AN: I am so sorry for the lack of updates for such a long time. School was being a pain and a bunch of other home problems rose after another and gave me little time for this fic, not to mention I'm going to be applying to some colleges in a bit so it's tough for me to get ideas for these fics running. To be honest, most of this was already typed up, and the last break is where I edited this chapter a bit, so if there's anything out of place let me know in a PM and I'll get right on it.

Disclaimer: Other than the pairing, location, and important characters (not counting party members), I own zilch.

Chapter 6: Buh huh huh

After three hours of being out to sea, and filling their stomachs with all the microwaveable Shroom Steaks and a couple Tasty Tonics, filling their HP, the pair had arrived at one of the most bustling ports they ever saw! There were a lot of people at the docks, mostly Doogans, Bob-ombs, and a couple of Sharkmen. The sharkmen had some sort of tubes in their gills, and it was probably for their water supply with them being creatures from the deep. The water around the port was clean and had no trace of pollution, not to mention those painful sea demons, the Nibbles. The port itself looked pretty high tech, with all of the metal gates that rise behind the ships when they arrive to the docks. This was included so that the ships were able to stay at the ports without floating out to sea. The town thought that they had to get rid of the primitive rope tying, because this way would be easier and that the town is lazy.

The Francesca's automated navigation system parked the boat into the port, and a metal gate rose behind it to keep it from drifting. Dimentio and Vivian got off the boat and were stunned by how much technology this town had. There were teleportation pads, jetpacks, hover shoes, and even hover boards. The people seemed to fly by the port, completing their duties rather quickly using their breath taking gadgets. The harbor looked just like Rogueport's, but was in so much better shape.

"Wow. This town amazes me as much as a happy child receiving his new game system on Christmas." Dimentio stated in a simile. Vivian got a smug grin on her face.

"So you mean that by seeing this town, you want it all for yourself and not let anyone near while holding a knife screaming "GET AWAY FROM IT!" She jokingly replied.

Smart mouthed little..."Hahahahaha! Good one!"...not... Dimentio mentally pouted, while trying to retain his anger. Letting it go, he pulled out the map and looked it over. "Hm, Frankly said we had to go to Floral Valley, so I doubt it's anywhere near this nature less city. But who here knows where it is?" Just then a scream was heard and there were these two guys in red cloaks chasing a goomba in a blue cap and what looked to be a futuristic "monocle" on his left eye through the docks.

"Get away from me! I saved the world from a terrifying koopa, when he was invincible!" The goomba stated.

"We do not care in the least. And don't forget, worm, you had your buddy Mario with you. But now, you're all alone..." One of them spoke.

"Did I say I saved the world? I meant I was cowering in complete fear the whole time! I had thoughts of suicide!" He said nervously.

"Silence! You're coming with us, DEAD OR ALIVE!" The other threatened him. The goomba didn't say anything more, just quivered in absolute fear, praying for help from anybody.

Dimentio and Vivian noticed the scene and recognized those two. They were D-Viners working for Divix. Dimentio looked right at Vivian and got a smirk on his face.

"I know what you're thinking Dimentio. Alright, let's help him!" Vivian exclaimed then paused. "You don't plan on using Sin, right?

"Of course not, I'm not an idiot. I just want to help the helpless goomba over there." By the time he said that, the D-Viners were looming over the goomba boy. Dimentio and Vivian stepped in. "Hey, freaks in the carpets!" They turned their eyes to Dimentio and Vivian. "Wouldn't it be nice to be defeated by someone that looks like a total nutcase? If so, you ran into the right clown!" The goomba and the D-Viners averted their attention to Dimentio.

"Hihihihihih! SO quick to forfeit your lives? Allow us to grant you both that request!" The two men rushed at them, and Dimentio and Vivian got into a battle stance. The screen has a curtain fall over it, then rises and reveals the town like it was a stage. "By challenging us you just cut your pathetic games! Enjoy the Underwhere, fools!" They said at the same time.


Dimentio and Vivian vs. D-Viner x2

Dimentio: 10 HP

Vivian: 10 HP

D-Viners: 10 each

"Hey, hold up guys." Dimentio and Vivian looked at the goomba. "I may be of some use to you in this fight. I can let you know all about those freaks." The Goomba messed with his "monocle" and stared at the first D-Viner. In his left eye, he was given an entire encyclopedia that of the enemy that he quickly shortened into a few sentences. "Okay, got it!" That is a D-Viner, a mysterious soldier from an unknown society. Max HP is 10, ATK is 2, and DEF is 0. These are the "grunts" of their army, and don't pose too much of a threat. What I don't understand is why they chose red as their color. "There you go!"

