I still do not own Inuyasha! whening

part three

Who said, he said, she said?

Miroku walked out of the room. 2nd bell rang teling students to get to their classes. Kikyo went to find her boyfriend right when 3rd bell rang. She came back and sat at her table. Mrs. Kelly walked in and sat upa new still life for the class to paint.

The class started to talk. "I hate that bitch, wiht the long pony tail!" Kikyo told Kagura.

Kagome over heard them talking, and had to ask "your not talking about Sango, are you?"

"Yeah, thats her name." Kikyo asnwered. "Your her friend, right?" Kagura asked.

"Yes!" Kagome stated madder than when kikyo called her a bitch, 15 mintues ago.

Kikyo got a deadly look on her face "Tell her, to stay away from my boyfriend!" Kikyo shouted, even thou they were only a table apart.

"She's just being nice! She doesn't want a jerk like him! She has Miroku!" Kagome yelled.

"Well, she's an ugly dike bitch!" Kikyo told the class, she's a dike yet Kikyo was worried about her stealing Inuyasha?

Kagome put on her headphones and listend to "Fallen" by Evanescence. She started to draw the still life. It was a huge butterfly and tiger. She hated that this was a block class.

At long last the bell rang and 1st period was over. Mrs. Kelly told everyone to take a break. kagome had finshed her work about ten mintues before the bell rang.

Kikyo's boyfriend, Inuyasha walked in and kissed her. Miroku and Sango walked in next. Miroku stayed to talk to Inuyasha, pissing Kikyo off. Kagome told Sangio that she needed to tell her something later. kagome recived a death look from kikyo.

At wrong moment enters none other then Koga. He was wearing jeans and a brown shirt. "So this is where, you hide out, in morings."

"Koga, what are you doing here?" Kagome asked shocked that her ex-boyfriend was looking for her.

"Someone told me you were in here" Koga started to blush "Um...would you mind if I sat with you at lunch?" He looked at Kagome with hopeful eyes.

"Sure you can. I sit by myself anyways. Why do you want to sit with me thou?" Kagome could ask a million questions at once.

"That one girl Ayame, I won't go out with her. So she kicked me out of our table..."

Before Koga could finsh Kagome started laughing. "She, kicked me out too!" Kagome said between laughs.

Koga got serious. "why didn't you tell me, that's why you've been sitting by yourself at lunch!"

Sango stoped talking to Inuyasha and Miroku and that moment "Kagome, you've been sitting by yourself?"

"The dya I broke up with her, she was siting by herself" Koga answered Sango

Kagome rolled her eyes "The last time I sat at that table was the friday before Koga got sick."

The bell rang before kagome could go any farther.

"Shit. Gotta run see ya at lunch." and witht hat Koga was off.

"Mrs. Kelly. could I stay in here for the rest of the class?" Sango asked knowing she would get a yes.

"Sure dear, call your teacher and let them know" the teacher never looked up. Mrs.Kelly walked back to her desk. Sang followed. Miroku walked to go o class.

After Sango called Mrs.Jones she walked back to Kagome. The 2nd bell rang Inuyasha ram to Mrs.Kelly's desk.The two friend paid no mind to him.

Sango sat next to Kagome at the art table, Kagome sat alone at her table "Kagome," Sango started. Kagome loooked at her best friend. "I don't know what to do with you." Sango took a deep intake of air. "You sit by yourself in the moring, in here, and at lunch!"

Kagome sighed "Before I was sitting with Hojo and his friends, but they didn't like me. I sat with Koga when we were going out, but when he got sick that girl Ayame told me he was in love with her and kicked me out.

Sango looked at her best friend sadly.

"Than Koga came back i wasn't sitting there and when we got to sixth he broke up with me cause Kikyo told him I was having Hojo's baby!" Kagome lost it alittle with the last part.

"Kikyo would NOT say somethingl ike that! Inuyasha yelled from Kikyo's table.

'That most of been why he ran to mrs.Kelly's desk. To ask to stay in here too' Kagome said in her mind.

"Inuyasha, calm down." Sango told the half demon.

kikyo saw this has a chance to start a fight "that horriable Kagome girl always says things like that!" Kikyo through herself at Inuyasha.

"Oh Kikyo quit faking! Kagome never did anything to you! you a bitch, it can't be helpped." Sango was trying to take up for Kagome.

Inuyasha growled "Theres only two things keeping me from hurting you Sango!"

Sango laughed "And those would be?"

One of Sango's demon slayer friends went from across the room to sit with them. Inuyasha peted the "Crying" Kikyo's head "One your a girl! Two your Miroku's girl!"

The tall white skined demon slayer boy who had short blonde hair, icy blue eyes and glasses cleared his throat. "Sango, I know you could kick a half demon like his ass anyday of the week, but I can't hope but to wonder why you talk to him?" Talover the demon slayer walked to mrs.Kelly with letting anyone answer him.

