Wind Waker: Tetra's adventure
Chapter 3
By: Blue Spirit17
Disclaimer: The day I own the Legend of Zelda series is the day turtles will suddenly have ninja capabilities. In other words, it ain't gonna happen.

To explain why I've been gone a long time, I have 2 good reasons

The recession: I have a pretty sucky part-time job right now and am busy looking for a better one.

Writer's block: I've lost my inspiration to type (writing ) so I haven't been on the ball with updates as of late. I'm putting this chapter up to see if I can get it back.

Those are my reasons for not continuing my stories.

Note: Don't be surprised if you see miniscule references to random people and shows and games.

Another note:…Phantom Hourglass and Spirit tracks are awesome! That's all.

Recap Time!

Last we left Link and Tetra; they had scaled the forsaken fortress to save Link's sister Aryll. Why was Tetra with him instead of on her ship? Well, long story short, the only way Tetra decided to get Link into the fortress was by way of catapult. Link, not liking this one bit, struggled to get out. Tetra, annoyed by the time he was halfway out the barrel went up onto the catapult and forced him back in. Gonzo had an idiot moment with an ordinary fly, and accidentally cut the rope, launching both Link AND Tetra into the fortress. His punishment? A massive beat down at the hands of his crewmates. Poor bastard.

Link and Tetra scaled the fortress until they came to the room with the cell Aryll was being held in. However, both were grabbed by the giant bird and taken to a man with an orange beard and hair, and dark skin. The man then had the bird throw the two into the night sky, where they floated unconscious in the water until a red boat picked them both up.

Recap time over!

"Link! Open your eyes!" Link wasn't exactly expecting to be alive when he opened his eyes. However, he closed them again. "Hey! Can Hyrule's fate really depend on such a lazy boy?" Confused, he opened his eyes again and sat up and checked his surroundings to find that he was on a red boat with Tetra still unconscious right in front of him. He found that the boat was in a small alcove with two archways. Suddenly, the boat turned its head! With a deadpan look even! "You are surprisingly dull-witted".

Surprised, Link yelled and fell down, hitting his head on the rudder of the boat the boat laughed. "Ahahaha! Did I scare you?" Link groaned and sat up again and shook his head. He then looked at the boat.

"Who are you? And how can you talk?"

The boat stared at him. "I am the king of red lions. As for how I can talk…Well, trust me when I say that there are stranger things than me out there. I can talk simply because I can!" Link nodded his head, still slightly surprised by the boat's speech. He's seen weirder things than a talking boat already.

'Especially that blue bandana guy's buck teeth' He thought. 'He looks like a chipmunk with those teeth.' "Okay, I understand that and I appreciate you telling me your name, but how did you pick up me and her?" He asked, gesturing to the now slowly waking captain. Keeping his ears open for the king's response, he slowly turned his eyes to Tetra and leaned in a bit until his face was close to hers.

Tetra put a hand to her head as her vision slowly came into focus. Shaking it to get rid of the dizziness, she groaned as her vision met Link's. "…PERVERT!!" A fist hitting a face sounded through the area, as Link was launched out of the boat and into the water. Tetra jumped to her feet, further surprising an already surprised king and glared at the shocked hero. "What do you think you're doing, asshole! I told you not to take advantage of me!"

Link groaned as he swam back into the boat, already feeling his cheek swell from the hit. Ignoring her glare and ceasing her attempt to push him back in. "I didn't do anything, Tetra. I saw you waking up and decided to see if you were injured, which I am now sure you aren't." He said "I admit, it was idiotic of me to do that, but I just felt I had to." He sat down again, now drenched in seawater.

Tetra glared at him some more, before shaking her head. "Whatever. So where are we anyway?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"You are at Windfall Island. There is a reason I have brought you here." Tetra's eyes widened, as she slowly turned her head and stared at the king, or Korl as I will now call him so I don't have to call him king or his full name. "If you will both calm down, and listen, I will tell you the reason I have brought you here." Tetra suddenly found herself in Link's arms, much to his surprise, and embarrassment.

