At the gates to the Other World, King Yama is throwing a fit about a disaster that is looming about human world. "Why are all of these human women soul missing? I can't believe this is happening so fast after Boo is defeated! I want answers and I want them now!" he slammed his fist into the table making the room shake. "We are doing the best we can sir. But we are unable to locate the souls of these women who have died."

King Yama began to rub his chin as his other hand rested under his elbow and started to think. "Souls of dead women." Then he gasped, "No it can't be!" he said out loud. The ogres looked at him with confusion. King Yama got up, "Quickly we need to check the chambers of the dead priestess and the demon!" he yelled as he ran out the door. Down in hell in what looks like a huge shrine, King Yama and the ogres run down a fleet of stairs that seems to last forever. As they reach a huge circular room King Yama looks in fear. There where two doors, one painted red and the other was black. The black painted door seemed to be ok, but the red one looked like it was destroyed from the inside. He looks at the busted down door in fear. "This is impossible! Then again I've should have known!" He yells and then turns around to give the ogres new orders. "Don't just stand there find the prisoner! The specter will wreak havoc once again, we need to find before the other one gets out!" he yells. "Yes sir." The ogre's replies and they scramble away in fear. King Yama looks back at the busted red door. 'How did you escape? And when?'


Goten jumps from tree to tree, enjoying his forest home as his older brother Gohan went to school now and his best friend Trunks lives far away. But he found a way to entertain himself in the mean time. He grabs a wing and lands in the water as his father had shown him to do. Goku has defeated the evil Boo and was given one more chance at life so now he had his father back from the dead and he and his mother and brother live together once again in there little home in their neck of the woods in peace. Goten swims in the deeper part of the water watching the delicious looking fish swim by. He swims towards them trying to play tag with them. He follows one that heading towards the surface and he follows. The fish jumps out of the water and Goten grabs it by its tail and pulls it back down. He pulls it out of the water and he looks down his clothes where soaked. 'Mom's not gonna be happy about this.' He thought 'Oh well, I already did. Dad and Gohan will like this one.' He smiles as he pulls it over his shoulder

"Goten! Time for lunch!" Goku calls for him. Goten smiles and started to run towards home. As he started to get close, he was stopped by an unfamiliar sound. He stops and listens. 'It sounds like humming' he thought as he looked around to see if he could find where that sound was coming from. As he looks he hears it coming closer, then he started to feel an enormous power level heading for him. He stands his ground and waits so see what direction it is coming from. He tries to focus all of his senses on that power. He feels it coming ever closer and closer until it he realizes it is coming up from behind him.

He turns around to fight whatever it was, but to his surprise he sees a beautiful young woman dressed in a weird version of a kimono and she was caring a basket of looked like herbs. He stands up normal and only looks at her for a moment then he says. "Oh hi". The woman smiles down at him. "You looked like you where just about to attack me. Are you a martial artist young man?" she asks as she bends down to his eye level. "Yeah, my brother and daddy taught me how to fight. They're the strongest guys in the whole world." Goten smiles as he brags.

"Oh is that so?" she asks. "And are you strong like them?" she asks. "No, not like them strong but I'm one of the strongest fighter in the whole world." He brags again smiling. "Are you now? Tell me what is one of the strongest fighter's in the world doing in a middle of your woods?" she asks him. "I live out here with my family." He replied. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I live in a shrine that is near by this place; I guess that makes us neighbors." She smiles as she stands back on her feet. He looks at her again, he can feel all that power, and it's coming from her. But she seems so scrawny and weak, and she was very pretty. He notices she had a weird looking tool attracted to her back along with sticks that look like they have fur on it. "What are those things?" He asks. She looks behind her to see what he was talking about. "Oh this, this is a bow and these are arrows."

"A bow and arrows?"

"Yes, they are my weapon of choice." She said as she pulls them out so he can look at them. "Do you want to see how they work?" she asks. "Sure." Goten was curious. She pulls out an arrow and pulls points at a close by tree. After a few moments she lets go and the arrow goes threw the tree and four more behind it. "Oh wow! That was so cool! How you do that?" he asked looking ever so exited about this new kind of attack. "I concentrated all of my power into one point, then through the arrow I placed all of that power in, kind of like a sponge holds water, my arrow holds my energy." She places the bow down and smiles at him

Goten just stood there for a second trying to understand what this lady was telling him until he heard his mother call out to him "Goten, come home now! Your lunch is getting cold!" Goten turns his head slightly too where his mother was calling. "Is that your mother calling you?" the woman asked. "Yeah its lunch time and she makes really good food." Goten said as he turns around to look at the lady again, "By the way I'm Goten." he reaches his hand out to shake hers. What's your name?" he asks her with a big smile. She looks at his hand and then back at him then look at his hand again. She takes his hand and sakes it. "My name is Kikyo."

