Disclaimer: Pokemon is not mine. I have no money, don't sue.

Author's note: Yes yes, it's a bit short, but hey, it's better then nothing. ^^; I hope you guys enjoy. This is one of the more gloomy chapter. All right. Go on, read ^-^


She couldn't care anymore. Lord, she didn't want to. She came to the point where not only did she feel emotional pain, but even physical pain. It was beginning to become ridiculous, and she was suddenly grateful for her more within reach career as a musician. What else was there for her?

The chef shot his twentieth glare at Misty and she finally muttered to herself, "At least I paid for your poor excuses of pancakes."

As she picked up the pancakes that had not survived sitting upon her little "tower," she decided that today would be her final day traveling with Ash. This was it. They would come to the point in the road where they'd have to separate. Misty would begin her walk down the path that led to her music career. Ash would begin his walk down the path that led to his well-deserved title of Pokemon Master. It was over.. or so she thought.

After a half-hour of packing and constant battles with her mind, trying to not think about him, she allowed herself to glance at the bracelet. She was surprised that it was still in tact. No. Nevermind. She was surprised that she herself was still in tact.

Her mind reviewed everything that happened in the past month.

"God, that was a long ride," she unknowing said out loud, to no one in particular.

Whatever was to happen, just had to happen. There was no use in getting in the way of fate. Everything was happening for a reason, but, God, she wished she knew why. Why her? Why her and Ash? They were so.. happy.

"I guess.. This is it," she said, standing at the doorway before taking a final glance at the room, as if it had been her room since she was a child. The room did hold the memory of her and Ash sleeping in each other's arms. Perhaps that was the last time anything like that would happen. That moment was treasured.

She made her walk to Racheal's room, expecting her to know when they would be leaving exactly. She was ready, or at least she tried to convince herself that she was.

As she stood by the door, waiting for Racheal to answer it, thoughts wondered into her head.

Why couldn't Jason be a nice guy? Well, yes, he could be when he wanted to. He was just overly possessive of Misty. Jason probably never had anything to cling on to as a child. Not a parent, not a sibling, not a friend.. That might explain why he had the need to own Misty. She was the first thing to catch his eye for a long time.. He wasn't about to let that go.

'This better not be a long day,' Misty groaned at the thought. She was done with her tears. She was ready to move on, no matter what it took. The crying was getting to her. It was beginning to sicken her in more ways then she could describe.

"I just want to get the hell out of here," Misty yelled through the door, trying to get to Racheal.

"Right. Just give me a minute." Racheal's voice still sounded groggy, even though it was muffled through the door.

"Don't tell me you're banging Brock. Please, Racheal." Misty sighed, leaning against the door right at the second that it opened, almost causing her to loose her balance.

"Good morning, sunshine." The sarcasm was almost impossible to miss in Racheal's voice.

"You ready to go?" Misty asked anxiously.

"I'm definitely more ready then you are, my friend," Racheal muttered, half-asleep, while picking up her fairly large bags off of the floor.

And so they began their search for Brock, Pikachu, and Ash.


"What exactly are you going to do?" Brock gave him a confused glance before throwing more shirts carelessly into his duffle bag.

"I'm going to get the picture painted again. I assume Jason had SOMETHING to do with messing up the first one. God, you know how much she loved it?" Ash responded while recklessly throwing his items into his duffle bag.

"You're not going to find that same artist in 24 hours. Why don't you just buy a copy of it for her?"

Ash sighed in frustration before continuing, "Women are more complicated then that, my friend. They need you to go through hell and back before they forgive you. By the way, we need to stop by one of those women's fancy dress places."

Brock stopped dead in his movement at Ash's reply.

"Okay. First, since when do you of all people know everything about women and.. are you about to go transsexual?"

Ash looked up at him as if lobsters were crawling out of his ears.

"Brock. Listen. I'm going to buy Misty the exact same dress that was in the painting. We are going to basically make the painting come alive, if you want to get spiritual with me here." Ash resumed in packing up a few final things that he needed for the rest of his trip.

"You think everything is possible, man. You're like a brother to me, but be realistic. I saw that painting and that dress is quite beautiful and rare," Brock replied, putting an emphasis on the word "rare" before continuing, "I mean, the dress was just painted on her. It doesn't mean that it exists."

"I'll find it. If not, I'll friggin make it. I'll get everything I need before the trip's over, and I'm going to make everything ten times better then the painting." No one could miss the determination in Ash's voice as he zippered up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"I'll be here to help, buddy." Brock slung his bag over his shoulder as well, walking into the bathroom to check to see if he may have forgotten anything.

"We've been friends for a very long time, Brock, but this is something I've got to do entirely on my own. No help from you, Racheal, Pikachu, or anyone else. This is going to be coming from specifically me to her, so maybe she could finally understand how much I need her," Ash said as they left the room, not minding at all if Misty just heard him.

"I understand." This was all Brock managed to say, while he was in somewhat of a shock at how determined and passionate Ash was about this.

Only time would tell if his plan was to succeed.

"I'm going to go check us out of the hotel. Meet me downstairs in the lobby when everyone is ready to go." Ash yelled as he was making his way out of the door.

Brock nodded in response. Ash didn't hear any response from Brock, so he simply assumed that Brock would figure out what he was doing on his own if it had come to that.

Brock himself was a bit surprised at the way Ash just confessed his entire plan to him. He wouldn't even know about Ash's previously aborted plan if it wasn't for Racheal. It was weird that Ash was this open about it. Maybe that was a sign that the plan was made to work.

Brock knocked on the room that was supposed to contain Misty and Racheal, yet no one answered. He figured that they were already at the lobby, ready and waiting to go. He made his way down the stairs, nearly tripping due to the fact that he was so tired, but he survived. Hell, it was 8:30 in the morning.

Brock began to remember an earlier conversation that he had with Racheal about finding true love as they tried to make the collage of "Ash and Misty Moments." After seeing everything that's happened between Misty and Ash, and Ash's extremely strong will to get her back, yes, Brock was sure that now he could easily walk up to Racheal and say, "Hey, I know what love is. Look at Ash and Misty. There it is. Love." As corny as it was, it was true. Brock was proud of his little discovery, which he secretly knew all along but failed to acknowledge until now.

He corrected himself as he thought, 'Well, right now there isn't necessarily love, but, hey, as soon as he gets her back, there will be. I hope.'

He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard voices discussing things. No, the voices didn't seem to be in a tone where it was considered arguing. They were discussing. In addition, he wasn't just imagining things. The voices seemed familiar. The semi-awake high feminine tone was Misty. The manlier, deeper, and groggier voice was Ash. The third, which he figured would be Racheal's voice, was anything but that. The clue that gave it away was that the voice belonged to a young man.

In fact, it reminded him of Jason's voice. Brock did indeed have to suffer through Jason's idea of singing at the concert. It was funny how much this voice resembled Jason's.

"That's just great," Brock couldn't help to say out loud as many possibilities entered his mind.


Author's note: Oh sweet Moses. Did I get worse at writing or did I improve? Criticism is fun. Go for it. I highly encourage complete honesty about this. Sorry about it being kind of depressing. Ohh sorry about the shortness of it too. I'm horrible at this lmao. Thanks for reading, and pleeaasee let me know what you thought! ^^;