"Okay, thanks for the info." Dimentio and Vivian said simultaneously. BEGIN BATTLE!

Dimentio uses Starburst (that pointy spinning thing that explodes when it hits a target) on D-Viner 1. Does 2 damage.

Vivian uses Shade Fist on D-Viner 1. Does 5 damage.

The first D-Viner spoke. "Hih! You're not bad. You've managed to hurt me. But now your time is up!"

D-Viner uses Fist. Does 2 damage to Dimentio.

D-Viner 2 uses Call. A D-Goomba appeared.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Dimentio complained.

"We are evil. Get used to it."

"D-Goomba huh?" The goomba boy stared right at it and analyzed it. "Got it!" That is a D-Goomba, a stronger and eviler version of the normal Goomba. Max HP is 3, ATK is 3, and DEF is 1. You might want to be rid of this thing first, seeing as it can cripple your party if their numbers are high enough. "Alright, guys! Do your thing!"

Current HP levels:

Dimentio: 8/10 HP

Vivian: 10/10 HP

D-Viner 1: 3/10 HP

D-Viner 2: 10/10 HP

D-Goomba: 3/3 HP

Dimentio uses Implosion Cube on D-Goomba. Does 2 damage.

Vivian uses Fiery Jinx. 4 damage to the D-Goomba and 5 to the D-viners.

D-Goomba defeated.

D-Viner 1 defeated.

"NO! How dare you!" D-Viner uses stab. Does 4 damage to Vivian.

"Ouch! You bastard!" Vivian seethed while clutching her wound.

Current HP levels:

Dimentio: 8/10 HP

Vivian: 6/10 HP

D-Viner: 5/10 HP

The goomba boy perked up once more. "We're almost done here, guys! Make them cry!"

Dimentio uses Starburst. Does 2 damage to D-Viner.

Vivian uses Shade Fist. Does 3 damage to D-Viner.

D-Viner defeated.

Dimentio and Vivian won! You got 8 Star Points! the screen goes black once more and they are back at the docks.

"Hih...hih...hih! How could two brats defeat us? We have powers beyond any other." He looked straight at Dimentio. He suddenly felt a surge of discovery flow through him. Hihihihihihihih! We did it! The D-Viner cackled maliciously. Dimentio and Vivian stared at them, puzzled.

"We hit them so hard, they've gone completely insane. Just what are you two goons laughing at?" Dimentio demanded.

"You'll find out eventually! HIHIHIHIHIHIH!" The two D-Viners left in a pool of red liquid. Dimentio and Vivian stood there, wondering what the man meant.

What the heck was that about? Maybe I don't even know my own strength anymore? Dimentio thought. Vivian stared at him wondering what was on his mind. He noticed and decided to brush it away.

"Hey! Guys!" They looked at the Goomba boy again. "That was awesome! You guys destroyed them!" Vivian smiled at that. She lowered herself to his level and patted him on the cap.

"Well, we couldn't have done it without you, little guy." The Goomba boy blushed in happiness. "What is your name anyway?"

"Goombario." He replied.

" remind me of someone I know." She reminisced. "Hey, I have an idea! You should come with us." He practically jumped at her offer.

"Really? I can?"

"Your enemy identification skills are pretty smooth, Goombario. We could really use you. We are looking for the seven Keys of Nothing." Goombario perked up at that.

"Keys of Nothing?"

"You know what they are?"

"No, but I recently met someone who might be able to help you. I just arrived in this town via weird-ass magic, so I don't know anything." He shrugged.

Vivian asked kindly. "Please take us to this person. It is crucial that we meet up."

"Exactly how crucial?" He replied

Dimentio pointed to the sky. "End of the world crucial."

Goombario sort of froze in horror upon seeing it. " can't have that then."

Goombario joined your party!

In the field, Goombario can give you hints and tips about the current area you are in. "This is the city of Cybe, a futuristic utopia making life for everyone easier. Much better than the recent pits I've visited, that's for sure." Just ask me anything about anywhere and you'll know in a snap! I can even tell you about other people by walking up to them and doing a specific command.

