Warnings: Nudity, sexual innuendo

A New Part

Hermione looked down at herself. This was not her body. This wasn't even a female body. This was Harry's body. She supposed she should have been embarrassed at seeing her best friend naked, but she wasn't really… She was seeing herself naked in her best friend's body. Or how was that…?

It wouldn't have been so bad, she thought, if it hadn't been for that extra body part… She had never had that body part before. Or, she had, in a way, it was just that hers was usually on the inside of the body. She hadn't really gained anything, she had in fact lost a uterus.

It really wasn't very big, was it… Then again, the kitchen was a little chilly. She reached for the underwear Mad-Eye had given her. As she bent over to put them on she became aware of how much the thing dangled, and she suddenly had a strange urge to find out how far it could swing, but thought better of it. Instead she pulled on the underwear, but pulled it up a little far, causing a sharp pain. Ah, yes, there were those other things as well…

She pulled the underwear down a little again, but found that her new body parts were a little difficult to arrange. She didn't want to touch the thing, but supposed she had no choice. At least she had been smart and gone to the bathroom before they had left. Peeing in Harry-form would have been awkward, as she really didn't have time to get the technique in.

She finished putting on her clothes, and got ready to leave.