Disclaimer: I do not own House or Cameron or anyone else from the show. They belong to David Shore and FOX. Believe me if I owned them there would be a lot more action. :)

Chapter 1

Allison Cameron was a highly respected doctor in the medical community, a kind and loving person everybody loved, extremely bright, and a very responsible person. That was why she couldn't figure out how she had gotten herself into this position. The little positive sign on the stick lying on her coffee table was going to change her life forever. How had this happened? She asked herself, well of course she knew how this happened, it didn't take a medical school graduate to figure that one out. She was always so careful, until that one night, that one night she said fuck it and did what she wanted to do instead of what was right. Now the positive pregnancy test lying in front of her was what came out of her decision.

What Cameron couldn't figure out was how this had slipped past her for so long; she was a doctor for Christ's sake. All the signs were there, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and not to mention her lack of monthly "fun" and yet she still tried to pass it off as the flu. It wasn't until she checked her calendar and noticed that she was two months late that the likely diagnosis for her illness wasn't the flu at all, Allison Cameron was pregnant. And, if she did her calculations correctly she was a little over nine weeks pregnant.

Getting rid of the baby was never an option for her. She wasn't religious but she still believed that a fetus was a life. Since abortion wasn't an option, and she figured that after carrying this baby for nine months she would become attached and especially after seeing it there was no way that she would ever be able to give it up, she decided to keep the baby and assume her role as a mother. This was something she had always wanted just under different circumstances. She knew that she wouldn't be the best mother on the block but she would sure try her best and her child would know how much it was loved and would always have someone they could turn to when things didn't quite work out the way they were supposed to.

This left only one issue left, him. There was no doubt in her mind who the father of her baby was, in fact, this knowledge made this baby even more special to her. Cameron didn't sleep around which made it very easy to know who the lucky guy who had gotten her pregnant was. It wasn't a planned thing, she hadn't meant for it to happen and she was sure neither did he. They had lost one of their patients, a rare thing but there was nothing they could do, so they went out for a drink all of them. Somehow, they ended up wasted and back at his place making out with things heating up. The next thing Cameron knew, she was in his bed and they were making passionate love to each other. Now here she was, pregnant with Dr. Gregory House's baby.

They had agreed that it was a stupid once night stand and nothing would come out of it. Cameron had actually hoped that maybe this would make House see how much she cared for him but he still had his heart of stone. Cameron didn't know how to go about telling him about the baby. She was going to tell him that she knew for sure, it was his child too and he had a right to know about it. How would he react? Would he be angry? Happy? Kids liked House and House seemed to be not as mean to kids as he was to everyone else. Cameron wanted her child to grow up with both a mother and a father but, becoming a father was a big decision one which she would leave completely up to him. She would tell him that he could be as involved or uninvolved as he wanted to be.

Cameron went over to his house that night, it was late but she knew that he would still be up. He answered the door and stood aside to let her in.

"Well, you didn't come over here to gaze longingly at my walls what do you want?" House said. Cameron almost chickened out because he seemed annoyed by her presence but then she remembered that everything annoyed House and she had to do what she had come there to do.

"House there is something I need to talk to you about," she said.

"Well go on the suspense is killing me." He said sarcastically but deep down he knew that it must have been important for her to come over this late at night.

"Remember that little uh…one night stand we had?"

"I thought we agreed that nothing was going to come out of that is was just a silly drunken mistake. Of course, if you want another round I don't think I could say no to that." House joked.

"House this is serious, and something did sort of come out of that." Cameron said getting more uncomfortable by the second.

"Great orgasms? You want a beer?" House asked heading to his kitchen.

"A baby," House stopped dead in his tracks whatever he was expecting her to say it sure as hell wasn't that.

"A what….?"

"House I'm pregnant." Cameron just blurted it out.

"Are you sure?"


"I'm the father?" House already knew the answer to this question he just had to hear it from her but her response was somewhat less then welcome.

"Of course you're the father! Why the fuck else would I drive over here in the middle of the night and tell you that I'm pregnant?"

"Cameron calm down! I didn't mean to upset you."

"You're right I'm sorry, hormones I guess. We need to talk."