In battle, he can make bad guys cry like babies with his brain busting Headbonk. He can give you the stats and hp of any foe with tattle.

"Alright then, to that guy!" Goombario led them through the archway towards the center of the city. The buildings were so tall and reeked of 21st century. There were 72" Plasma screens on some of the buildings up really high. News announcements could be seen and heard from them. In the city, there were cars and subway trains zooming by. Among the citizens, there were numerous robots designed to look like the rest of the people there. Whoever made them was certainly a genius. The sky was clear blue with the sun shining pretty brightly, causing a blinding reflection from some of the metal buildings. Goombario turned around and smirked at the expressions on the pair's faces. "Heh heh heh, I remember my first time here too." His face then turned to one of embarassment. "It...wasn't very pleasant." He shook his head in embarrassment.

Dimentio was intrigued by the young goomba's device on his face. "Goombario?"


"If it wouldn't kill 1000 babies, what is that device on your countenance?"

Goombario looked confused. "My what?

"His what?" Vivian also chimed in.

Dimentio simply sighed. "When you live with a person that is a total gentleman and speaks in such a sophisticated manner, it's going to rub off on you and the next thing you know, people quit understanding what you say. I meant your face, little goomba."

"You mean this?" His right eye adjusted to the device. It looked like a monocle, but was strapped to his head and had advanced circuitry in it with a turquoise tint it the lens. "I got this from the guy I was telling you about earlier. He calls it a Scouter. It's really helpful when identifying people. But unfortunately, it's the only one he made." With that, the goomba continued to walk.

Dimentio and Vivian stood there, or rather floated. "Hmm, I knew Mario had someone with him at the time he and I had to fight."

"Who?" Vivian asked him.

"Yo! He's waiting for us in that building right there." Dimentio and Vivian looked at it. It...was...huge! It looked about as tall as fifty Hooktail Castles, and about as wide as ten Castle Blecks. It had two double doors at the entrance, and above the doors, had a sign that said "Crump Corp.". "Yep. This is where he lives, or at least does all of his work. He knows about this continent more than anyone, so he should explain to us how to get to where we're going."

Vivian suddenly felt uneasy. She knew she heard the name "Crump" somewhere before, and it wasn't exactly a happy recall. "Um, I don't know about this."

Dimentio heard her as well as Goombario. "Not to be rude, but what is it now?" He asked impatiently, wanting to get this quest on.

"Yeah. What is the matter? You guys said you needed help right?"

"I know, but...I have this feeling that whoever owns this company was an old enemy of mine." She said worryingly. Dimentio sort of chuckled at that. Vivian heard him and got mad. "What's so funny?"

Dimentio merely shook his head. "Vivian, Vivian, Vivian. You forget, there is three of us and one of him. Even if he still wants you to die, he would be out numbered. Plus, it'd be in front of witnesses. Besides, I promised I would protect you, and I'm a clown of my word." He crossed his heart.

Vivian remembered and sighed. "I hope so. The last thing I want to do right now is revisit bad memories." With that, they walked into the building, where it looked like a single light bulb would light up the entire lobby with all of the chrome. The reception desk was across the room, with a couple seats at the walls with magazines like "Tasty Zess" or "Vogue for Boos". They walked over to the desk and Goombario jumped up and whispered in the receptionists ear, "Grodus". The receptionist pressed a button under her desk and a small warp field appeared.

"This will take us to him." Goombario stated as he stepped in.

Dimentio decided to ask a question about Goombario's friend. "Say, Goombario, what is the name of the person we are seeing anyway? We should at least know his name."

"Well, if you insist." Goombario thought aloud. "Lord Crump." Just then, Vivian had a horrified look on her face and backed away from the warp field, as if it was about to kill her. "I guess you know who he is then." He said to Vivian. "Well, whatever evil he did do, he isn't anymore. He had supreme power once and..."

"Was beaten anyway." Dimentio finished. Goombario and Vivian looked at him wide-eyed. "Like I'm the only one to turn over a new leaf after a huge and epic defeat." He smirked. Goombario shrugged and stepped into the warp field. "Come on Vivian." Dimentio grabbed her hand and pulled her into the warp. "Like I said, with me, you're safe." They then disappeared through the warp. That is, if there aren't too many guards.

