nagged him; I wouldn't leave him alone. He threw all my possessions out the window. I had nowhere to go. I walked for ages; I had no energy so I could not apparate. I was just lost. After a few hours, I recognised a park. A park that we used to go to Remus, remember? We used to have picnics but the duck pond…and you'd sometimes push me on the swings like we were little children…Well, I realised that it was right by your flat, so I came here as quick as I could. You don't mind do you?'

'I don't mind what?' Remus asked, very confused.

'If I can live with you for a while of course! Amber explained, grinning widely.

'Live…with us?' Tonks asked, a bit dazed. She was not expecting that. 'You can't…well, I live here with Remus. There isn't enough space…you just can't!'

'Well…I guess you could…for a little bit…' Remus said, helplessly. He looked at Tonks pitifully.

'Well that's great then! I'll just put my stuff in my room!' Amber said cheerfully, breaking the icy silence that filled the room. She heaved herself up, and then strutted in the room, pleased at the outcome of the conversation. Remus and Tonks could hear her pulling all of her luggage into the spare room.

Once everything was silent again, the hostile stillness in the atmosphere came back again. Remus stood up, and walked over to where Tonks was sitting. He sat down next to her, and embraced his hands over hers.

'I am so sorry about that…' he began.

'It's alright Remus,' Tonks said. 'It has been a very long day, and we shall just discuss it in the morning. For now, I just need to sleep.'

'That's fine. I'll come with you.' Remus replied.

They walked out of the room, hand-in-hand. They turned a corner, and they walked into their bedroom.

But something was wrong…

There was Amber, sprawled out, asleep in their bed.

I know, I know, the timeline isn't right. Eight years ago, Sirius would have been in Azkaban. But if the timeline was right, it would have been around fourteen or fifteen years since Amber last saw Remus, and then their relationship wouldn't be as strong…okay I'm spoiling the story a bit now. But I guess that now officially makes this story AU.

Today's bribe for a review is…Remus Protectors. An ex-boyfriend of yours comes along and different Remus' sort him out. He can challenge him to a duel, with hilarious Marauder consequences, or he can just pamper and spoil you to make him seethe with jealously…