The two girls went back to talking. Kikyo kept up the fake cying bit and inuyasha kept buying it. Mrs. Kelly sat from her desk, a hand full of papers. She walked to the wall behind kagome and Sango, She pulled sevrel pictures off the wall without ripping them. "Talover, hand these back for me." MrsKelly asked. He came and grabbed them and started to hand them out.

Talover was almost done, when he couldn't figure out who two went to "Who's James and Kagome?"

Sango pointed to said girl and Talover carelessly tossed the paper face down on the table. "What is it?" Sango asked while grabbing it.

"A self logo" Kagome answered with care.

"Wow!" Sango said holding it up. It Was "Kagome" In all cap and each letter was in a diffrent color with a diffrent color light going down the page from each letter. At the top was the sybol for the mother goddess. Two cersent moons at the sides of a full moon.

"Class!" Mrs.Kelly shouted. Everyone truned around "These are the darwings from last week. Only those who made an "A" are on the wall. The rest I will hand out in a moment, you may come and look. You can finsh your work tomorrow"

Most of the students went to see who all got an "A". Sango and Kagome went to look. Well Sango wanted to look and pulled Kagome over with her "So which ones you's?" Sango asked looking at all the diffrent pieces.

"It's that one" Mrs.Kelly pointed to the one in the center of the wall.

'No one is lettin me answer today' Kagome let the thought go.

"Kagome, your the only one who got a 100 on it, on one else made over a 98. It's also the one a student has ever done it that way."

Sango looked at it as kagome started to blush five diffrent shades. Kagome started to look at the ground. So Sango looked the picture. Everyone's had a paper bag so she figured that was the main darwing. One boy had darwn a papperbag witha bloody monster hand coming out of it, in color.

Kagome's was diffrent. It was of the papperbag has a lampshade, the lamp was sat on a night stand. Next to the lamp was a jewery box and some lose jewelry. A window with a view of a half moon, stars and a shooting star. Half of a painting on the other side showed. It had been done in all pencil and were the lamp lit, there was clear glitter, it looked real.

"no wonder you got a 100 on it." Sango stated which got Kagome to trun a deeper shade of red. "It's the one I'm most proud of. I'm going to hang it in my room when she gives it back."

"How long will that be?" Sango questioned

"The last one was up for for three weeks."

Inuyasha and Kikyo were looking at the darwings. There were 9 on the wall and 22 students in the class.

For some odd reason Kikyo got pissed."Stop being s smug! it's not that good!" Kikyo shouted at Kagome.

"I never said it was." Kagome said in a low voice.

"Damn right it's not! And don't ever say it is!" Kikyo shouted once more. Sango was about to say something but Kagome grabbed her hand.

"Mrs.Kelly" kikyo whined "Yeah?" Mrs.Kelly said handing out papers. "Why isn't mine on the wall?" Kikyo asked in a baby voice. "Because you made a 50 on it, since you didn't finsh it. you did half a map on half a paperbag! so you get half a grade!"

Kikyo got mad yet again "Why does Kagome always make good grades in here?" Kikyo half shouted at the teacher. "Because she does her work! Now come and get your half done work with your half grade" Mrs.Kelly Shouted back.

"Someone needs to teache Kagome her place at this school!" Kikyo said walking to get her drawing, half drawing.

Inuyasha stay in shock and look on as his girlfriend acted diffrently while with Sango and Kagome "Is she just acting nice when I'm with her?" Inuyasha questioned in his mind.

Sango said something about Kagome needing to get a boyfriend. "Hey Sango Can I talk to you for a sec?" Inuyasha asked not looking at the two. "Sure" Sango said sweetly and followed him to the other side of the art room.

Kagome stood by her art table and waited for Sango to come back. Naraku smiled as a wicked thought came to his mind. Naraku went to get his work back from Mrs.Kelly on his way he grabbed Kagome's back side. Mrs. Kelly said something about his being a bit upseting. On the way back to his table, he tossed a note onto Kagome's table.

Sango left Inuyasha when she saw Kagome get a sick look on her face reading a note. Sango walked up to Kagome as she tossed the note in the trash. Naraku laughed an evil laugh as Kagome walked back.

"What was that all about?" Sango questioned worried

Kagome ddin't answer for a long moment, "Oh nothing, he just wanted the answers for homework in 7th" Naraku laughed again, this time at Kagomes lie.

The bell rang and Inuyasha left with Kikyo and Kagura, Kagome hugged Sango and went on to 3rd. Sango took the note out of the trash and made a mad dash for 3rd.

I was gonna stop my story right here for now but I want yall to know what the note said...I have 30 hand wrote pages of this story out but I only type up a little bit at a time I'm so sorries.

Sango sat down in 3rd and didn't care about the teacher as she opened the note. She was shocked as she read it. "Kagome, I would stay in a large group if I were you. You are lovely but so quite, I can't help but to wonder will you cry? I think you will be my favorite. Your friends can't protect you. Naraku." Sango knew what the note meant. It was rummered that naraku had Raped three girls in school and killed two but the cops couldn't prove the killings since there were never any bodies found. Sango wasn't about ot let that happen to her best friend