"Who are you? And why can you…"

"I am the king of red lions or Korl, as you may call me. I have brought you both here for a reason!" After realizing she was in Link's arms, she hit him on the head and sat as far away from him as she could and crossed her arms. Link groaned and rubbed his head. Both gave Korl their attention once the awkwardness settled down. "The reason I have brought you both here is because I wish to talk to you two about your quest through the forsaken fortress. Although I did find it humorous when you miss pirate…" he said nodding towards Tetra, who glared at him. "Was launched off that catapult with young Link here. I was surprised that man had his pet throw you into the sea along with him…" He bowed his head down, as if in thought. "That man who the bird brought you to…his name is…Ganondorf. He also goes by the name Ganon." Link and Tetra stared at him in puzzlement.

"Who is Ganondorf?" Link asked thoughtfully.

"He who is the king of darkness now rules over the forsaken fortress. He is a threat to the future of this world since he wishes to rule it with his dark army. He is the very same man who ordered his pet, the Helmaroc King to kidnap young girls with long ears like yours, miss pirate. I do not know why he had you thrown away with Link however."

Tetra huffed. "For starters Karl or whatever your name is, my name is Tetra. The guy you were talking about had his bird bring us closer so he could look at me, and he said that I look like her, but I wasn't who he was looking for. The next thing I knew was I was flying through the air with him." She said, jerking a thumb at Link. "I have to get back there so I can take command of my ship again."

Link looked at Korl. "And I have to go there to rescue my sister. "

The boat shook his head. "Neither of you are strong enough to face Ganondorf with the way you both are right now. I commend your bravery against his minions, but such a rescue attempt was foolhardy! As for you, Tetra, your crew is most likely already out of the area where the fortress lies. So you have no need to worry about them for now."

"You don't understand!" Tetra growled, standing up. "I'm the captain. They most likely don't know what to do now that I'm not there anymore! They're all idiots!"

"Enough! Perhaps it was the goddesses' decision to let you aid Link, but since you are here with Link and not with your crew, you have no choice BUT to aid him on the quest I am about to bestow upon you both! Besides, I have followed your ship from a distance ever since you left Outset Island. Your crew seems to be smart enough to operate without you for the time being. All except that man in the red bandana…"

"Gonzo? Oh, believe me, he's the definition of what an idiot is." She sighed and sat back down, crossing her arms again. She turned to Link "I guess it can't be helped. I'll help you until we find my ship. You're on your own afterwards." Link shrugged.

The king cleared his throat. "Link! Do you wish to save your sister?" Link nodded. "And will you do everything you can to save her?" He nodded twice. "Good! Now, to the sea!...Ah but I am getting ahead of myself. Although I am a boat, I possess no sail, embarrassing it is to admit. I have brought you two to Windfall because this island is full of markets. If you two look around, you might just find a sail we can use." The two kids nodded and Link mocked bowed to Tetra.

"Ladies first." He said, holding his arms out to the shore. Tetra humphed and pushed him into the water as she got out.

"At least I'm dry, moron." Link glared at her before smirking and splashing seawater at her, making her shout in anger as she ended up contradicting her own statement. Korl sighed.

'To think. I just asked two immature delinquents to save the world. The hero of time never acted like this.' He thought. 'Oh well. Best to let them enjoy their lives as children now before their adventure truly begins.' He watched the two run off into town, arguing and passing a homeless old man and two young girls.

Link and Tetra walked into Windfall town, both frowning at each other, before Link sighed. "I'm sorry." Tetra looked at him surprised.


"I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess. I'm thankful you're gonna help me though."

Tetra crossed her arms, again. "I guess I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have hit you like that when I woke up and I'm sorry your sister was kidnapped instead of me. Though I guess the one we should really blame is that guy…Ganondork I think his name was?" Link, for the first time since they met, laughed.

"I think his name is Ganondorf, but I like Ganondork better." Tetra smirked.

"Good. Then that's how we'll refer to him as when we have to talk about him." Link nodded with a grin.

"Good idea. " Both kids looked around until they spotted a stall with a man in a parka. "How much money do we have anyway? I got sixty rupees from helping everyone at Outset a week ago. What about you?"

Tetra shrugged. "I have about twenty, maybe thirty rupees. Why? If you're thinking about paying for a sail, well we could always steal…"

"We can't unless we wanna cause trouble. I think we should just pay for one and stay on the islanders' good side. Who knows? We might have to come back here again later on."Tetra nodded.

"Fair enough. It wouldn't be worth it stealing a sail anyway. Now treasure on the other hand…" She smirked rubbing her hands together. "Is something I'm always willing to steal." Link grinned.

