
There was laughter aplenty as six smiling teens came tumbling out of the movie theatre, talking and joking, clearly enjoying the Summer break. Six short months ago things hadn't been quite so joyous, as trials and tribulations were faced from all sides. The blonde at the centre of the group had perhaps been through the most confusion and hardship, discovering that the family she had been brought up with were not in fact connected to her by blood at all. Still, she had her friends, those that surrounded her now, and her boyfriend in particular, who's arm around her shoulders never failed to make her feel comfortable and happy.

"So, where do you wanna go now?" Logan asked her and the rest of their friends as they stood around in an impromptu circle on the pavement.

"I could eat" Duncan suggested as Meg lifted her head off his shoulder to nod in agreement, "Anybody have a preference to where we go?"

"You're going to say pizza parlour, aren't you?" Mac smirked up at Dick who grinned widely.

"Dude, its like you can read my mind or something" he declared, "I love that" he told her as he kissed her deeply.

"Geez, I know you're hungry guys but don't eat each other" Logan suggested, earning a playful punch in the arm from his friend, even as he continued to kiss his woman.

The sound of a motorcycle engine caught the attention of the group and all turned to see the machine in question pulling up to the kerb, carrying a fourth couple that usually completed their set.

"Hey, Veronica Mars" Lilly grinned as she pulled off her helmet, setting her long blonde hair free, as Weevil propped up the bike and greeted his kind-of-friends with a single nod of his head.

"Hey, Lil" Veronica greeted her friend, rolling her eyes at the use of the full name she was still getting used to, and yet Lilly loved to use it any chance she got, "You have fun this weekend?"

"I'd give you the details, V, but I don't wanna make you blush" Weevil smirked, confirming that it really had a been a dirty weekend away for the couple whose relationship had suffered some lately.

The truth about Lilly's affair with Aaron hadn't come out quite as soon as it should. Veronica was sure if Lilly had confessed at the time she would have been more easily forgiven, but the older girl had insisted she knew better. She had only told Eli all when she felt she had to, when news of Aaron Echolls other affairs began to leak into the press. The good thing to come out of the press interest in their lives was that the Echolls were soon free to rid their lives of the man whose name they bore. Logan and Lynn were much happier since she started looking into a divorce, a much easier task than it ever had been before as Aaron's cheating was proved to be very real and multiple.

This specific weekend marked Lilly and Weevil's one year anniversary since their first 'date' if such a word could be used for the impromptu make out session that started the whole affair! Their weekend away seemed to have been the tonic they needed to complete the patching up process of a relationship that deep down Veronica believed was based on love, much like she and Logan had, as well as Duncan and Meg, and Mac and Dick.

"We were going for pizza" Duncan told his sister, "You guys want in?"

"What do you say, babe?" Lilly asked her boyfriend as she leant her body on his back and hugged him tight.

"I say you gave me an appetite this weekend, chica" he told her, "So yeah, let's go eat" he agreed, reminding her to put her helmet back on as he revved the engine, and yelled to the rest of the group that they'd meet them at Cho's pizza in a few.

As the other three couples followed on down the street, talking and kissing, Veronica just couldn't shift the grin off her face. Logan soon noticed as he looked down at her beneath his arm and found the look infectious.

"What's with you today?" he smiled, "I mean, I'm not complaining, but I haven't seen you quite so... I don't know, overly happy, in a while?" he said, hoping his question wouldn't spoil the mood he was so glad to find she was in.

"I don't know" Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "Everything just seems pretty good right now. We had fun at the movie..."

"We didn't see much of the movie" Logan reminded her, as he leaned in close and kissed the top of her head.

"That's not the point" she told him as she moved to meet his lips with her own for a brief kiss, "We had fun. So far this Summer has been all about the fun, with you, and the guys, and my Dad" she smiled, "Y'know I thought it'd feel weird calling him that" she considered as she thought of Sheriff Mars, "I thought it'd be ever weirder moving in with him but I'm glad I didn't wait too long to do it. I finally feel like I belong" she said, with a genuine smile as Logan hugged her close.

"I knew I belonged in Neptune from the second I saw you" he told her, making her look at him strangely.

"Even when I was telling you to go drown yourself or something?" she checked.

"Especially then" he smirked, "I knew you were only acting that way because you couldn't control your want for me" he joked, making her laugh once again, a beautiful sound to her boyfriend's ears, who was as happy as she was in this moment, knowing they belonged together and that was one thing that would never change.

~ The End ~

A/N: Well, thats it, we finally reached the end. Thanx to everyone who read and reviewed at any and all points throughout the story, I really appreciate the feedback and support! :-)