This is my new story I hope you like. It is going to be so amazing. RRR Remember to read and reveiw.

Disclaimer:Don't own anything WWE.(Hate writing theses) I just own Ashley's son John Jr.

In this chapter Italics are for flash backs and text messages(for this chapter)


Ashley opened the door to John's hotel room hugging and kissing.

"You know I love you punkie?" John said in the middle of there make out session.

"Yeah, did you know I love your lips, dimples, abs, muscles, and everything else I'm going to be touching tonight?" Ashley said smiling and kissing him at the same time.

"No, but you really going to love my bed skills."

"Not as much as you going to love mine. I'll rock ya world!"

"Yeah whatever" John said with a smirk.

Ashley pushed John on the bed and jumped right on top of him. He rolled over to the top.

"Hey you know I like being on top, and plus your not going to have enough energy to handle the top" John said in control.

"Oh shut up and take your shirt off!" Ashley said with her ands in John's shirt feeling on his abs.

"I'll take mine off when you take off yours." John said with his hands on her waist.

They took off each others shirts and they made love they rest of they night.


"Mommy do you want to know who my favorite wrestler is?" little Jonathan asked.

"Yeah baby, tell me who your favorite wrestler is." Ashley said bending down to her standing son not too far away from the T.V. that was on RAW.

"John Cena is my favorite wrestler and not because we have the same name." The little boy said jumping happily.

"Why is John Cena your favorite wrestler, Johnny?" Ashley asked smiling because she was happy.

"I like John Cena 'cause he funny. You remember when we watched him FU Kevin Fed?" Little boy said smiling because his mom was. Ashley had to laugh for a second remembering that moment Fed came on RAW.

"Yeah, I remember that baby." Ashley said still laughing. "You remember when we went to the movies to see John Cena in 'Marine'? "

"Yupe and you where mad when he was kissing that woman."

"You remem...wait you said I was mad?"

"I sure did."

"How do you know I was mad?"

"You gripped on my hand pretty hard when we were watching that part. I think you like John Cena, mommy!" The little boy said truthfully.

"Well baby, I'm so sorry for hurting your little hand and don't tell anyone but...I use to have a crush on John Cena but now I like Randy Ortan." Ashley said feeling happy that she let that out.

"You mean how I like that girl at like Randy Ortan the evil guy?"

"Yup and Randy Ortan isn't a bad guy once you meet him. He's a pretty nice person once you get to know him."

"You know him?"

"Yup he is a good friend of mine and John Cena was too." Ashley said looking at her shocked son.


"You got it and since your birthday is coming up and your about to be five how about we go meet John Cena. I'm not talking bout watching him fight I mean see him face to face!" Ashley said smiling. Her son was oh so happy that his mommy would do something so amazing.

"YES YES YES!" The little boy screamed. "How do you know these wrestlers"

"Well Johnny-boy, I used to a be a WWE diva on RAW."

"Really? That's how you were friends with John Cena and Randy Ortan right?"

"Yup and we were boy-friend and girl-friend."

"What happened?"

"I was having a baby so I couldn't wrestle any more so I moved back to New York and then I had my baby" Ashley said smiling tapping her son's nose. But she didn't tell him the other part of it.

"That baby was me wasn't it?" The little boy said cheesing.(smiling hard)

"You got it babe."

"How did you get me in your stomach?"

"Well, that's something you don't have to know right now."

"Oh...ok, well does John Cena know you had me?"

"Well thats the thing. No, he doesn't know but for your birthday when you meet him I was going to tell him."

"Mommy I'm just asking this because all the other kids have one. Do I have a daddy"

"You sure do! If you didn't have a daddy then you wouldn't be here."

"Ok, is John Cena my daddy because we have the same name and my friend Larry has the same name as his daddy."

Ashley thought for a second.


