Pairings: Naruto/sasuke at first then Itachi/Naruto.
Warning: this is a yaoi story, which means boy/boy love. and its rated M for a reason,slash,AU,language, and sexual scenes later on. don't like it? i don't know what you doing here then.
"demon talking"
'demon thinking'
Chapter 3: Forget the past, enjoy the present.
'ugh, what happened?' asked himself a waking blond. 'where am i' he said. He tried to stand up but he couldn't't thanks to some thing holding him down.
"i see you already woke up" said some one distracting him of his attempts to release himself. Turning around he noticed another blond sitting beside his bed. He was wearing the usual akatsuki's black coat with clouds. He's hair was also pulled into a high ponytail with some falling down his face covering his one of his eyes.
"who are you?" asked Ranmaru.
"i'm Deidara, un" he said a little too excited "it's nice to meet you Naruto-kun".
forgetting about his name for right now he continue questioning this Deidara guy/girl. " So what am i doing here?" he asked.
"well, that i cant said but leader-same will tell you everything when you go see him, UN" said Deidara.
"Fine, can i go see him now?" asked Ranmaru a little annoyed with all this mystery.
"If that's what you want, UN" said Deidara who who without an answer grabbed Ranmaru's hand and pull him out of bed and out the door.
after a while of dragging Ranmaru though the base's endless corridors they come upon a giant door. Letting go of Ranmaru Deidara walked to the door and knocked on it.
"leader-sama, Naruto is here to see you, UN" he said.
suddenly the door began to open.
"come on" said Deidara pulling Ranmaru along "leader-same is waiting inside, UN"
both of them came into what appeared a really big room, but couldn't't tell since the light was pretty dimmed at the time. All that Ranmaru could see was a desk in front of him and some figure covered in shadows in the other sided.
"welcome Naruto" said the man from within the shadows "i'm the leader of this organization" he said.
"so what i'm i doing here" asked Ranmaru hopping that now he could get all his answers form this man.
"well Naruto, i asked Itachi to bring you here so i could make a deal with you" said the leader. "now Deidara go outside while Naruto and i can talk"
Yes, leader-same" said Deidara who walked out the doors leaving Ranmaru alone with the leader.
"So what kind of deal would that be?" asked Ranmaru after Deidara left.
"well i want you to join us and in return you can stay here and train with all the other members" he said.
'interesting if i agree i would be able to get stronger training with them' he thought "and if i don't?" he asked.
"if you don't you'll just be killed" said the leader.
"well if that's the conditions fine i'll join your organization" said Ranmaru.
"excellent" said the leader "Itachi" he called.
suddenly Itachi was standing next to Ranmaru as he appear with a whirlwind of leaves. "you called leader-same?" he asked.
"yes, Itachi i want you to show Naruto to his room" answered the leader.
raising an eyebrow Itachi turn to Ranmaru "lets go" he told him and walked out the door with Ranmaru behind.
The walk was pretty quiet from both sides. For Itachi it was normal but for Ranmaru it was driving him insane. finally deciding to end it he asked "are we there yet?"
"are you going to answer me or what?" yelled Ranmaru.
"answer me dammit" yelled Ranmaru frustrated with Itachi.
"we're here" said Itachi.
"what" asked the now confuse blond.
"this is your room, stay here until someone comes to get you" said Itachi opening the door and walking away to his room which coincidently was across from Ranmaru's.
Ranmaru pissed with the way Itachi ignored him, walked up to his room and shut the door loudly. going over to the bed Ranmaru laid on it and closed his eyes.
Ranmaru's mind
"hey stupid fox where are you" Yelled Ranmaru.
"stupid brat, when i get out of this stupid seal your the one i'm going to kill fist" yelled the fox behind the bars of the seal.
"yeah, yeah whatever" said Ranmaru already used to the rants of the fox "i was here to make you a deal" he said getting the attention of the fox.
"yeah, and what's the deal" said the fox.
"well, i want you erase all my memories from before i got here" said Ranmaru.
"and what's in it for me" said the fox already liking the deal.
"if you erase my memories i'll let you out once in a while using a shadow close" said Ranmaru with a grin.
"...fine. you better remember your end of the deal brat" said kyuubi "now just go to sleep and when you wake up you wont remember anything before you left that wretched village" said the smirking fox 'hehehe, it also will be easier to take control over this body' thought the giant fox already making plans for his escape.
with that Ranmaru left his mind scape and when to sleep. while Ranmaru slept the fox was erasing his memories.
"Naruto" yelled someone close to his ear making him jump out of bed. looking around he saw Sasori who walked away from the bed after waking him up.
"what" said the confused blond.
"I came to wake you up, it's time for breakfast" said Sasori putting down the cloak Ranmaru is to wear "i'll wait for you outside while you change" he said walking away and closing the door behind.
a few minutes later Ranmaru come out wearing usual clothing but covered by the akatsuki's trade mark cloak. both just nodded to each other and walked down the hall with Sasori leading the way.
after a few minutes of silence both ended up on the cafeteria where most of the akatsuki members where already eating.
"Naruto" yelled Deidara from the other side of the cafeteria running toward Ranmaru and Sasori. "good morning Naruto" he said when he got where Ranmaru was.
Ranmaru was confused 'who is he talking to?' he asked him self the decided to voice his thoughts "who are you talking about?" he asked the other blond.
to said that everyone was confuse was an understatement, even Itachi stopped eating to look up to the two blond talking.
"what are you talking about Naruto" asked Deidara still confuse.
"well i mean you keep calling me Naruto for some reason, so i wanted to know who this Naruto person is" he said like it makes perfect sense. to bad he was the only one who that makes sense to.
"what!!" said Deidara "isn't your name Naruto?"
"no, my name is Ranmaru" still confuse about why Deidara kept calling him Naruto.
A/N: he cliffhanger, i always wanted to do one of those. anyway sorry the story is short. i'm trying to make them longer but with school and all that stuff is hard to get anytime to work on the story. well thanks to all the readers. especially to itachisgurl93, KitsuneyJenfner, and Fox Loves Shinigami. anyway please keep reading, next chapter will deal with the new akatsuki pairs and some ItaNaru time.