
Um, well, I found out the 'truth' about Oyashiro-sama's curse and all those mysterious deaths today...

If you wanna know too, watch episode thirteen of Higurashi Kai, if you haven't already.

Main Characters: Rika and Takano

Theories Shattered

"In the end, our 'tragic fate' was merely a psychotic Takano with a hand gun."

It was over. Once again, the world in which I had lived in had come crashing down, just like a wave on a sandy beach. I'd built it up on false hopes; what was I thinking? Someone care to explain, I really am curious. It'd happened so fast. Down went Keiichi, down went Mion. Rena was soon to follow, quickly joined by Shion and Satoko.

Satoko... I tried so hard to save her. What went wrong? She risked her life for me on numerous occasions that night. Bravery is one thing that Oyashiro-sama does not reward. 'He' prefers and quick death that doesn't provide too much work. Oh yes, we're all quite aware that unless 'He' is in a bad mood, everyone is done away with in record time.

But who really is this deadly, murderous man, anyway? Surely, not a human being. No. No human could live with themselves after seeing the things that 'He' has seen. Maybe Oyashiro-sama is a girl? I'm not sure if anyone has ever seen this so-called God before. I've never seen his body... In the past, I thought I may have felt his presence near me, but it could have just been the wind. So, who is Oyashiro-sama, really?

All these theories, all those times I thought I had solved a mystery; all shattered hopelessly the night of the murders. That gun; that gun was shooting truths. With each member of the club that was slaughtered, a new truth was revealed. Could the things Takano was saying be true?

"While you, Rika-chan, are the rebirth of Oyashiro-sama, ridding the world of your presence will bring me! With a curse, comes a God. A God that is myself! I will be Oyashiro-sama!"

Those words rushed through my mind faster than the speeding bullets that splattered through my friends. That name! That name was all I could think of, that name that brings fear around Hinamizawa at the same time every year. Although, this world didn't even survive two weeks.

This whole time, there were no 'mysterious' deaths; each had its own reason. A reason that Takano herself decided. She dished out 'punishment' when she felt suitable... but if that was the case, what about the murders done by my friends?

Parasites. It has to be! Those parasites are doing it. Takano studied them for years. Their mind controlling abilities were like no other. A persons whole train of thought could be pulled to a halt by a single worm in the brain, inserted via the ear. Just like that, your will-power would be snatched from you. Just like that, you'd be on your knee deep in a shallow grave, burying the bodies of the ones you once loved.

In the end, our 'tragic fate' was merely a psychotic Takano with a hand gun.

She is our curse. She is or God. She is Oyashiro-sama.

Too bad in the next world I won't remember a word.


I used to like Takano.

Now I find her annoying.