Ashley sent a text message to Trish saying:

'Trish can u come up 2 my hotel room I hav something 2 tell and sho u that is really important. xoxo Ashley'

Ashley recieved a text message back from Trish saying:

'Alright. I was on my way up there any way. xoxo Randy's babe'

Trish was on the steps because she was only one floor under Ashley. Trish was walking up the stairs thinking. "What is so important that Ash has to tell me? Please don't be any bad news like John cheating on her or showing me forms that shes fired from WWE cuz I would have to kick Steph's ass and I really don't want to do that. Or that Candice and Stacey have been messing with her and got Ashley doing something crazy." Trish was in front of Ashley's hotel room. She sighed before she knocked on the door. Ashley on the other side was praying that is was Trish and it was. Ashley opened the door.

"Ashley whats wrong? Is John cheating on you 'cause you know I will kick his ass if you want me to." Trish said concerned.

"Trish John didn't cheat on me but he did do something to me..." Ashley said closing the door walking to the bathroom leaving the door opened. Ashley searched for something on the sink. Trish walk in and stood by the door.

"Ashley did John hit or rape you? Right now I'm bout to stab this bitch in the neck." Trish said getting angry. Ashley found what she was looking for and stopped what she was doing and looked up in the mirror and saw Trish standing behind her.

"Trish it's a good thing as a matter of fact. Well when you said rape that was as close as you were going to get." Ashley said turning around to face Trish. "Don't even think about yelling at me for this thing I have to tell you is good and rape was the closest thing."

"Well go on then."

"John and I had sex last month and well I noticed every time I drink beer I threw up." Ashley stopped then continued. "I took is test and I went to the doctor to see if this test was correct and it was...Trish I'm pregnant with John's baby."

Ashley was smiling holding up the pregnantcy test hoping Trish would be smiling too but instead she looked down to the floor as if she wasn't happy.

"Ashley you said this was going to be good, this is terrible!" Trish said disappointed.

"What? Are you serious? I have never thought of having a baby was good and I'm happy now Trish, I'm really happy and I don't know why your not happy for me. I guess I'll have to be happy for myself right now." Ashley said dropping the test on the floor and turned around to face the sink again. "Trish your my best friend and you supported me through out my life. Whats wrong now?"

"I am happy but I'm mad at the same time. I'm mad because you won't be wrestling and you won't have my back. Your probably not even going to continue wrestling because you'll have a kid to watch. I'm afraid this baby will change our friendship." Trish said looking at Ashley's eyes through reflection. "We won't hang out as much because you'll have to be stuck at home watching the baby instead of being on the road with me, John, and Randy. And you know Vince doesn't like kids on the road with use. That's why Steph isn't here now."

"Trish I never thought of that. I will have to leave WWE and I just love beening out there on that stage fighting in the ring."

"And what about John? Does he know about the baby?"

"No, I do want to tell him though. I don't know what he'll think of me. Will he even still love me?"

"Yes he will. He'll be as happy as you are. I'm sure he always wanted a kid." Trish said smiling. "Well, I'll get over it but when you go back to New York you betta call or text me. Okay?"

"Alright. I'll tell him now. You can chill here and watch T.V." Ashley smiled then walked out her hotel room to John's. Boy was she in for a shocker suprise.

Flashback ends

"Mommy are you ok?" Little John asked

"Yeah I was just thinking." said shaking the thought out of her head. "Baby, can you ask that question again for me?"

"Is John Cena my dad?"

"Yes baby he is, don't say anything about it until I tell you it's ok."

"Ok mommy, how is he my dad if you liked Randy?"

"At the time John was my boy friend and when broke up. I didn't like Randy then but I like him now" 'And I hope he feels the same way once I come back' Ashley thought.

"Ok, are we going to see John Cena today?"

"No. We'll visit him this weekend."

"Thats tomorrow!"

"Thats right." Ashley said spinning her son around in the air smiling. She put her son down. "Now you have to go pack your bags and get ready for tomorrow. Now go"

Ashley lightly spanked her son to tell him 'go now'. He ran up the stairs picking out cloths and Ashley did the same.

Hope you like the story. I think it's going to be one of my best! If you have something to say about that statement or the story it's self then review!! Love you guys and thanks for reading. The more reviews the less you have to wait for chapters. Once you review I'll put your name in the next chapter and I'll thank you for your comments. Peace "V"