So I have decided to write this fanfic on episodes 4x09 and 4x10 of One Tree Hill. Those are the episodes where Haley is hit by a car and Lucas has a heart attack and both of them are in a coma. Lucas then walks around Tree Hill with Keith where they discuss the benefits of Lucas being a good person, one of the things that stuck out to me was when they're in the record store and Nathan breaks Haley's vinyl album. While writing my previous fanfic I came up with this idea of what if while Haley was in a coma she had her own dream world, a world where she hasn't come home from the tour since she left during her junior year of her school. What would Lucas' reaction be? What would Brooke and Peyton's be? Most of all what would happen with Haley and Nathan?

Side Note: I am making a few things AU. For one thing what happened in my previous fanfic where Nathan was in a coma is what actually happened in this one. So he still remembers his own dream world, and who knows maybe there will be references and some visitations back to it(maybe). After Haley returned he still went to High Flyers so he's an amazing basketball player. The time to now would mostly be the same as season 3 and early 4 would be mostly the same, except Nathan was a bit nicer to Haley and they were kinda back together at the beginning.

-Haley is NOT pregnant in my fanfic, and Nathan did NOT go and beat Daunte's dead body so Dan isn't in jail for Nathan.

-Also, throughout the story in the hospital scenes I will keep some things as they happened in the show, but I'm also going to add/change some other things.

I think that covers everything…if this confuses you (and I'm thinking it will) please ask me, I'll try to clear it up. Or if you would prefer I change something (like I make Haley still pregnant) please let me know and maybe you'll convince me.

Please read and review! I don't know how frequent my updates will be, but I'll try to not take too long.

By the way if any of you have a better idea for a title than the current one please let me know!

Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or any of the characters and such, if I did we would at least have the online diaries by now(or well people could find them easier).

Bold face is reality with Haley in a coma, Normal is the dream world, and Italics are the thoughts

Finally the story shall begin, on a dark and dreary night….

Chapter 1: Rude Awakenings and Restings

Holding hands with the one she loved most in the world in the middle of the street made her so happy, sure he had the 'I'm about to confess something bad' look on his face, but that didn't change how happy she was to get another chance with him. Another chance to prove their love was meant to last, that they were right in getting married at 16, that she was right to return when she heard of his accident. She smiled slightly at him, love shining off her face.

That was when things took a tragic turn, she heard the car before she saw it. Nathan didn't see or hear it. She had to choose between shoving Nathan out of the way or to run away, getting herself out of the car's path, but leaving Nathan. To Haley James Scott there was no choice, "Nathan watch out!" She shouted and then she shoved her husband out of the path of the moving car. She only had time to turn before the car hit her, she thought of Nathan and how glad she was that she had been able to save him, but those thoughts were soon silenced as the pain came. She felt her body flipping over the speeding car and then it was flying. She crashed onto the ground and released a small moan. The pain was immense, but almost fortunately the dark quickly took over.

"Haley how long has it been since you were last home?" Haley James' manager asked.

Haley thought back to the horrible night of the concert, where He had made her choose between the tour and Chris or Him, "About a year, why?"Why is he bringing this up now?

The man ran a hand through his shoulder length dark hair, "You need a break Haley. You've been constantly recording and touring for the past year, you need to go home."

"What?! I don't mind, really!" Haley didn't want to go home, she didn't want to face everyone that she had left, everyone that was bound to hate her by now.

"Go back, let the public miss you. Let them wonder what's going on, go graduate from high school and write some new songs. Then come back for a summer tour more popular than ever."

Haley could only blink. They begged me not to leave before and now they're telling me to leave? Haley had always considered herself smart, but now she felt like a lost little child, "Do I have to?"

"If you care about your career, then yes."

Haley almost said her career paled in comparison to her fear of facing Lucas, Brooke, Peyton, Karen, and Him, except then she realized without her career she might have to go live in Tree Hill forever.

"Okay I'll go, but only until graduation."

"See you in a few months Haley James," Her manager said as he handed Haley a one way plane ticket to Tree Hill, North Carolina.

"Haley!"No! This can't be happening! Haley! Nathan ran to his wife, "No, Haley!" His voice cracked.

Lucas ran to him, "What happened?"

"I don't know! It just hit her man!"

"I'll call 911!"

Nathan looked down at the car, I know that car, nobody got out of it. Daunte, I'm going to make you pay! Anger coursed through Nathan's body, willing him to go hurt whoever it was that hurt Haley so badly, as he got up off the ground, his hand grazed her. Nathan realized that Haley needed him more than Daunte's face needed his fist. "Haley!"

It seemed like an eternity, but finally an ambulance pulled up. "Please help her!" Lucas begged the EMT, my best friend, Haley, be okay, Lucas felt a pain in his chest. It suddenly became hard to breathe.

Nathan watched another man care for his beloved, he felt so helpless. He glanced up at Lucas, he looked horrible. Nathan guessed he himself also looked horrible and didn't pay attention, "What's her name?" The EMT asked Nathan.

"Haley," he said the name so lovingly the EMT was actually distracted a little bit, "Is she going to be alright?" Nathan asked him, pure panic in his voice.

"I don't kn-" The sound of another body falling to the ground interrupted him. They both looked over to where it had come from, Lucas had collapsed.

"Luke! Luke! Not you too!" Nathan shouted, his voice cracking again that night.

Another EMT ran over to Lucas, "I don't have a heartbeat!" He pulled up his walkie-talkie to his mouth, "I have a full cardiac-arrest here, requesting back-up."

Everything faded from Nathan's vision for the next several minutes. Haley, Lucas, Haley, my brother, my love…No…

"ANOTHER BASKET FOR NATHAN SCOTT!!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THAT'S A NEW SCORING RECORD!!!" Mouth screamed excitedly into his microphone, his girlfriend Gigi clapping happily next to him. The crowd cheered their lungs out, but Nathan Scott showed no emotion, he just kept playing the game. When the noise in the gym died down a little Mouth spoke again, "And there are still 8 more minutes in the 4th quarter! The question isn't will the Ravens win, but by how much more?" The other team's point guard tried to shoot a 3 only for Nathan to once again steal the ball. He began his drive for the basket, he was planning on dunking this one.

As he jumped into the air, the gym's doors opened. Nathan easily got the ball into the hoop and hung onto the rim, while hanging he glanced at the door to check who had come to the game so late.

He immediately fell off the rim in shock, his landing wasn't graceful, actually he had landed flat on his ass, but Nathan didn't care. The person who had walked into the gym was none other than the one who had managed to break his heart into little pieces, Haley James.