They arrived in an office of sorts that belonged to a very powerful person. There were about eight busts of Crump in all the corners of the large octagonal room. There were security cameras left and right that were managing at full capacity. They noticed there were two Elite X-nauts to Crump's left and right. X-nauts were the only things he had left in his control since his master, Grodus lost his body. The X-Nauts were not that intimidating at first glance. They were small, obedient creatures that did whatever they were told by a high ranking commander, in this case it would be Crump. They always were glasses and had on black uniforms with a red cross on them. "Crump, my man!"

Crump sighed impatiently. "Goombario, for the last time, do not call me "your man". Coming from you, it sounds creepy." They stared at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter. "But seriously, how are things for you now."

"They're getting better. I just met a couple new friends at the harbor. They saved me from some mean dudes in red cloaks." Crump moved to the right to see his friends. One of them reminded him of some bad and very painful memories.

"...Vivian." He said under his breath, not wanting to see her after their last encounter at the X-Naut Fortress.

"...Crump" She responded in the same manner. Dimentio, not wanting to go any further into this subject, decided to intervene.

"Look, as much as I love seeing two different people fight to the death, we are kind of dealing with the fate of all worlds here." He stated rather impatiently while pointing out the large window. Crump turned around and saw the fate that would befall their world. "You can forget about your company. The worlds are losing more and more time. Soon, they won't be around anymore, like a butterfly with a lifespan of one day." Crump sighed nervously at the void's size. It wasn't threateningly large, but large enough to swallow a building. At least, it was from his perspective. "I need you to look at something." Dimentio pulled out the map of Maveras and handed it to Crump.

" you kids need to get to Floral Valley huh?" Crump asked.

Don't call me a kid you fat...Vivian spat in her head.

Crump then continued. "It's rather simple. All you need is one of my airships." The threesome looked at Crump wide-eyed.

"You didn't tell me you had those!" Goombario said.

"Yes, only because they are needed for emergency purposes only. They were our top secret machines because they make travel here much easier and still in construction. It's a really big country, so I'm sending you guys on your quest in style. Plus, if what you say is true, then we need to save this world from the end. I'm counting on you all." He turned to his goons that were at his sides. "Take them to the "Crump a Bomb"!" Crump was about to leave before they gave them advice on the airship. "Don't worry about the controls, just tell it where you want to go, and it'll take you there shortly. Voice-commands are really popular these days. And every area on this continent has an air pad, so don't worry about landing. The ship will guide you. Good luck, and make sure to come back after you obtain each item you are looking for." He walked near the teleporter before turning around, remembering something. "By the way, you change the name of the ship if you want. I have about fifty more in production, so the one I'm giving you three is a gift. Treat her like you would treat your own sons." With that, POW! He was gone.

The two guards then escorted Dimentio, Vivian, and Goombario to the airship, which was behind the building but no one could see it as it was disguised by a wall that looked like Crump Corp's walls. The airship looked like a blimp, but had more technology built into it. When they all got inside, they were amazed at what they saw. It was like a house in the sky, complete with bedroom, a bathroom, jacuzzis, and a television. Well, when Crump says style, I guess he means it. Vivian thought. Maybe he isn't so stupid after all. They stepped up to the computer.

Location please...

"Floral Valley!" Vivian cheerfully told it.

Location confirmed.

"Alright! Let's finally get this show on the road!"

"WAIT!" Dimentio shouted.

Command aborted.

Vivian didn't want to wait any longer. "What is it?"

"Well, old man Crump said we could call it whatever we wanted, did he not?"

"Dimentio, with all due respect, I right now could really care less about naming an airship from a guy I want dead than about a hundred worlds in mortal danger." She impatiently responded.

"Come on, what kind of heroes are we without a name for our sky cruiser?"

"The kind that don't want to be treated differently by normal people and also don't want to be known."

Goombario hopped up and down to get their attention. "Hey guys, I know what we should call it!"

Vivian, wanting to leave already, slapped her forehead. "Fine, just name the ship so we can GO!"

"Maverick!" Dimentio was about to say something before Vivian shut his mouth with her palm.

"Maverick it is, time to go. Location: Floral Valley. Move, ship move."

The "Maverick" did just that and they were off.

On the first floor of Crump Corp...

Crump reappeared from the teleporter and crossed his arms. I really hope they can do this. Divix is no ordinary villain. They will need those Keys if they ever hope to defeat him...He thought. Making sure no one was around, he pulled out a mysterious black book and read from it aloud. When the forces of light and dark collide, existence shall cease for the rest of time. That very line made him shiver as if he was in his underwear at Fahr Outpost. "Please, Vivian, you must stop him. Avenge our leader." He walked out of the building in time to see the Maverick fly to it's first location.


