These characters aren't my magic, they're J.K. Rowling's.

Cricket and Max are part of my spell :)

"Cricket?...Cricket?...Cricket wake up!" A teenage girl groggily opened her eyes to see her little brother, Max, poking her in the shoulder. Cricket stretched on her stomach. She pushed down with her arms in hopes of sitting up, but the sleep in her head forced her to fall back on her pillow.

"What time is it" Cricket croaked.

"It's around 4:30, but we have to go in order to catch the train." Max continued to stare at his immobile sister. He took his wake-up call to the next step and crawled on the bed next to Cricket and started to bounce while yelling, "Come on Cricket, let's go!"

"Fine I'm up!" she yelled at him. "I don't know why we need to get up before the crack of dawn." But it would be quite a trip to get to the train station.

Max let out a loud 'woop' as he crawled of the bed then ran out of the room singing "I'm going to Hogwarts, I'm going to Hogwarts!"

Cricket couldn't help the smile that reached her lips. Her little brother's enthusiasm seemed to rub off on anybody near.

She couldn't blame Max's feelings either. Learning magic was something very exciting, let alone being able to go to Hogwarts. Seeing this was Max's first year at any wizard school, his excitement was doubled. Cricket was in her 7th year witch, but it was going to be her first year at Hogwarts. She previously went to Durmstrang. She was expelled after her deepest secret was discovered.

Cricket sighed remembering that dreadful day. When she was eight years old, she was attacked by a werewolf. Every full moon since then has been awful. Cricket was able to hide her secret from everyone at Durmstrang except from her best friend— er, only friend— Hoshiko. Last year though, the headmaster found out, and the whole school found out. They didn't like the idea of a werewolf in the school, so they expelled her.

Seeing under-aged wizards and witches aren't allowed to use magic outside of school, Cricket was forced to put her learning on hold. She still kept up with her book work and had a few lessons with her mother for the remainder of the school year. Once the summer started it seemed that Cricket would have to give up her magical life forever. Her mother told Cricket it was too hard to work two jobs and teach Cricket magic. Cricket was ecstatic when she received a letter from a man named Albus Dumbledore.

After she made her bed, Cricket went to her packed trunk and pulled out a small box containing everything precious to her. On the top was an envelope addressed to her.

Dear Miss Mann,

I recently heard about the events around your expulsion from Durmstrang I'm very sorry to hear how poorly they treated you there, but this letter doesn't just contain sorrowful ramblingsI'm very glad to inform you of your acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We have set up an area for you to go every full moon. I wait to hear your response soon. Enclosed is a list of school supplies and books you may need to buy before this year starts—that is if you wish to join us. There is also a list for your brother, Maxim


Professor Dumbledore

Cricket folded the letter carefully. The folds on the letter were starting to wear thin from how many times she read the letter. She put the letter back in the box and returned the box to her trunk. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt before making her way to the kitchen.

Mrs. Mann was at the stove putting servings of pancakes and bacon on plates. She set one next to Max, who was finishing his second bowl of cereal, and the other plate in front of her daughter. Cricket murmured her thanks and dug in.

About a week ago, Mrs. Mann, Cricket, and Max went to Diagon Alley to get supplies for school and to Hogsmeade to see where Cricket would have her transformations. Cricket immediately fell in love with Hogsmeade. The shrieking shack was a little haunting, but the only time she'd be there was to transform, so it didn't need to be anything special. While there, Professor Dumbledore also gave her a brief tour of Hogwarts Castle. Cricket was also sorted into Gryffindor, but she wasn't exactly sure what the different houses meant yet.

The last bit of information Professor Dumbledore shared was also the only thing Cricket could focus on the past week.

He said, "There's something else." He paused. "You won't be the only werewolf in attendance to Hogwarts."

"What?" Cricket exclaimed. "Who is it? How come you didn't say before? What are they like?"

Professor Dumbledore held his hand up for silence. "I'm not the one to reveal everything to you. Life is to be lived, not told by someone else."

Cricket was drawn back to the present when Max began yelling again. "Let's go! I want to go to Hogwarts! The sooner we leave, the sooner I can get there!"

Mrs. Mann chuckled as she set the dishes in the sink. "Maxim," their mother was the only one to call him by his full name, "It doesn't matter how soon we get there; the train leaves on its own schedule."

"Ah, come on Ma!" Max dragged Cricket's trunk from her room and into the car and soon after they were on their way.

The ride was silent. Max's excitement turned into nervousness, Cricket was still pondering the other werewolf, and their mother was worrying about Cricket.

As they reached the train station, many people walking to and from the main doors. In the crowds Cricket spotted a few others she suspected as Hogwarts students. They had trunks on trolleys and a few with owls, cats, rats, frogs, or some strange animal strapped on top.

They all climbed out of the car but Mrs. Mann stopped. "I don't' think I'm going to go inside. We'll just say good-bye here."