The strange woman smiles back at him, then she looks up behind Goten a few feet was Goku with a serious face. "Good after sir." She said. Goten turns around. "Oh hi daddy." He said. Goku face now has changed he was smiling. He runs to him and Goku picks him up. "I met a new neighbor."

"Yeah I see. Nice to meet you miss." Goku said. The woman smiles and lifts her hand up for a small wave then she walks away from the two of them. Goten smiles and wraps his arms around his dads neck. "Come on your mom made some great lunch." Goku said as they started home.


Down in hell Frieza and the other villains looked in confusion of what is happening as the ogres ran around in a panic. "What in blazes is going on here?" Frieza asked out loud with Cell next to him. "I don't know they seem to be freaking out more then normal."

Then one of the ogres started talking in their hearing range. "Oh hell is it true has the specter really escaped?" one of the ogres said.

"If it's true we are gonna be in a hell of a lot of trouble"

Now this has catch Cell's interest. As one of the ogres passed by him he grabs him by the shirt and brings him up to his eye level. "Will you explain what is happening?"

"If you must know a specter in an illegal body class A has escaped its sealed cell."

"Is that so? What does he look like?"

"I have no idea; only a select few of King Yama's men know what the specter looks like." The ogre said he tries to get away from Cell's grip. Cell lets go and watches as the ogre squirms away from him. 'Well this might prove to be interesting.' He chuckles

After they finished Chichi tucked Goten in for a nap. When his bedroom door was shut Chichi sat down at the table next to Goku. "You were quiet after dinner Goku, is something wrong?" she asked

"Nothing really I think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I went to get Goten for lunch I saw him talking to what looked like a shine priestess. I don't remember a shrine being around here. And that's not really concerned me about her." Chichi looked confused. "How old do you think this priestess is? Somewhere in her 50's, 60's or something like that?" she asked. "No not old at all. She looked around Gohan's age at the least." He said. Chichi chuckled a little. "Now Goku I think you really are loosing your marbles. You're suspicious about a shrine priestess, and she's that young. Usually a priestess isn't all that dangerous until they get a tad older." Chichi said and got up to wash the dishes. "I don't know Chichi. I sensed it right when we met, there's something dangerous about her."

"What did you sense Goku?" she asked as she started to scrub one of the dishes.

"Actually Chichi it's what I didn't sense. She looks human but she didn't feel human to me, like she wasn't really there almost, it's hard to describe." Goku turns his head so he's looking up the stairs, thinking about when she was talking to Goten. "Maybe we should tell Goten not to talk to her again, she could be dangerous."

"Maybe your right, besides I've told Goten before not to talk to strangers." She finished draying the last plate and puts it away. She puts away her apron as she goes to go check on Goten. Chichi smiles at what she sees then turns around slightly, "Goku come over here." She whispers. Goku comes up behind her and takes a peek, it was an adorable sight. Goten was sleeping his arms wrapped around the pillow and his left leg was on top of it as well and his covers have been kicked off to the side. Goku chuckles a little and walks into the room. "Yeah I like fried chicken." Goten says in his sleep. 'You goofy kid.' He thinks as he takes Goten's arms and unwraps it from the pillow and place it under his head where it's suppose to be and grabs the covers and tucks him in. As he watches Goten sleep for a moment he thinks about Gohan when he was a little boy about this age. Only difference was Gohan had him growing up but Goten didn't which wasn't fair in itself. He places his hand on Goten's head and rubs it slightly. "Love you son." He whispers and places a small kiss on the forehead. Chichi smiles, "Oh Goku." She said watching them.


Kikyo, the young woman who talked to Goten is walking threw the forest, humming the same tune as before. The sun is about to set and as she made it home she sees a man flying wearing green and black with a red cape. 'This that's something you don't see everyday.' She thought, 'I sense a great deal of power from him and yet a great deal of kindness.' and then walked away. As she reached a shrine that was up ahead she turned around to look once again at her surroundings.

'This place certainly has a small handful or strong fighters, nothing like back home' now her thoughts started to turn over to the boy she met earlier today. "Goten." She said softly under her breath. She watched as the sun began to set. 'I wonder what tomorrow will bring.' She thought as she turned around headed for inside the shrine.


Back at this desk King Yama tapped his fingers on the desk nervously as he waited for results. 'There're so many specters roaming about in all of the hundreds of worlds there are why I can't find the specter that escaped.'

"King Yama sir!" an ogre came running into the room. "Yes, well spit it out!"

"We might have a lead about where the specter is heading, it could be heading in one of the earth realities." The ogre said

"Of course the specter is heading there you moron that where the specter came from! Find out where and find the specter NOW!" he yelled slamming his fist into the desk