Vampyr 1 epilogue
Author: Socrates

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns Buffy and Co.
Distribution: Let me know where its going first please.
Summary: Read the previous parts.
Rating: Pg-13
Spoilers: None
Feedback: Let me know if I should continue this.

Authors notes: I know this has taken awhile to get out and I
apologize for that. I honestly don't know when the next story will be
out but I will try to make it soon.

Dimitri's private jet
Somewhere over the Atlantic

Buffy Summers stared quietly out the window as the jet soared over
the darkened waters of the Atlantic, her thoughts a mirror to the
turbulent space below her. She absently brushed a golden lock out of
her eye as she pressed her face against the cool glass. The constant
hum of the planes engine provided small comfort for the troubled
young woman.

Her thoughts kept replaying the events of the past few days with a
sickening clarity. She just wanted to forget, and would pay any price
to be able to do so, but it was not possible. The memories were
forever burned into her mind and she could no more forget them then
she could forget her own name.

It all seemed like some kind of twisted nightmare. Of course, her
entire life had pretty much been that for the last five years. No
reason it should stop now.

She had hoped to spare her friends the pain of her life though. After
all, they weren't chosen. They had a chance at a semi-normal
existence. They could have something that she never could, peace. Of
course, in her subconscious she knew that was not the case. They were
as inexorably tied to her fate as she was to theirs. Like some kind
of string that linked their destinies together. They could not escape
it any more than she could. And now it seemed "fate" had caught up to
one of them. Xander. The boy she thought couldn't get any more normal
if he tried. Xander was a Vampire.

Well, not really a Vampire, he was a Vampyr. Which is to say that he
was stronger, and faster than normal vampires and he retained his
soul. Not to mention the fact that he could walk in sunlight and hold
a cross. Essentially a hybrid, half alive and half dead. And that was
just a summary of the differences.

She kept seeing him in her minds eye. His face, so much like the one
she remembered, but his eyes were dark red and pulsed with an evil
energy. It was Xander, and yet it wasn't. The demon, who should have
been expelled right away, had managed to wrest control for the newly
awakened and weak Xander and had gone on a rampage.

Her hand went to the side of her face, her fingers softly touching
the bruised skin from where the demon possessed Xander had struck
her. A tear was borne from the anguish of the memory and slowly
trailed its way down her cheek where it dripped onto her jacket. Her
eyes fixed on the sight and she watched, mesmerized as the tear
continued to run down the leather coat till it reached a pocket where
it disappeared.

She, they all would have been killed if Xander hadn't managed to
wrestle control away from his dark half long enough for Dimitri to
use his telepathic abilities to imprison the demon spirit. Even then,
they were not entirely successful. The demons influence was too
strong, and Xander too weak at the time. They couldn't expel the evil

The only way to save their friend, Dimitri had told them, was to seek
out those who were more capable in magic and telepathy then he. That
meant going home. Xander's home. Not the place where he had grown up,
but his real home.

So here they were, Buffy, Willow, Giles, Riley, Spike, Dimitri and
Xander, on a plane flying over the ocean, on their way to Wallachia,
Romania. They were in search of the answers to Xander's past, and the
cure for the afflictions of his present.

Buffy had recruited Faith, who had recently been released from
prison, as well as her… Angel,to take care of things in Sunnydale
while they were away. Buffy knew Faith was a very capable fighter and
Riley could handle himself as well. Sunnydale was fine.

What concerned her, was the troubled young man sleeping behind her.
Well, you couldn't really call it sleeping. Xander was moaning softly
and she could hear him toss and turn in unrest, his mind and soul
plagued by a dark presence, one that threatened to steal his very
being. Buffy wanted to go to him, to take him in her arms and hold
him, to rock him softly and tell him that the nightmares were gone.

She couldn't though. She was confused by her feelings. Xander had
always been just her friend. She never had any romantic thoughts
about him. Well, that wasn't really true. Back when Angelus was
around and Xander had just saved her from Theresa, she wanted to
badly to kiss him then. She could almost taste his lips, feel them
against her own, the firmness of his body pressed against her. She
wanted him so badly right then. It was sad but true. She wanted him
right then and there in that funeral home, with Theresa's ashes
around them. She wanted him to take her and ravish her. It was a bit
of the slayer darkness seeping in. The same darkness that had wanted
to hump his brains out when he was possessed by the Hyena, the same
darkness that had wanted to do naughty things to him when she saw him
in a Speedo.

In the end though, she didn't even kiss him. She wouldn't allow
herself to. She kept telling herself that he was just friend and that
was all she wanted from him. She knew what the truth was though. She
was afraid, afraid that she would fall desperately in love with him
and threaten her bond with Angel if she ever gave them a chance.
Buffy couldn't let that happen! Angel was her all, her everything,
nothing else mattered. This is the attitude she had taken when he was
around and it had hurt her friends, Xander especially, quite dearly.

Now Angel was out of the way and there was Riley to think about. She
cared very deeply about him and was still unsure of her feelings for
Xander. For now, she could only concentrate on helping her friend.
She would deal with the other matters when there was time.


The soft voice woke Buffy from her tangled mass of thoughts and she
looked up into the concerned face of Willow Rosenberg.

"Hey Will. How are you doing?"

Willow quietly took a seat next to her friend, her fingers strumming
on the back of the seat. "I'm okay I guess, just a little worried."

"I know."

"Its just… Xander has always been the normal, goofy one. Now he's
all, super human guy. We're learning all this stuff about him and its
like I never knew my friend." her voice broke a little, "It hurts."

Buffy put a comforting arm on her shoulder, "Its okay Will. It will
be okay. Xander is strong. He can fight this"

The red head sniffled a little, then nodded, "I know it will be fine.
It always is. You're super hero girl and I'm witch woman. Giles is
watcher man, and now Xander is vampyr guy." A smile brightened her
face, " We're the original misfits. Now there's nothing that can stop

Buffy laughed with her friend, "That's the spirit Wills!"

The smile quickly disappeared, "Yeah that's me, spirit girl."


"It looked just like him Buffy! It was him! It was Xander! How could
he do that to you, to us!?!"

Buffy turned her friend to face her, "Listen to me Willow, that was
NOT Xander. The thing only had his face. Xander was not in control.
He saved us all by fighting back. Xander would NEVER hurt us, you
have to believe that."

Willow quietly nodded, "I do."

Buffy gave the witch a hug, "Trust me Willow, things will get better."

"But when?" her friend asked in quiet misery.

"… I don't know" Buffy answered as she held her friend, each trying
to give and receive comfort from the other.

The plane continued over the turbulent waters of the Atlantic, the
loud engines igniting the are with noise, before returning to
silence, leaving no trace as it swept through the night.

End, Vampyr Chronicles: Legacy of the vampyr.