"Are you sure?" At her mother's nod, Cricket hugged her. "Bye Mum. Don't worry about me I'll be fine. If not, there's always beauxbatons!"

"Cricket!" her mother scolded.

"I'm kidding. Bye Mum, I love you!" Cricket stood back and watched as Max said good-bye. For his first separation from his mother, he was taking it very well.

After loading their trunks on one trolley and setting Cricket's owl, Amorette, on top they waved as their mother drove off.

Cricket grabbed Max's hand, much to his displeasure, and with the other began to pull the trolley to the door. After fighting through the crowd for what seemed like hours, they made it into the station. Cricket turned to the path they had just taken a week before. She was suddenly halted when the trolley became trapped by the uneven flooring. Amorette's cage slid off the trolley and tumbled on the floor. The owl screeched and the cage echoed on the floor in the large room.

Other passengers gave the siblings glaring looks as they sped by to make their train on time. Cricket kept her gaze glued to the floor as she groped for Amorette's cage. Once she had it she turned to find their trolley missing.

"I have a feeling today isn't going to be a good one." Cricket mumbled.

"Do you need some help?" A masculine voice asked behind her.

Cricket turned to find a guy leaning against her trolley. He looked about the same age as Cricket, but was a lot taller. He had ruffled black hair and bright blue eyes. Cricket couldn't help but noticing how attractive he was, but she couldn't be late for her train and she was already cutting it close. Plus he was a muggle, at least she thought he was. She couldn't exactly ask him to follow her to the invisible platform.

"I-I'm okay," she lied, "I'm almost at my train anyways." Cricket reached for their trunks, but he pulled it away.

"I think we're heading towards the same train." He leaned in and whispered, "Plus, if your owl keeps screeching, these muggles might kick you out of here." Oh, so he was a wizard.

"Thank you," Cricket smiled warmly at him and followed him to the platform. Glad they had experienced the excitement of walking through a wall earlier, they made it onto Platform 9¾ quickly. The boy handed off the trunks and Amorette and led them inside.

As they walked towards the front of the train, Cricket and Max kept gaping at how many students were on the train. On one compartment, there were three boys all huddled around a chess board and messing with little trinkets.

Max looked in with longing. He looked up to Cricket, "I think I'm going to stay here."

Cricket looked between him and the group of boys. "Alright, I'll check in with you later. Be careful?"

"Ah, knock it off, Crick." Max thanked the boy waiting nearby and went in.

Cricket watched as the boys looked up and greeted him. Cricket looked back to the boy to find him studying her. Cricket felt heat rise up her neck and faintly brush her cheeks.

"Crick?" the boy suddenly asked.

"A nickname. My name is Cricket Mann."

The boy bowed slightly, a small smile tugging the corners of his mouth. "Cricket," he tested it, "Very interesting. My name is Sirius Black." he straightened and let his gaze stay on her a few more moments before turning and continuing up the train.

Cricket followed thinking maybe my day is getting better.

"Are you new to Hogwarts? I can't remember seeing you around the castle." Sirius asked over his shoulder.

"Yes, I'm from Durmstrang."

"Ah, I see. What year?"

"Seventh, you?"


He stopped in front of one compartment and opened the door. As soon as he opened it a girl's screams could be heard.

Cricket looked inside and saw three boys sitting down and the girl was standing yelling at one of them. As soon as Sirius opened the door the girl turned and her eyes sharpened on him.

She had wavy strawberry-blond hair so long it just kissed her hips. Her bright green eyes softened when she looked at Cricket. "Oh, hello! My name is Lily Evans."

"Cricket Mann."

"Cricket? That's really cool! I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to run. It was nice meeting you." She slipped past Sirius and stopped at Cricket's side, "Be careful with these guys. They're bad news." She went on as if she had said nothing. Cricket was still watching her leave when she heard her name from the compartment.

"Cricket, come here," Sirius beckoned. Cricket went into the compartment and closed it behind her. She sat down next to Sirius and the other three boys sat across from them.

The three boys across from her were all staring at her. The first one was tall and slender with light brown hair and curious brown eyes. The next boy was a small and plump with straggly dark brown hair and onyx eyes. He seemed to be very shy, because as soon as Cricket looked at him he glued his eyes to the ground. The last boy was similar to Sirius but his shoulders weren't as wide as Sirius'. He had messy jet-black hair and was the tallest out of all the boys. He had bright blue eyes behind small wire rimmed glasses.

"Guys, this is Cricket Mann. Found her in the train station making a bunch of noise with her owl." Sirius smiled again. "Cricket this is Remus," the first boy, "Peter," the second, "and James," the third.

"Hi," Cricket said lightly.

They all responded in their own way. After a long silence Peter stood. "I think I'm going to take a walk," he said quickly and left.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't talk to new people very easily," James explained.

Cricket smiled weakly, Neither do I.

