To anyone who's still reading, I apologize for being so lame and not updating…. AP classes :{

Either way! I'm here now and this is what I have to offer!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except my four boyfriends from PoT. Ok so I don't own those either, but I wish I did!!!!

{:Breaking up this lovely page, because it needs it :}

They were silent.

Neji said not a word, though he shed not one tear in memory of his father. She in turn paid her respects, knowing how much pain the dancer was in. She looked down sullenly. Her legs burned, though it was nothing like what she felt in her hands. She didn't understand why they felt as if they were on fire.

She looked down to see her hands being crushed in Neji's grip. It was practically welded into his, and though it hurt, she wouldn't have changed it. She wasn't sure if it was now that she should speak up, and they waited in a prolonged awkward silence, willing the other to speak first.

"H-How did you know I was here?" Neji asked, finally tearing the quiet. His voice shook Tenten, and she half expected him to rip his arm away.

"They told me, about what happened. Don't be mad. I just figured, you could probably use a friend," she responded timidly. He knew she was trying to help, it's what had shocked him so terribly. How had a girl, a new girl who he had been trying to frighten so terribly, still act so pleasurably?

"Neji, I'm sorry, I can leave if you want me to!" Tenten said as she stood to leave, obviously misinterpreting Neji's shocked facial expression. Before she could even break free, he pulled her back down.

"I never want you to leave," Neji said as he continued to sit happily peaceful. He had never felt so relieved, as if he wouldn't have to worry anymore, as if this brown-eyed girl was his own piece of heaven sent straight to him.

He rested his head on her shoulder, breathing evenly for the first time in years. 'Maybe this is it? No more meditation to keep my mind at ease or anything, as long as she's here,' he thought wistfully. She shifted slightly, hugging him closer, as she felt herself slipping.

"Neji, we should go back, it's getting late, and nobody knows where we are," Tenten said as she realized how dark the sky was getting. She turned her head in the direction of the tombstone that stood holding the place of a well-loved man.

"I'm not sure I can," he responded, following her gaze. He sighed and paused as his grip on her hand became tight once again.

"Why are you here? Why do you care about me? We just met," Neji asked, though he wasn't sure if he really wanted to hear her answer.

"I-I'm not sure, maybe it's because you understand we can't all be free. You're not are you? You're stuck here, but not because of your father, what do they mean? The markings?" Tenten asked curiously. She expected to get smacked and she braced slightly for impact. She was shocked when he chuckled lightly.

"You noticed those so quickly, you'd be the first to be blunt enough to ask," he responded as he sat up with his uniquely perfect posture. He looked straight at her, and the green X on his forehead became more prominent. She was dumbfounded, unaware of how permanent the branded feature was.

"It ties me to this place, I can never leave, it's sort of a cruel tattoo, it places me under Hinata-sama's complete control. Actually I'm under the control of anyone in that house. It's why I came here, to escape, to get rid of it all," he told her coolly, as if he was expressing his opinions about the weather.

She looked at him as if he had just explained quantum physics. She couldn't understand the complexity of being so stuck. He shrugged it off, and stood up, pulling her with him. She tried to walk away once again, but he held her closer this time, not letting her break free.

"Let's take my car," Neji said as he rocked back and forth, half dancing, half lulling the girl.

"What about mine?" Tenten asked, currently not caring much about anything, much less her car.

"We can always get it in the morning," he lowered his voice and allowed his calming affect to take hold of everything. He looked at the rushing dark clouds and noticed how full they were.

"Tenten we need to get out of the rain," he said as the first few drops fell slowly. She stared at him like he was a fortune-teller. She was unsure why she felt so lightheaded, but she was curious, wasn't this the same Hyuuga boy who had hated her the day before?

"Neji," she started, though the words were half drowned in the rain. "Neji you hated me, now you look at me like I'm some kind of prize," she was unsure what was happening. The rain came down harder and harder as she stood there, him urging her to move forward, though her feet were firmly cemented to the ground.

He looked at her dumbfounded, still trying to drag her to the car. "Tenten this is not the place or time, please just get in the car. You'll get sick!" Neji said worriedly. He tried desperately to usher her out of the cold dampness. He pulled harder, but when he looked at her, he stopped.

She looked beautiful, rain-soaked as she was. Her dark auburn hair was plastered to her face, and the rain was tugging at it, forcing the buns to loosen their grip. He unwound her hair and let it fall against her face. She gasped lightly and watched lazily as the water began to pool on his eyelashes, seeming impure in comparison to his piercing eyes.

"Your car will get wet at this rate," she said as she tilted her head back and let the rain completely drench her, secretly praising herself for not wearing white. She smiled a carefree smile, and Neji marveled at his luck, though he had previously resented it.

He grabbed her hands, and pulled her closer, and that's when it began. Their dance, the one for the large concert that was rapidly approaching, started as Neji led. He whispered in her ear as they moved slowly at first.

"It's like avoiding raindrops," he repeated as they seemed to naturally flow. He raised her and she felt the freedom in flight. When she touched back down, she was grounded, but not focused. Her vision was no longer clear, and her mind was no longer cluttered.

When the thunder came, the dancing increased. She became more passionate, he become more persistent. All of this to a wordless melody that they could both hear. Her body swayed wildly to the tune, as he followed, each being reckless and graceful.

It wasn't until she fell over laughing, that she remembered she was in a grave, she was literally dancing on people's graves, and she hadn't cared. She felt ashamed, and dashed toward the parking lot, leaving Neji confused. He quickly followed after as they sat in silence in her car, her hands shaking as she tightly gripped the steering wheel.

It was quiet on the way back to the academy building, it was wordless on the way up the front stairs to the dormitories where they parted and Tenten headed to the room where she found Roxanne a nervous wreck.

She was unable to cope with the affectionate girl's constant hugs, and emotional questions. They felt too prodding and she just closed the bathroom door and showered. When she came out of the bathroom, she found her silent.

"I won't force anything out of you, just know that I get like this when you disappear till midnight," Roxanne as she narrowed her eyes and turned off the light.

The déjà vu began to set in as Tenten quickly turned the light back on, and sighed. She looked at Roxanne, who had deliberately tried to make this difficult. Tenten pulled the covers off her and sat down next to the grumpy girl.

"I can explain," she said as she started the story. She wrapped the covers around herself and her listener as she explained what she had done. She told her how she had felt so at home in Neji's arms, though she shouldn't have. She asked why everyone had been so down on him before, knowing that his coldness must have been an illusion.

"I don't understand, I mean no offense, Tenten, you're completely gorgeous and all, but why you? You've come out of no where and he practically thinks of you as the freaking rising sun!" Roxanne exclaimed as she stole a side glance at the clock.

"Either way, we need to get to bed, we have class tomorrow still and it's completely gonna kill," Roxanne said as she turned off the light and pulled Tenten onto the too large bed. She was too tired to move, and too exhausted to care. She slept so peaceful, she would have thought she was in a trance, but just like that the morning sun came up, and eventually she had to rise.