"Maybe Ganondork's army has a lot of treasure buried in the Great Sea. We could always steal that."

Tetra gawked at him. "I never thought you'd be the kind of hero who takes from his enemies."

Link laughed." Oh sure. I also ride on horseback and fire arrows from a bow and I give money to the poor." If only he knew…

Tetra chuckled. "You'd look the part. That's for sure." The two walked to the stall, laughing and cracking jokes the entire way. Now noticing the two, the man in the parka spoke up.

"Welcome to Windfall Island kids! How would you like to purchase THAT?"

Link and Tetra stopped laughing and looked at him oddly. "What's THAT?" Link asked confusedly.

"Ah. THAT is what helped me get here in my old boat before it unfortunately sank beneath the waves. It was a gift from a friend of mine. I could sell it to you two for eighty rupees."

Link and Tetra looked at each other before huddling. "He must be talking about a sail I think." Link whispered.

"What makes you say that? Because it came from his boat? How do you know it's a sail when he could be talking about an oar or something?" Tetra asked. Link shrugged.

"Call it a hunch I guess." Tetra shook her head, but agreed, and the two turned to the salesman.

"We'll take it." Tetra said. The man smiled and held out his hand and both Link and Tetra put their rupees in it.

"Hikari! Bring out THAT!" The man yelled. Suddenly, Link and Tetra watched as a young blonde girl came out carrying something covered by a cloth.

"Here it is, Zunari. One sail, ready for purchase!" She said with a kind expression on her face as Link and Tetra's eyes widened.

"You were right. It was a sail." Tetra whispered. Link grinned.

"Usually my hunches aren't wrong." Link boasted.


"Well, there was this one time at Outset…Never mind. I'm still trying to get rid of that memory." Link said shuddering.

Tetra raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. "I'm pretty sure I don't wanna know." She said. The two took the sail, before Link noticed Hikari.

'Holy goddesses! She looks like…" He slowly turned his head to Tetra, who was taking the sail from Zunari. 'Maybe she's…Nah I don't think she could be…Maybe? I'm not too sure…' Link thought puzzled. As the two turned and started to walk back to where they came from, Link turned his head and stared at Hikari as she walked back to the darker part of the shop. 'I never even noticed her until she came out with the sail. Huh.' He looked at Tetra. 'They DO look like they could be twins though.' As the two walked towards Korl, Link suddenly started walking up a small hill that overlooked the shoreline. "You go on ahead, Tetra. I wanna explore some more." Link said as he ran off. Tetra shrugged.

"Whatever, I'll just wait at the boat then." She said as she carried the sail back to the boat.

Link ran up the hill until he came to what looked like a jail. "Huh." He said, as he opened the door and stepped inside. He suddenly found himself in front of wooden bars with a man in green tights on the other side. Curiously, Link walked up to the cell and looked at him.

"Oh! A visitor!" The man said as he got off a crate he was sitting on and walked towards Link. "Oh! Are you a fairy? Yay! Tingle is happy to finally meet a fairy!" Link held his hands in front of him, shaking them negatively.

"I'm not a fairy sir! I just came in here because I was curious to see what was inside!"

"Oh you don't have to be so modest Mr. Fairy! Tingle is happy that you got his call for help! If you'll look over there…" He said gesturing to a switch with pots surrounding it. "That unlocks the door to Tingle's cell!" Link looked over, shrugged, and jumped on it.

The door opened and Tingle walked out. "Thank you Mr. Fairy!" He said walking up to Link. He pulled what looked like a green contraption with a yellow ball on the top part. "This is the tingle tuner! Use it to call me if you need any help!" Link grabbed it…And did a spin, holding it up into the air with a grin.

'Why do I keep doing that with everything I get? I didn't do it with the sail because Tetra took it.' He looked behind him, and was surprised to see Tingle posing with him. 'What a nut.' Link thought.

"Oh! Before I forget! Here is a map to my island!" Tingle said handing the map, making Link do his pose again…Which made Tingle do a pose too. "If you need anything…Don't forget it!" He said walking out the door. Link blinked, weirded out by the man…at least he THOUGHT he was a man.