But eventually they found a subject they could all contribute to, except Remus. He seemed very quiet and his curious eyes seemed to study everything. At first he studied her, as if trying to figure something out about her, but then he began studying his two friends as well. Whenever his gaze went back to Cricket, she felt her neck and cheeks darken to some shade of red.

The group talked about a great deal of things. They answered many questions Cricket had about Hogwarts. She learned about James' crush on Lily, and how she despises him. Sirius and James shared some of their pranks they had pulled and some other funny stories.

Finally, Remus said his first words to her, "What do your parents do?"

"My mum works at the Ministry and in her off time works in an art gallery near where we live. I love going in there and looking at all the art."

"And your dad?" Remus asked immediately.

Cricket's eyes snapped to his. Remus' mouth parted in surprised at what he saw in her blue-green eyes. It was a deep pain like he had never seen before. He tried to retract what he had said but she spoke before he could.

"I haven't seen him in almost ten years." She spoke so quietly they almost didn't hear her.

Remus ducked his head, "I'm sorry for asking."

Cricket forced a laugh, "It's been ten years. I'm used to answering."

Sirius spoke up, "You said you went to Durmstrang?" Cricket nodded. "Why did you leave on your last year?"

"I was expelled—" Cricket slapped a hand over her mouth before she could finish the last word, but it was too late. Her eyes grew large as she watched the boys around her.

James and Sirius both sat up quickly, "You were expelled?!"

"That's why you were so interested in our pranks! You're like us!" James pondered.

"I think we're going to get along great." Sirius pat her shoulder.

"What did you do?" James asked excited.

Cricket's attention went back and forth between the two boys during their dialogue. Cricket, you dolt! Why did you say that! How am I going to cover for this?

Let them think you're a troublemaker. A voice said in the back of her mind.

That's lying! She told herself.

It's better than telling them why you really left!

While she battled with herself three sets of eyes watched her turmoil.


"Come on, you can tell us," Sirius said.

"Uh...uh...umm..." Cricket scrambled her brain for an answer. Keep it low key, the voice said again. "I-I-I turned a teacher into a gorilla." Cricket blurted.

Nice low key...

"On purpose?" Remus asked.

"Y-yeah. I continued to turn various parts into various animals: Head of a horse, elephant ears, pig tail; that kind of thing." Cricket blurted again.

"REALLY!?" James and Sirius went off from that, forming pranks based off of Cricket's tale.

Remus only stared at her, "You really did that?" He leaned forward resting his forearms on his knees.

"Well, maybe I exaggerated a little. That's what I had planned on doing, but another teacher heard the commotion and disarmed me."

James and Sirius began to laugh uncontrollably, while Remus shook his head, obviously not believing her.

Remus looked at his watch, "We better change into our robes. We'll be there shortly."

Cricket pulled one of her uniforms from her trunk and followed the boys to the bathrooms. She changed quickly and went back to the compartment. Nobody was back yet and Cricket was slightly relieved. She threw her clothes back in her trunk and rummaged through her special box for a picture. She closed her trunk again and curled up on the bench next to the window. After taking a deep breath she looked at the picture.

It was a picture of Cricket and her best friend Hoshiko. It was taken the day after a full moon. Cricket was propped up in her bed looking pale and battered. The smallest smile was on her face but she didn't move otherwise. Hoshiko sat next to her with her arms around Cricket's neck as she grinned and waved frantically at the camera.

Cricket was so sad they were separated. Hoshiko was the only friend Cricket ever had and she was ripped away from her. They had promised to stay in contact by owls, and Cricket's first priority was to write her.

You can't say she's your only friend now. Although it was premature, Cricket felt she had already made a few friends. Although Remus was skeptical, hopefully he would soon find out she really wasn't a bad person.

"Oh Hoshiko, what am I going to do without you? How am I going to get through this year without you?" Cricket felt tears well-up and crawl down her face.

The door opened and Cricket quickly wiped her tears and hid the picture. She looked up to find Remus looking at her.

All previous doubts and foul moods left him as he tossed his clothes aside and sat down next to her. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah," Cricket forced a smile, "I'm fine."

"And pigs fly." He growled. "What are you hiding?" He indicated the picture.

Would it hurt to show him? Cricket slowly pulled the picture out and handed it to him. "That's my best and only friend from Durmstrang. Her name is Hoshiko." Cricket swallowed hard.

Remus didn't seem to hear her. He was studying the picture closely. Cricket noticed how his eyes darkened when he was thinking or studying something. He suddenly looked up at Cricket then back to the picture. His eyes grew large and he sniffed deeply.

"You-You're the werewolf that came this year?"

Cricket's eyes grew large. You haven't even made it to the school and you're already found out., "Werewolves? They're real?! There's one in school?!" Cricket asked.

"No, Cricket. Stop lying; I've seen through all of your other ones." He smiled. "I'm the other werewolf."