In a dark prison cell...

Mario was still knocked out from Divix's blast and Luigi sat there thinking.

"We're never getting out." Beldam unexpectedly said. "He's using us at witnesses."

"Witnesses for what?" Luigi asked.

"You'll know soon enough, but now is not the time. Divix is far worse than anything you and Mario have ever fought, including the last owner of that prophetic book." Those last words made Luigi jump.

"You mean the Dark Prognosticus?!" Luigi's scream was so loud, it made all of Mario's partners wake up.

"Nghh, go away, Mario, I'm sleeping." The goomba girl moaned. She then shot up in realization. "Wait...Mario?" She sees him still out cold. She runs over to him and starts yelling. "Mario! Wake up! Come on! Up and at 'em!"

"You're wasting your time with him." Beldam stated.

She turned around and gasped at one of the few people she expected to see. "Beldam! I thought you said you were through with evil! Why did you abduct us?" She yelled at the eldest siren.

"Goombella, if I wanted to "abduct" any of you, why the hell would I lock myself in the same cell as you?" Hearing that, Goombella realized that they really were trapped together. All of a sudden, the koopa awoke from his unconscious state.

"What's going on?" The koopa groaned. He looked around and saw that he was imprisoned as well. The rest of Mario's partners were now up and Beldam explained the situation to them. Talk like that was enough to wake Bowser up. She groaned in frustration as she repeated what she had said. Bowser got real mad real fast.

"WHAT??? Why is it whenever there is a new bad guy in the world I am reduced to an idiot?"

"Bowser" started Luigi's list of Bowser's defeats, "You, fell into lava, got thrown onto bombs, tried to marry Peach AGAIN, fell into YOUR OWN bottomless pit, fell into lava then resurrected then defeated again, and on top of all that, our last villain was a heartbroken count, got walloped by goombas."

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean???" Goombella shouted.

"...RAAGGGH! Shut up! I'm not the one staying home while my brother is actually doing something." Bowser retaliated.

"I'm sorry, but where's your family?" Luigi replied. Bowser gasped then retracted into his shell.

"You went too far with that, Luigi." Bowser said sadly from within his shell.

"Oh yeah, the koopalings. My bad." Luigi replied apologetically.

Goombella, deciding to change the subject, asked Beldam a question. "So you're saying we're only here to witness something? I bet it isn't good."

"Correct. We were captured because we, ironically including myself, fall into the categories of heroes and loved ones. Divix is trying to lure someone here."

Koops then spoke up. "But Mario's the only one lure-worthy here! Who else could he possibly want?"

Beldam sighed. "Two people. One of them you know as my youngest sister, and the other is from a different dimension."

All of Mario's partners gasped "Vivian?!"

"Exactly." She turned to Luigi. "About the Dark Prognosticus, how do you know of it?"

Goombella and Koops raised an eyebrow. "The dark what? I'm to assume it's evil."

Bowser then emerged from his shell. "Bingo, we have a loser. As for the actual Ex Mortis..." They looked at Bowser.

He inhaled as he does whenever he is about to yell, "HOW DON'T WE KNOW ABOUT IT?!? Some creep in a cape made me and Peach marry just to revive this thing called the Chaos Heart to destroy all worlds," Bowser then took on a godly pose "And I singlehandedly stopped him." Bowser gloated. Luigi smacked him over the head, while Beldam had been intrigued by Bowser's description of their latest foe.

"Even though I was possessed by Dimentio and corrupted Chaos Heart, doesn't mean I don't know who really stopped it. It was you, Peach and my brother."

"But he..." Bowser began.

"Quiet. Dimentio...he must be our newest dimensional guest." She recalled what Bowser had said "Cape? What was his name, if you know him?

Bowser and Luigi in unison said "Count Bleck."

Beldam froze with fear as that was the same name of the man responsible for the end of many worlds. "How? How could you beat him? He had the Chaos Heart in his possession making him invincible. Not even the Shadow Queen could permanently stop it"

"True, but the Pure Hearts Mario, Peach, Bowser and I gathered, with the hopes of all lifeforms in every universe defeated him and almost saved the universe..."

