Please be reminded that the terms (such as Liviers, Hydrilia, Cosma etc…) are created by me and they are totally fictional words. But there are two words I borrowed: (1)Furiae, which is the name of a goddess and (2)Loam, which is a type of soil.
The notes at the bottom part (at the end of the story) will be very beneficial for you. I have put there the pronunciation of the terms and several items, I think, helpful for readers.
Disclaimer: kkenthusiac15 owns nothing, (except the plot and the fictional words of course, no stealing please! You can ask permission.)
PrologueIn this alternate world, there exist four kingdoms, each of which is dominated by an immortal man. The four kingdoms represent the four ultimate elements of their world: water, earth (the soil), fire and wind. The kingdom of water is named Hydrilia that has a large body of water in the middle of its realm. The kingdom of the earth is named Loam because of the rich soil prosperous in its entire territory. The kingdom of fire is Furiae, the kingdom that possesses the only chain of volcanoes in their world. And the kingdom of wind is called Cosma, located at the top of a gargantuan plateau. The people who live in this world are called Liviers in entirety but the Liviers are classified into four families, from where they are born. The Liviers who are born from the weeds under the bodies of water of Hydrilia are called Hydros, they are known to be efficient swimmers and all of them have the ability to transform into a liquid form that enables them to slide through the thinnest and narrowest crevice. Sluds originate from the thriving magical plants of Loam; gifted Sluds have the ability to materialize plants and trees with the flick of their fingers, but the ordinary ones can only communicate with animals. From the molten ashes of Furiae, lives the race of Mavalaz. The race of the Mavalaz is famous for their immunity from fire and for the way their skin is aggrieved by their mere contact with water. The final lineage is fashioned from a rare type of enchanted mist with a streak of lightning; this is the least populated Livier among the four because of the rarity of the mist. If the mist is present, a rod of lightning must strike the mist to form a Voraz, the inhabitants of Cosma. Liviers are identical to the physical form of a human being. There is no mark or any indication that can signify their origin, their abilities are the only proof that can identify their race. The Hydros, Sluds, Mavalaz and the Voraz live in their respective kingdoms but they are free to inhabit other kingdoms.
The men who manipulate the four vital elements work together to bring tranquility and similitude between the four kingdoms of their world. They dominate the life forms in their respective kingdoms and subduing the threats to the peace that envelops their world. History does not narrate the origin of these superb beings; it only tells how they bring forth peace in the land they rule. The wars these conquerors won during the period of great hostilities, the things they did for the welfare of their people and the unutterable power they held within are all written down in mountains of parchments. Unbelievably, no one in the entire history of the existence of their world has ever seen the real faces of these magnificent rulers. Some say that the immortal men look just like them but other Liviers claim that the four great rulers only use a Livier form when they have to face the mortals. Others say that the four Lords are abstract beings who take the form of the element they dominate.
A history parchment narrate that each of the rulers has several characteristics, both physically and psychologically, similar to the element they govern.
The head of the Hydros, as that parchment says, has a set of deep blue eyes similar to the water of Hydrilia. His manner is just like the water, he can be indifferent on the outside but there is a free flowing man beneath that cool façade. His abilities ranged from simply controlling water to complex incantations to summon his water creature.
The ruler of the earth has the color of soil for his hair and eyes. Just like the earth, his anger can cause landslides and other calamities but in entirety, he's a jolly person like the friendly animals in the wilderness.
The history parchment described the governor of fire as a person who has a burning color of hair and a pair of fire-like pools. The writer of that parchment tells that the deity of fire can be a very dangerous man when someone messes with him but he really is a very warm and passionate man when you are on his good side.
A cool and calm face is the feature that portrays the divinity of wind; never underestimate him though, for his power is equal to his companions.
It is said that they live at the core of their planet, a place where no living Livier can reach.
Yes, that is what that five-foot-long parchment says. But the elderly Liviers refuse to believe the 'absurd writer' of 'the foolish roll of parchment', as they call it, because the majority of the history parchments convey that no one in the entire course of history has ever seen the potent Lords of their empire.
The world of the Liviers is currently experiencing peace…too much peace. No one in their world knows that there's a nearby world, whose leaders, wanted to conquer the Liviers because they sought after the eminent abilities they possess. And this attempt to dominate these famed nation will happen soon…very, very soon.
That's the end of the prologue. I decided that a prologue would be helpful to avoid confusion.
The story will not be centered on this world, though. I just thought that an alternate universe will add some spice to the plot and this story is in the romance/fantasy category.
Kingdom's element-name of kingdom-livier
Water – Hydrilia – Hydros
Earth – Loam – Sluds
Fire – Furiae – Mavalaz
Wind – Cosma – Voraz
Hydrilia - /hi-dri-lyä/
Hydros - /hay-dros/
Loam - /lō-wäm/ that is not the real pronunciation of the soil named loam/lowm/. I made that up 'coz it sounded more fantasy-like.
Sluds - /slädz/
Furiae - /fyu-rey/
Mavalaz - /mä-vä-läz/
Cosma - /coz-mä/
Voraz - /vo-räz/
Summary: Alternate Universe. He is the ruler of the world she belongs to. She is an ordinary girl. How can a deity such as him, fall for her? She doesn't know the truth about him, but what if she discovers that he's one of the four rulers of the world she belongs to? KBK, slight AM & SM