'Yeah. Now I really HAVE seen weirder things than a talking boat.' Link thought as he walked inside the jail. 'Tetra's probably wondering where I am right now…that or she doesn't really care. Oh well. I'll just explore a bit before I leave.' He thought some more, walking around. He noticed the box Tingle was sitting on. 'I wonder if there's anything behind this box.' He went up to it, and leaned against it, pushing it. It slid a few feet, enough for Link to see a hole in the wall. "I wonder where this hole leads to." He said as he crouched, and crawled inside. He crawled, going past wooden planks until he got to another room with a chest sitting on a rock. Interested, Link walked up to it, and opened it. He pulled out a camera, doing his pose again. "I wonder if I'll always do that." He muttered, crawling back into the hole "At least I found some blue rupees while I was looking around." He said as he turned a corner. He never noticed that it was two wooden planks with a mouse at the end until he heard it giggle. The mouse pulled on a string with a bell, opening the planks, which Link figured by now was a trapdoor and sent him falling. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Link yelled.

Tetra was talking to Korl while waiting for Link. "I wonder what the idiot's doing right now." She said. Korl sighed.

"I wish he would hurry up. We have no time for dilly-dallying." He said shaking his head. Suddenly, both Korl and Tetra heard a man's voice as they watched him grow a red balloon out of his back and fly away. "…Okay, now I've definitely seen weirder things than you." Tetra said staring at the man as he floated away, yelling happily about some Mr. Fairy as he floated away.

"…I agree with you. I've definitely seen weirder things than me now…" Korl said.

Suddenly, the two heard yelling coming from above them as Link dropped onto Tetra, causing both to fall onto the boat. "You idiot! Get off me!" Tetra yelled as she pushed Link off her.

Link grumbled. "Sorry! I wasn't expecting a mouse to know how to operate a trap door!" He got up and sat on the edge of the boat. "Anyway, I'm done looking around. I'm ready to go to wherever we're supposed to go next, so I'll get the sail ready…"

"Done." Link looked at Tetra surprised. She shrugged. "What. You were expecting me to just sit on my ass waiting for you?" Link stared, and shook his head.

"So then we're all set?" He asked. Korl nodded.

"Yes. We're ready to go to Dragon Roost Island next."

Link nodded as Tetra sat down. "I set up the sail. So you're gonna be the driver." Link nodded as he grabbed onto the rudder.

"Fair enough." As Korl opened up a small door, a big green pole came out, with a brown pole going across. The sail whipped out as the wind picked it up, making Link turn the boat to the east.

"To the east!" Korl said. "To begin your adventure!" Link and Tetra looked at each other, and grinned as they sailed onward to their destination.

Blooper time!

"Hikari! Bring out THAT!" The man yelled. Suddenly, Link and Tetra watched as a young blonde girl came out carrying something covered by a cloth.

"Here it is, Zunari. One sail, ready for purchase!" She said with a kind expression on her face as Link and Tetra's eyes widened.

"You were right. It was a sail." Tetra whispered. Link grinned.

"Usually my hunches aren't wrong." Link boasted.


"Well, there was this one time at Outset…

Flashback to when Link was 5…

"This is so cool Orca!" A five year old Link yelled happily as he ran across the bridge, Orca right behind him. "I have a hunch that I'm gonna have an awesome time today!" He said, making the old man laugh.

"Indeed Link! Now we're about to enter the forest where the great fairy was said to have lived. So be careful and stay behind me in case there are monsters." Link nodded, and got behind Orca as they walked on. "Your grandmother would kill me if I let anything happen to you." He said.

Link giggled. "Grandma wouldn't do that! She's too nice!" Suddenly, the two heard a loud scratching sound coming from above them. Scared, Link stepped closer to Orca as he brandished his spear.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" Suddenly, a skull with eight legs attached to it fell right in front of them. Its red eyes glowed behind the eyeless sockets of the skull. " A skulltula eh? Take this you beast!" Orca yelled as he stabbed the creature through one of the eye holes, killing it instantly. "There Link, nothing to be afraid of!" He laughed, as he turned around. He noticed that Link wasn't speaking and looked around for him before looking down. In surprise, Orca chuckled. "I guess your hunch was wrong Link! I better take you home to your grandmother." He said as he picked up an unconscious Link and carried him outside the cave.

THAT is why there's no skulltulas in Wind Waker!

Well, I've updated, and I hope this chapter will entertain you people until I make the next one, so read and review, as always! Later!