"I'll say and it's alright, sit down, I guess you won't be wanting that beer then?" House said trying to lift some of the tension.

"No, guess not." Cameron laughed a little.

"Are taking any prenatal vitamins? Have long have you known?"

"No, I just found out tonight although I have suspected for a little while."
"I'll write you a prescription tomorrow. How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little nauseas and I'm very tired but other then that I'm fine. Look House, I came over here to tell you that I was pregnant because it is your baby too and you have a right to know but I don't want to force you to do something that you don't want to do. If you don't want to be apart of it's life that's completely alright it can just be my baby. I would like it if you were there for our child and it grew up knowing both parents but I'm leaving the decision completely up to you. You don't have to decide tonight, hell take the whole nine months if you need it, I'm going to head home I'll see you tomorrow." Within a five minute visit Allison Cameron had done something not many have; she had rendered Dr. Gregory House speechless.

House was at a complete loss. How could this have happened? This kind of thing was never supposed to happen to him, he was Greg House, he was untouchable. Now he could check the box next to got a girl pregnant on one of those stupidest things you ever done surveys. House didn't know where to begin; his head was spinning so fast he could hardly see straight. There was one question he had to answer though; did he want to be a father? Last week if someone had asked him this question he wouldn't have had to think twice. Now he was not so sure, there was a little being growing inside Cameron that was half him that knowledge could change a person. He needed to talk to Wilson. House reached for his phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered.

"We need to talk now!"

"House? House it's three thirty in the morning."

"Yeah, so meet me at the twenty four hour diner." House hung up, got on his motorcycle and headed for the diner knowing that Wilson would show up. When he got there he went in and sat down at a table to wait for Wilson. When Wilson did get there he was ready to read House the riot act for waking him up but the look on his friends place was enough for him to realize something was very wrong.

"Oh God what did you do?"

"Nothing! Why is it every time I have a problem people assume that I did something?"

"Because that is usually the case, so what did you do?" Wilson asked sitting down.

"I got Cameron pregnant."

"You did WHAT!?"

"That night a couple of months ago when we lost that patient and went out for drinks, well Cameron ended up back at my place and we had sex and now she's pregnant."

"This is, this is unbelievable, well, congratulations I guess."

"She told me I could choose how much I wanted to be involved."

"Well, if I were you I would choose to be involved. House listen to me, you have nothing going for you in your life and this child may just be the thing that gives you a reason for living."

"I don't know how to be a father." House said. Wilson knew this was truly hitting House hard because he had gone through a whole conversation without being sarcastic or mean.

"Well, no one does, that's the fun part! You get to learn as you go along and mold the kid to be how you want them to be. Now listen, go home, get some rest and talk to Cameron in the morning. I'm going back to bed where the rest of the sane people are."

Chapter 2

The next morning House found Cameron headed towards the clinic and pulled her into an empty room.

"Ummm….hey," House said unsure of how to act or where to start.

"Hi, are we playing hide from Cuddy because I don't think she'll look in the empty room she saw us going in to."

"I want to be involved." He just blurted it out.

"What?" Cameron asked him smiling trying to make sure she had heard him right.

"I want to be involved in our child's life." House said but before he could say anything else Cameron had her arms wrapped around his neck and was crying.

"You don't know how much this means to me House! Our baby, that is really creepy to say. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at nine if you want to be there."

"I'll be there. God knows you don't have the balls to tell someone there are stupid! We can't just have any old person delivering our baby."

"HOUSE!" Cuddy yelled.

"I'll see you later House." Cameron said still smiling.

"You obviously don't want this child to have a father too bad since you are feeding me to the succubus." House yelled after her and headed to face the wrath of Cuddy yet again.

"Is there something going on between you and Doctor Cameron?" Cuddy asked as he entered her office.

"I don't believe that is any of your concern. You should be more concerned about your fun bags hanging out there for the whole world to see." House said with a smile and hobbled off. He was going to be a father, there was no turning back now. This should have scared the shit out of him, leaving behind his old life and starting a new one but maybe Wilson was right, maybe this baby was just the thing he needed.