Bowser continued "Then that creep Dimentio took the Chaos Heart and fused himself, Luigi and the Chaos Heart itself into the one thing that could've destroyed us. Eventually, we managed to beat it and save all worlds, but I only did it so I could still have a world to conquer."

Beldam intervened, "Well, judging by where we are, no one is in any position to be conquering anything. All we can do right now is wait." She looked at Bowser, Luigi, and the still unconscious Mario with a puzzled look on her old face. "By the way, I thought the Pure Hearts could only be found by those who have strong essences of love and trust."

Luigi explained some more. "That is true. Ironically, all four of us have deeper bonds than you may think: Bowser, Mario, and I share a hateful bond, but we've seen Bowser long enough to save his sorry shell whenever he is in a danger not caused by us."

Bowser upon hearing that whacked Luigi across the head. "Would you stop degrading me already? Geez..."

Rubbing his head, Luigi continued: "Anyway, we all have trust in each other. Bowser, Mario, and I need each other because we are a bit like family." He looks back at Bowser and shudders. "One big creepy family."

Beldam decided to speak again. "So, what happened to these Pure Hearts in the end?"

It was now Bowser's turn to speak. "Well, we saw Bleck and that butterfly pixl use them to seal the Chaos Heart. And if that void is here again, then the Chaos Heart wasn't completely sealed!"

"Interesting." Beldam said. "But we have no means of telling my sister and that clown anything."

Luigi piped in right there. "Wait a minute, we can still contact Dimentio and Vivian through this." He showed them his new Mailbox DS. "I'll tell you all the functions later, but right now I have to let them know about our talk, with the Dark Prognosticus, Pure Hearts and all that good stuff."

Flurrie decided to speak a bit. "Pure Hearts created out of love? Dear me, how romantic!" Goombella and Ms. Mowz sighed at the thought of creating their own hearts from their own boy filled lives.

Luigi just shook his head. "Love..." He then remembered something from a journey he had with his brother about 5 years ago. "Hey guys, I think I know how to wake my bro up!"

At that, everyone stared as if they thought he was God or something. "Can you, Luigi?" Goombella asked hopefully.

Luigi nodded. "I'll try. Beldam, could you take my Mailbox DS and write the message about our conversation?"

"Just give the contraption to me." He gave it to her and went back to his brother. After a couple minutes of typing, it was sent. "Okay, you can have it back now." By then, Mario was awake once more.

"Mamma mia." He said groggily. "What happened?"

"Bro, you were attacked by Divix. It's a miracle it wasn't fatal. I thought you were done for a second. You're lucky I brought that 1-up Shroom with me."

"Oh, thank you, Luigi." Mario looked around the cell. Beldam, having the feeling of explaining again was about to repeat all that but Mario stopped her. "No-a need, Beldam. I-a heard everything."

"Then you know our lives depend on the performance of Dimentio and Vivian?" Goombella asked him.

"All we can do for now is wait." With that, Mario sat down on the floor deep in thought. Everyone else did the same. Way above them was a small creature hanging from the ceiling, and it looked like it was wearing a tophat and with an emotionless look on it's face veiled by the shadows. Heh heh heh heh. Fools, you do not know the power you are up against. Even if they do get all the keys, what then? There is much more to Divix than meets anyone's eye. So much more. It paused and thought to itself. But if I am to defeat him, I may need their support. If they fail me, they shall regret it to the depths or their miserable souls. With that, the creature flipped out of there, similar to Count Bleck's exits...

"Is everything ready?" A red cloaked figure asked another.

"Yes. We're just about done here." The other answered.

"I still don't know why we must be so violent about it. Our appearance should be fear enough, Maldre."

"Don't look at me, Denxuke. Divix merely wants the worlds to unite, and he'll do it by whatever means."

"I guess."

"Don't worry about it. Remember, he's always thinking of us. Always."

"Yeah, you're right, Maldre."

"Please, call me Jr. Troopa."

Author's note: Newest OC just introduced right there in the last sentence. Anyway, I finally got this thing done, with some inspiration from Chicken with her BOA update. No, not the story, the chapter. XD So, in the next chapter, the trio heads for Floral Valley, where they will find their first key and newest power for Dimentio. And the name of our newest "ally" shall be revealed, but can any of you guess it's name? Stay tuned.

Again, the above note was from 07 guys. I was just lazy enough to not do anything about it. _ Review please.